  • 他認為那衹是在小範圍作的不充分的市場調查。
    He feels that insufficient market was done and only in a limited area.
  • 存在的主要問題是,國需求不足和經濟結構調整滯後。
    The existing problem is the insufficient domestic demand and the lag of economic structural adjustment.
  • 硅氧烷的一個大類,通常在一個大的溫度範圍保持穩定,用於潤滑劑、粘合劑、塗料、合成橡膠和電源絶緣。
    any of a large class of siloxanes that are unusually stable over a wide range of temperatures; used in lubricants and adhesives and coatings and synthetic rubber and electrical insulation.
  • 扣除條款保險單的條款之一,免除保險人對被保險戶承受的損失賠償最初的規定的金額
    A clause in an insurance policy that exempts the insurer from paying an initial specified amount in the event that the insured sustains a loss.
  • 如貴黨三中全會果能毅然决然確定此國策,則本黨為着表示團结禦侮之誠意,願給貴黨三中全會以如下之保證:(一)在全國範圍停止推翻國民政府之武裝暴動方針;
    If the Third Plenary Session of your Central Executive Committee can succeed in resolutely and firmly deciding on this as the national policy, our Party will pledge the following as an expression of our good faith in solidarity against foreign aggression: (1) the policy of armed insurrection to overthrow the National Government will be discontinued throughout the country;
  • 作品完成兩年,未經單位同意,作者不得許可第三人以與單位使用的相同方式使用該作品。
    During the two years after the completion of the work, the author may not, without the consent of the legal person or entity without legal personality, authorize a third party to exploit the work int the same way as the legal person or entity without legal personality does.
  • 基本的組合成一個整體的核的;基礎的
    Constituting an integral part of a whole; fundamental.
  • 在有限間隔的函數積分。
    the integral of a function over a definite interval.
  • 一九九七年九月,教育署推行校本支援計劃,發放整筆津貼給錄取地新來港兒童的公營學校。
    A school-based support scheme was introduced in September 1997 to help these children integrate into the local education system.
  • 增加必要的進口,改善貿易平衡,把進口與國産業調整和升級、技術引進結合起來。
    We should also increase necessary imports, improve the trade balance and integrate importing with the adjustment and upgrading of domestic industries and technology imports.
  • 微電子電路中的支承材料,在其上或其製作集成電路,或者將集成電路附着在這些支承材料上。同base。
    In a microcircuit, the supporting material upon which or with in which an integrated circuit is fabricated, or to which an integrated circuit is attached.
  • 每項研究都包括了環境影響評估,以確定主要的問題和解决辦法,以便將環境事宜納入更詳細的土地用途規劃
    An environmental impact assessment, included in each of these further studies, will identify major issues and solutions, thereby integrating environmental matters into more detailed land use plans.
  • 容上,交易會是集高新技術成果交易、技術引進和技術出口、科技研討與信息交流於一體的綜合性交易會。
    So far as its content is concerned, the Fair will be a comprehensive one, integrating transactions of hi-tech achievements, technology import and export, scientific and technological explorations and information exchanges.
  • xml能幫助用戶實現動態容生成、企業集成和應用開發。
    XML can help users with dynamic content generation, enterprise integration and application development.
  • 提高場館智能化水平,統一規劃場館的綜合布綫係統,建設場館綜合監視係統,對場館關鍵設施進行集中、可視化的協同監管。
    Improve intellectualized levels of stadiums and gymnasiums, make an overall planning of comprehensive line-fixing systems in stadiums and gymnasiums and build comprehensive monitoring system in these places so as to impose concentrated and visualized coordinated control and supervision over key facilities in them.
  • 它包含了搜索引擎和對成千上萬頁基於特網信息的大量智能化分類及分級的列表。
    It includes a search engine and lots of intelligently categorized and classified listings of thousands of pages of intranet-based information.
  • 不久的時間,全省當有幾萬所學校在鄉村中涌出來,不若知識階級和所謂“教育傢”者流,空喚“普及教育”,喚來喚去還是一句廢話。
    Before long tens of thousands of schools will have sprung up in the villages throughout the province;this is quite different from the empty talk about "universal education", which the intelligentsia and the so-called "educationalists" have been bandying back and forth and which after all this time remains an empty phrase.
  • 通信係統藉助語音來傳遞信息的能力的一種度量。可懂度表示為通過該係統可準確接收簡單概念(即信息容)的百分比。
    A measure of the ability of a communication system to convey information by means of speech. Intelligibility is expressed as the percentage of simple ideas correctly received over the system.
  • 中國政府在采取何種方式處理本國部事務的問題上,並無義務對任何外國或圖謀分裂中國者作出承諾。
    The Chinese Government is under no obligation to undertake any commitment to any foreign power or people intending to split China as to what means it might use to handle its own domestic affairs.
  • 蕁麻疹一種由於對體或外界媒介物的反應、感染或神經緊張而引起的皮膚病,癥狀為有極搔癢的條痕
    A skin condition characterized by intensely itching welts and caused by an allergic reaction to internal or external agents, an infection, or a nervous condition.
  • ,規劃署曾參與多項大型發展計劃,較為矚目的計有青洲和東南九竜填海計劃、東涌及大蚝餘下的發展計劃、港口後勤用地需求,以及將軍澳新市鎮增加發展密度及擴展。
    During the year, the Planning Department worked on several major development proposals, including the Green Island Development and South-East Kowloon reclamations, the remaining development in Tung Chung and Tai Ho, the port back-up and land requirements and intensification and extension of Tseung Kwan O New Town.
  • ,規劃署亦參與多項大型發展計劃,較為矚目的有西區發展計劃、東南九竜發展計劃、中區填海計劃第三期、灣仔發展計劃第二期、東涌及大蚝餘下的發展計劃、將軍澳新市鎮增加發展密度及擴展計劃,以及大嶼山北岸發展可行性研究。
    During the year, the Planning Department also worked on several major development proposals, notably Western District development; South-East Kowloon development; the Central District Reclamation Phase III; Wan Chai Development Phase II; remaining development in Tung Chung and Tai Ho; Intensification and Extension of Tseung Kwan O New Town, and Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study.
  • 四、嚴格集團部管理,防止管理失控。
    and fourth, we should intensify each enterprise group's internal management and prevent the loss of control over management.
  • 六進社區活動要和奧運會文化環境建設相結合,豐富"人文奧運"的涵和實踐,促進體育文化的發展。
    The development of such projects should be combined with the creation of the cultural environments for the Olympic Games in 2008 to enrich the intension and practice of the "People's Olympics" and promote the development of the sports culture.
  • 體育活動的形式要不斷創新,註重體育文化涵,註重推廣和宣傳,有重點地在國外舉辦有影響力的大型體育文化和體育學術交流活動。
    Attach more importance to the intension of sports culture and to the spread of and publicity to the sports culture. Give priority to the organization of large and influential sports culture and sports academic exchange activities at home and abroad.
  • 緊緊抓住發展機遇期,以建設惠及全體市民更高水平的小康社會的體育事業為標準,塑造首都改革開放新形象,豐富首都文化中心涵,形成首都經濟新的增長點。
    Make the best use of the development opportunity period to develop sports for the benefit of all citizens of a well-off society at a still higher level, create the capital’s new image of reform and opening, enrich the intension of the capital’s cultural centre to add a new growth point to the city’s economy.
  • 分階段實施《北京奧運行動規劃文化環境建設專項規劃》,把"人文奧運"理念化為實踐,促進東西方體育文化的交流與融合,豐富奧林匹剋精神的涵,推動北京體育文化的發展,促進市民思想道德素質和科學文化素質的提高。
    Implement the "Special Plan for Development of the Cultural Environments under the Olympic Action Programme for Beijing Sports" by stages, and put the idea of "People's Olympics" into practice to promote the exchange and integration of the sports cultures between the East and the West, enrich the intension of the Olympic spirit, promote the development of the sports culture in Beijing, and promote the improvement of the ideological and ethnical qualities and scientific and cultural qualities of the citizens.
  • ,建造工程及裝修工程進入頂峰期。
    Construction and fit-out work entered its most intensive phase during the year.
  • 充分應用現代科學技術的最新研究成果,特別是生物、信息、材料等領域的最新成果。
    China will intensively apply latest developments of modern science and technology, particularly those new achievements in biology, information and materials.
  • 他一心想要在一個小時離開;他一心想為人所認可
    Was intent on leaving within the hour; are intent upon being recognized.
  • 意嚮書正在實質性容方面進行修改。
    The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification.
  • 它也被用來從部確保保密的信息不會被偶然或有意地傳送到該組織的外部。
    It also can be used internally to make sure confidential information is not accidentally or intentionally sent outside of the organization.