  • 件许可,则应派队向西发展,截断京杭公路,如敌进攻,则求得在野战中逐步地予以歼灭,如力量不足,则继续巩固阵地,以待第七、第九兵团赶到时协同歼灭之。
    If conditions permit, troops should be dispatched to march westward and cut off the Nanjing-Hangzhou Highway. If attacked, they should try to wipe out the enemy group by group through field operations. If outnumbered, they should continue strengthening their positions until the Seventh and Ninth Armies arrive and join them to wipe out the enemy.
  • 第二建议不像第一那样无礼,所以得到了同意。
    The second proposal was so much less outrageous than the first that if met with something like approval.
  • 件地拥有这些财产
    Owns the property outright.
  • 才能使我们有力量去扩大红军,把我们的战线开展到几千里路的地方去,使我们的红军毫无顾虑地在将来顺利的件下去打南昌,打九江,使我们的红军减少自己找给养的这一部分工作,专心一意去打敌人;
    Only thus can we acquire the resources to enlarge the Red Army and push our front outwards to points thousands of li away, so that when the circumstances prove favourable, the Red Army will be able to attack Nanchang and Kiukiang free from all anxiety and, thus relieved of much of the task of provisioning itself, give its undivided attention to fighting;
  • 消息可被理解为英国政府已同意利用所谓的弗兰肯斯泰因技术,相信其益处胜于伦理方面的忧虑。
    It is understood that the Government has already agreed to the use of the so- called Frankenstein2 technology,believing the benefits outweigh ethical concerns.
  • 中等大小的椭圆形南瓜,瓜肉形似意大利细面
    medium-sized oval squash with flesh in the form of spaghetti-like strings.
  • 街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。
    The street is overarched by ginkgoes.
  • 在一九五七年以后讲过一些过头话,但在六十年代初期,他还是支持科学十四、高等学校六十这些的。
    After 1957 he went overboard in some of his remarks, but in the early sixties he endorsed such documents as the "Fourteen Articles on Scientific Work" and the "Sixty Articles on Work in Institutions of Higher Learning".
  • 他们提出了10多反对的理由,但是威廉把他们全都驳倒了。他处于绝境时最能争斗。
    They made more that ten objections but William overcame them all; he always fights best when his back's to the wall.
  • 一种由硬件检测到的非正常状态。例如:企图执行一特权指令和诸如上溢出、下溢出与除0等的算术运算陷井。
    An abnormal condition detected by the hardware. Examples are: attempts to execute a privileged instruction and arithmetic traps such as overflow, underflow, and divide by zero.
  • 1986年里根成功地进行了税收法典的改革,扫除了许多克扣制度——免除了数百万低收人者的税赋,在他任职末期,是美国历史上持续时间最长的、没有经济衰退和经济萧的和平时期。
    In l986 Reagan obtained an overhaul of the income tax code, which eliminated many deductions and exempted millions of people with low incomes. At the end of his administration, the Nation was enjoying its longest recorded period of peacetime prosperity without recession or depression.
  • 因此,当局决定先推行临时措施,以缩短现时制备法定规划图则的程序──这项建议在咨询期间得到市民的广泛支持,其他修订和与全面修订法例有关的各个问题则待进一步研究。立法机关其后于一九九八年三月通过《1998年城市规划(修订)例》,将考虑对法定规划图则的反对意见的期限,定为九个月。修订例于同年四月实施。
    The administration therefore decided to introduce interim measures, pending further study on the various issues relating to the comprehensive overhaul of the Ordinance, to shorten the existing statutory plan-making process. This proposed change received widespread support during the consultation. The Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance 1998 which imposed a statutory nine-month period within which objections to the statutory plans should be considered was subsequently introduced into the legislature in March 1998 and came into operation in April 1998. The administration is continuing to review the rest of the Ordinance and aims at introducing a comprehensive bill.
  • 用水平的带儿做的窗帘,关上的时候重叠起来。
    a window blind made of horizontal strips that overlap when closed.
  • 如果匹配到的记录数量过多(这将由每个操作入口站点来独自决断),或者返回的记录将超过由maxrows属性限定的目数,操作入口站点将对返回值执行截断操作。
    In the event of an overly large number of matches (as determined by each Operator Site), or if the number of matches exceeds the value of the maxRows attribute, the Operator site will truncate the result set..
  • 大雨一夜之间冲毁了三重要的道路。
    Heavy rain washed out three important roads overnight.
  • 在短时间内横渡一
    overpass a river in a short time
  • 消息必定会使他心神不安。
    The news is sure to overset him.
  • 她身材颀长苗稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。
    Tall and slender almost to a fault, she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore.
  • 你可很轻易地跨过那小河。
    You can easily overstride that stream.
  • 路太窄了,不能超车。
    The road is too narrow to overtake.
  • 这些调用形成了api提供的搜索功能,同时与那些能够检索注册信息并返回符合件的目概要信息的调用的返回消息类型一起,提供了完整的浏览模式的功能。
    These calls form the search capabilities provided by the API and are matched with summary return messages that return overview information about the registered information that is associated with the inquiry message type and the search criteria specified in the inquiry.
  • 那条船被大浪淹没。
    The boat was overwhelmed by a great wave.
  • 按需分配,没有极大丰富的物质件是不可能的。
    It is impossible to apply that principle without overwhelming material wealth.
  • 千万不要把手表(发)上得太紧。
    Don't ever overwind your watch.
  • 他往往把手表发卷得太紧。
    He tends to overwind his watch.
  • 把表上的发卷得过紧而使之断裂
    Overwound the watch and broke the spring.
  • 第二 中华人民共和国实行土地的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。
    Article 2 The People's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives, of land.
  • 你本来可以告诫我们那牛是凶猛的。
    You originally could tell us that ox is rather violent.
  • 牛踩出了一到河边去的小路。
    The ox has stepped out one path of going to the side in river.
  • 牛津和瑞丁间有一铁路相连。
    A railway connects Oxford with Reading.
  • 对一个臭氧空洞的形成来说,必须存在适当的气象件。
    For an ozone hole to form, proper weather conditions must also exist.
  • 其他类似的科学技术机构也根据与臭氧层有关的国际约开展业务。
    Similar scientific and technical bodies also operate under international treaties dealing with the ozone layer.