  • 我不借给她钱,她顿时勃大怒.
    She flew into a fury when I wouldn't lend her any money.
  • 徒劳,空想无用的或徒的劳动或想法
    Futile or idle labor or thought.
  • 我虽习惯公开演讲,但我却知道那是枉费心机的。
    Accustom as I am to public speaking, I know the futility of it.
  • 尽管在那儿干了30多年,她与职工之间依直来直去,有时也刺儿你一下,我就喜欢她的那种性格。
    She'd been there 30 years but was still a gadfly.I loved that.
  • 因为喝酒太多,他突吐了。
    He suddenly gagged because he drank too much wine.
  • 滞重的步态;索无味的幽默
    A heavy gait; heavy humor.
  • 他居有脸要求赔偿。
    He had the gall to sue for damages.
  • 他对我如此无礼,竟还敢说他是我的朋友。
    He had the gall to say he was my friend after being so rude to me.
  • 地挽救他朋友的声誉
    Made a gallant attempt to save his friend's reputation.
  • 黑暗中的强盗却是大白天的城市商人。他若是被他以“老大”的身份抢劫的同行认了出来,遭到挑战,便潇洒地射穿对方的脑袋,后扬长而去。
    the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light, and, being recognised and challenged by his fellow-tradesman whom he stopped in his character of `the Captain, 'gallantly shot him through the head and rode away;
  • 所有的马突飞奔起来。
    All the horses broke into a gallop.
  • 马突然奔跑起来。
    The horse struck into a gallop.
  • 那匹马突飞跑起来。
    The horse suddenly struck a gallop.
  • 先导马开始飞跑起来。
    Suddenly the leaders broke into a gallop.
  • 那匹马开始狂奔。那个孩子突放声大哭
    The horse broke into a wild gallop. The child broke into a flood of tears.
  • 我能看到那匹马朝我奔驰而来,但我吓呆了,竟一动不动地站在那里。
    I could see the horse galloping towards me but I was so frightened I just stood there rooted to the spot.
  • 官方说,涉嫌曾设计暗杀前总理甘地的斯里兰卡泰米尔人,被警方追捕三个月,由于主犯及6名共犯在警方包围他们在南部城市班加罗尔的藏匿名处所时自杀,追捕行动突停止。
    A three-month police hunt to capture the Sri Lankan Tamils who are believed to have planned the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ended abruptly when the chief suspect and six confederates committed suicide as the police closed in on their hideout in the southern city of Bangalore, officials said.
  • 你们这帮家伙应该感到无耻,竟结伙欺侮一个孤立无援的孩子。
    You boys should be ashamed of yourselves, ganging up on one helpless child.
  • 做一个第三代意裔美国人,我有理由为我的传统自豪。最令人气忿的是人人都对我们任意乱加批评。我同别人一样喜欢看帮派电影。我不否认有意大利黑手党存在(虽帮派当并不限于我们)。可是大多数意大利人是受人尊敬,守法的公民,为什么他们一定得为少数人的罪行付出代价呢?
    As a third-generation Italian-American, I am justifiable proud of m y heritage—and outraged at the potshots that everyone feels free to take at us. I enjoy gangster films as much as anyone else, and I don't deny there is an Italian Mafia (although gangsterism is certainly not exclusive to us). But the majority of Italians are respectable, law-abiding citizens; why should they have to pay for the sins of a relative few?
  • 加里突患了一种热病,不幸死亡。
    An attack of fever carried Gary off.
  • 母亲看到新地毯被弄得又乱又脏时勃大怒。
    When mother saw the mess on the new carpet she blew a gasket.
  • 我可以在水底下屏住呼吸游大约五十米,后上来猛吸气。
    I can swim under the water for about 50 meters holding my breath. Then I come up gasping for air. But it's great breath. Then I come up gasping for air.
  • 当女侍者给她们拿来水时,安?玛丽突听到身后有急促的喘息声。
    As the waitress set down their water,Ann-Marie heard a gasping sound behind her.
  • 截平的象鹅掌揪树叶或去尖的螺蛳壳等一样突切截的
    Appearing to terminate abruptly, as a leaf of a tulip tree or a coiled gastropod shell that lacks a spire.
  • 后网关和客户端执行标准的wtls握手,既对通信进行加密同时向听筒认证网关,反之亦
    The gateway and the client then perform a standard WTLS handshake that both encrypts the communication and authenticates the gateway to the handset and vice versa.
  • 事实上,没有什麽地方比香港更适合作为进入中国的自闸口。
    Where indeed, but right here in Hong Kong, the natural gateway to China.
  • 该网关向oracle9iaswireless开启一个http会话并与其进行一个标准的ssl握手——这样就向oracle9iaswireless服务器认证网关,反之亦
    ? The Gateway opens a HTTP session to the Oracle9iAS Wireless and conducts a standard SSL handshake with it - this authenticates the Gateway to the Oracle9iAS Wireless server and vice versa.
  • 香港既为通往中国和亚太区的天门户,当是最佳的地点。
    Where else but Hong Kong, the natural gateway to China and the Asia Pacific Region.
  • 的敌意;公众智慧的结晶
    Overt hostility; overt intelligence gathering.
  • 天然气集气和处理
    gathering and treatment of natural gas
  • 政府取消了对加薪的官方限制,这就是为骤而来的要求增加工资的潮水打开了闸门。
    The removal of the government's official limits on pay increases has opened the flood gates for a rush of demands for higher wages.
  • 一个诗人在这种兴高采烈的同伴中自地会快乐。
    A poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company.