  • 在服务小区地区邻接图中这些邻居定义为可以被看作是越区切换侯选的小区基站。
    Neighbors are defined as cell sites in the serving cells geographic vicinity that may be considered as handoff candidates.
  • 教授要做关于地理特征的讲座。
    The professor will give a lecture of geographical features.
  • 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。
    A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus.
  • 俄罗斯是一个地域广阔的国家,人民受教育情况良好,最终东山再起。
    Russia is a huge geographical country, with well educated people, and will eventually recover.
  • (地)均变说一种理论,可以所有地质现象解释为从地球起源到现在已均匀作用的现存力的结果
    The theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time.
  • 尽管在过去地质时期地磁场发生了多次倒转,但要预测下次倒转在何时发生也还是不可能的。
    Although magnetic reversals have occurred many times in the geologic past, it is not yet possible to predict when the next reversal will occur.
  • 地质工作者在这里勘探石油。
    Geological workers will be prospecting for oil here.
  • 他们的发现发表在《科学》杂志上,在美国地球物理学协会会议l,他们也通过一个大型的记者招待会他们的发现作了汇报。他们的发现使很多研究人员措手不及。
    Their finding, which was published in the Science and reported at a major press conference at the American Geophysical Union, caught many researchers off guard.
  • 这个人根据看到的地热现象,此地命名为雷克雅未克(冒热气的海湾)。今天全城的居家取暖和室外游泳池的供热均来自地热,这种无污染的能源为雷克雅未克带来了极其清新、洁净和透明的空气。
    He named the place Reykjavík (steamy Bay) after the geothermal steam he saw, which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city, a pollution-free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.
  • 这井不是说这一突破不需要历时数十载,而是说一旦完成这一突破——一旦你发现如何成体细胞的基因图转化成卵细胞的基因图,并在妊娠过程中使脆弱的胚胎成活——大部分的基础生物工作就已经完成。
    It's not that the breakthrough wasn't decades in the making. It's just that once it was complete -- once you figured out how to transfer the genetic schematics from an adult cell into a living ovum and keep the fragile embryo alive throughout gestation -- most of your basic biological work was finished.
  • 花送给她以求好感。
    He sent her flowers as a propitiatory gesture.
  • 这种对“急欲取悦别人”的否定心态来找工作可就难了,它不可能给老板留下好印象,因为他要的是富有事业心的人。
    This sort of eager-to-please passivity is not likely to impress a future boss looking for a go-getter.
  • (某人[某事物])置於隔离的有限范围内。
    His face was a ghastly white.
  • williamgibson在他的科幻小说《neuromancer》中描述了一个计算机控制空间cyberspace,一个人只要自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。一套全新的电子刺激代替人在真实世界的各种感觉。这个cyberspace被认为是未来虚拟现实的目标。
    In the science fiction "Neuromancer", William Gibson describes a space,Cyberspace, controlled by a computer. Once his brain was linked with the computer,a man would undergo all experiences in the space. His various senses in the realistic world would be replaced with a series of new electric stimuli. The Cyberspace is regarded as a goal of future virtual reality.
  • 智能千兆位以太网适配器评估网上活动,以确定在何时利用何种方法。
    Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet adapters will evaluate net activity to determine which method to use at which time.
  • 答案是肯定的,千兆位以太网是人们最熟悉的高速网络技术,这正是一个主要的吸引人之处。
    Certainly, Gigabit Ethernet will be the most familiar high-speed technology, and that's one of its major appeals.
  • 千兆位以太网已是城域网的一种可选技术,但它能否城域网中的成功变成广域网中的成功,仍未有定论。
    Gigabit Ethernet is already a player in MANs, but whether it can parlay success in that area into success in the WAN is still to be determined.
  • 这里让我们来看一看到1997年中市场上出现的千兆位以太网产品的类型以及用户应选择哪类产品进行评估。
    Here's a look at the types of Gigabit Ethernet products that will appear in the market by mid-1997 and what users should look for in evaluating these products.
  • 但当它们与最大达100兆位/秒的快速以太网或fddi连接、甚至通过155兆位/秒的atm连接时,服务器的网卡必阻塞千兆位的i/o吞吐量,以适合速度更慢的网络传输介质。
    But when they connect to the network through Fast Ethernet or FDDI connections that max out at 100M bit/sec, or even through 155M bit/sec ATM links, the server's network interface card (NIC) must throttle the gigabit I/O throughput to adapt to the slower network media.
  • 我们把你的简历存入档案
    We will keep your r閟um on file.
  • 军被授予最高权力。
    The general was girded with the supreme power.
  • 女孩子们在游泳之前衣服脱掉。,
    The girls peeled off before swimming.
  • 假如天气好,我们的船于星期一晚上到达上海。
    Given good weather, our ship will reach Shanghai Monday evening.
  • 他愿所有这一切换得娜蒂契达的只言片语。
    He would have gladly exchanged it all for a single word from Nadyezhda.
  • 对1000名美国人的调查发现,一半的人乐于用可以赚钱的一天去多换一天自由的时间。
    A study of 1,000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time.
  • 球击偏斜飞至击球员左後方场地
    Glance the ball down to fine leg
  • 他眼看著他们行失败,快乐得直搓手。
    He rubbed his hand with glee at the prospect of their defeat.
  • 各项仪式即在九点十五分本公司的合唱团合唱一首歌时揭开。
    The ceremonies will begin at a quarter past nine with a song by our Glee Club.
  • 新加坡动物园的野生蛇从33英尺高的塔上飞到地面的录像和照片显示,它先悬挂在枝条上,并身体弯成j字形,然后用力加速弹入空中,同时身体铺平至正常宽度的近两倍。
    Videotapes and photographs of wild-caught snakes gliding from a 33-foot-high tower to the ground at the Singapore Zoological Gardens reveal that the animal first dangles from a branch and loops its body into the shape of a J. It then launches itself into the air by accelerating up and away from the branch, and flattens its body to nearly twice its normal width.
  • 在那里我享受宁静,因为宁静的细流,从清晨的薄雾滴落,直滴到促织歌吟处;那里看得到朦胧的夜半,火红的中午,和黄昏时梅雀的飞舞.--《湖心岛茵尼斯菲》-叶芝
    I shall have some peace there,for peace come dropping slow,dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;there midnight's all a-glimmer,and noon a purple glow,and evening full of the linnet's wings.《The Lake Isle of Innisfree》-叶芝
  • 在进一步介绍了知识经济新时代另一个“全球化”的特点以后,笔者试对其潜在的危机加以探讨。
    The writer will elaborate on this danger after expounding the other characteristic of the era of the knowledge-based economy globalization.
  • 随着贸易、资金和资讯的流通日趋全球化,各国和各个地区之间的竞争会更为激烈。
    With the ever increasing globalization in trade flow, funds flow and information flow, competition across countries and regions will intensify.