  • 阿塔兰忒一女猎手,她答应嫁给任何在竞走中能战胜她的男人。她被希波墨涅斯超过,他在竞走时扔了三只金苹果引诱阿塔兰忒停下来去捡而取胜
    A maiden hunter who agreed to marry any man who could defeat her in a footrace. She was outrun by Hippomenes, who won by dropping along the course three golden apples, which she paused to pick up.
  • 每年,超过6000来自儿童和青年中心、伤残人士院舍、外展队和学校的青少年参加训练计划,并获益良多。
    Each year, more than 6 000 young people from child and youth centres, institutions for the handicapped, outreach teams and schools benefit from the training programmes offered.
  • 他是有福的,因为他的望并没有比他的真实更光亮。
    Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.
  • 在公众心目中,她的丈夫的声比她大得多。因此,在守寡以后,她根本不相信人们会为了她的缘故来探望她。
    She was so outshone publicly by her husband that, as his widow, she could scarcely credit that people might want to come and visit her for her own sake.
  • 美国总统当选人小布什在提三位高阶内阁成员后,首度以总统当选人身份动身前往华盛顿。
    Having begun to assemble his Cabinet, President-elect George W. Bush is heading for the nation's capital as he sheds his campaign role as Washington outsider.
  • 那时他看起来象一优秀的运动员。
    Then he seems like an outstanding sportsman.
  • 我们认为他是一优秀的运动员。
    We think he is an outstanding sportsman.
  • 他是一最优秀的学生。
    He is of a the most outstanding student.
  • 她将成长为一优秀的妇女。
    She will grow up as an outstanding woman.
  • 那时我们认为他是一优秀的运动员。
    Then we think he is an outstanding sportsman.
  • 我们认为他曾经是一优秀的运动员。
    We think he was once an outstanding sportsman.
  • 职业生涯突出业绩:曾经是一位德裔会计师,佩佛在1983年加盟康柏公司以前在德州仪器效力了20年,他因康柏公司在欧洲的业绩颇佳以至于在1990年超过美国地区的销售额而声大振。
    Resume highlights: A German native who was trained as an accountant, Pfeiffer spent 20 years at Texas Instruments before joining Compaq in 1983; he made his name by launching Compaq's successful European division, which outstripped U.S. sales in 1990.
  • 他们讲得我们莫其妙。
    They talked over our heads.
  • 我反复低声呼唤他的字。
    Over and over I whispered his name.
  • 有一次笔者回家时经过组屋底层,就听到一热心的邻居对另一人说:“你要买车啊,那个住11楼的林先生就是卖二手车的,我带你去找他。”
    Once I overheard one fellow resident giving a tip to another: "You're buying a used car? Well, Mr Lim on the 11th floor is an agent. I'll introduce you to him."
  • 她的第一部小说一问世,便使她一举成
    She won her overnight fame by her first novel.
  • 他在一夜之间膊成
    He became famous overnight.
  • 这年轻人几乎是一夜间扬四海的。
    This young man rose to international fame almost overnight.
  • 由于疏忽,宾客单上漏掉了她的字。
    Through an oversight her name was missed out from the list of guests.
  • 由于疏忽,宾客单上漏了他的字。
    Through an oversight his name was missed out from the list of guests.
  • 在检讨志愿队员的架构后,医疗辅助队于二零零一年九月精简编制。重组后的新编制包括4418志愿队员。
    Following a review of the volunteer organisation of the AMS, a simplified and streamlined structure with an establishment of 4 418 volunteer members, was instituted in September.
  • 由於一种莫的精神错乱, 他把自己的字忘了.
    Owing to a strange mental aberration he forgot his own name.
  • 土霉毒氧四环素的商标
    A trademark used for oxytetracycline.
  • 由此,7月25日又产生了一个称——牡蛎节。
    This gave rise to another name for the 25th --Oyster Day.
  • 画《形象的背叛》见的是一支烟斗,烟斗下画写着这样一行字:“这不是一支烟斗”。
    The latter is the famous painting of a pipe under which is written the words, Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
  • 1978——1992年,有572杰出的女性获全国劳动模范光荣称号,有20152优秀女性获全国“三八”红旗手光荣称号。
    In the 1978-92 period, 572 outstanding females were cited as national model workers, and 20,152 others were given the title of "March 8 (International Women's Day) Red-Banner Pacesetters".
  • 在西藏地区成立了地方军政机构,为“宣慰使司都元帅府”,隶属于宣政院。
    In the Tibetan region, local military and administrative organs were set up under the name of the High Pacification Commissioner's Office, which was under the Xuanzheng Yuan.
  • 在瑞典一家为“生态洁净”的公司开发了一种新型包装材料。
    A fledgiling firm, EcoLean, in Sweden, that has developed a new packaging material.
  • 如果你是一学生并且不住在家里的话,你就只得自力更生了。
    You have to paddle your own canoe when you are a student and living away from home.
  • 索引按字母顺序排列的人、地和印刷品内容称,并在每个后面注上页码
    An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned.
  • 医院里的扩音系统用来呼叫人
    the public address system in the hospital was used for paging.
  • 年底时,共有31个持牌营办商向100万客户(大约每6人便有一人)提供公共无线电传呼服务。
    At the end of 1997, 31 licensees provided public radio paging services to one million customers (or about one in six of the population).