  • 消防队在接到报警后几钟内就赶到了现场。
    The fire brigade were on the scene within minutes of being called.
  • 我们用小股兵力牵制了敌人那个旅的其他部
    We tied down the rest of the enemy brigade with small forces.
  • 某些部有不同的而且通常是明亮的颜色。
    having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly.
  • 半翅目长虫;颜色鲜艳并能泌色素。
    a true bug: brightly colored bug that can exude a stain.
  • 增强部或全部显示图象的亮度等级。
    To increase the level of brightness of all or part of a display image.
  • 多家公司已在销售台式机用的14英寸薄板式有源矩阵液晶显示器(amlcd),它们在辨率、色彩、亮度和图像质量上向crt提出了挑战。
    Vendors are already selling 14-inch desktop, thin-panel AMLCDs that rival CRTs in resolution, color, brightness and picture quality.
  • 从布赖顿到伦敦的旅程需要五十五钟。
    The journey from Brighton to London takes55 minutes.
  • 伦敦到布赖顿的火车行程为五十五钟。
    It's a55-minute run from London to Brighton.
  • 简和琼现在在布赖顿,正玩得十痛快。
    Jane and Joan are at Brighton, having a thoroughly good time.
  • 每年中有一部时间女王住在布赖顿。
    For part of the year, the Queen takes up residence at Brighton.
  • 星就其光度而,可为一等星、六等星等等。
    Stars are classified by brilliance as of the first, sixth, etc. magnitude.
  • 博德获41后,博瑟姆一个漂亮球把他杀出局了。
    Border was (brilliantly) run out by Botham for 41.
  • 杰瑞一个人留在了黑暗里的雾中。此刻他下了马,让他那疲惫不堪的马轻松轻松,也擦擦自己脸上的泥水,再把帽檐上的水甩掉--帽檐里可能装上了半加仑水。
    Jerry, left alone in the mist and darkness, dismounted meanwhile, not only to ease his spent horse, but to wipe the mud from his face, and shake the wet out of his hat-brim, which might be capable of holding about half a gallon.
  • 硫磺是炸药的一种组成成
    Brimstone is a component part of explosive.
  • 而十钟的快速行走能增加足以持续一个多小时的能量。
    A ten-minute brisk walk, on the other hand, increases energy for an hour or more.
  • 最近一次恐怖子攻击後,街道上武装警卫遍布。
    The street bristle with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack.
  • 一种落叶灌木状小树,生长缓慢,布于美国东南部干旱沙质芜原上,叶有刚毛状尖端裂片,像火鸡趾。
    small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes.
  • 不过,这座现代式样的宫殿,屋顶又尖又高,显得很离奇,而且屋顶上布满镂花的天沟,又用铅皮把屋顶覆盖住,铅皮上有着许多闪闪发亮的镀金的铜镶嵌细作,形成千姿百态的花藤共饰,轻舒慢展。这如此奇妙镶嵌的屋顶,就从这座古老建筑物的暗褐色残败景象中脱颖而出,显得外飘逸。
    Nevertheless, the remarkably pointed and lofty roof of the modern palace, bristling with carved eaves,covered with sheets of lead, where coiled a thousand fantastic arabesques of sparkling incrustations of gilded bronze, that roof, so curiously damascened, darted upwards gracefully from the midst of the brown ruins of the ancient edifice;
  • 猪一种猪科哺乳动物,长有短腿、践蹄,钢硬的毛和软骨的大鼻子,用于挖掘,尤指家畜猪,当其年幼或体形相对较小时,野猪
    Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hoofs, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, especially the domesticated hog, Sus scrofa, when young or of comparatively small size.
  • (英语)以期付款方式销售商品的人。
    (Brit) one who sells goods on the installment plan.
  • 凯尔特人印欧民族的一支,最初布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部、不列颠群岛和加拉提亚东南部。尤指不列颠人或高卢人
    One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to Galatia during pre-Roman times, especially a Briton or Gaul.
  • 广泛布于北美和欧洲的一种软茎上带有羽状半裂复叶的蕨类。
    delicate fern widely distributed in North America and European having thin pinnatifid fronds with brittle stems.
  • 树胶某些植物和树木泌出的一种粘性物质,干燥后成为溶于水的非晶体、易碎的固体
    Any of various viscous substances that are exuded by certain plants and trees and dry into water-soluble, noncrystalline, brittle solids.
  • 头发干燥、脆弱、易缠绕,会在发梢或发干的任何部位叉。
    The hair is dry, brittle, and prone to tangling, and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft.
  • 有很大的空间或者按很大的空间(布等)。
    with or by a broad space.
  • (电视的)映像电视播放节目的可视部
    The visual portion of a televised broadcast.
  • 评论员在新闻中报告和析事件的广播员或作家
    A broadcaster or writer who reports and analyzes events in the news.
  • 香港电台虽以公帑经营,但编辑方针独立,在资讯、教育及娱乐方面,为市民提供取材客观、量均衡的广播节目。
    RTHK is a publicly-funded, editorially independent broadcaster whose mission is to inform, educate and entertain people through the provision of balanced and objective programmes.
  • 宗教广播如同好坏参半的东西,只有部是好的。
    Religious broadcasting, like the curate’s egg, is good in parts.
  • 我觉得这有点过,居然连我的信也不回!
    I thought it was a bit off, not even answering my letter!
  • 为了共同推动和加强人权事业,各国应当在平等和相互尊重的基础上,通过对话的方式增进了解,求同存异,减少歧,扩大共识。
    To jointly advance and strengthen the human rights cause, countries should enhance mutual understanding, seek and broaden common ground, and reduce differences through dialogues on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
  • 我们同志中的宗派主义,把大批的乡村知识子排斥到国民党方面去了,在“三三制”政权中始终不善于团结非党人士,不善于扩大巩固统一战线;
    Sectarianism among our comrades has driven large numbers of intellectuals in rural areas to the Kuomintang. Comrades working in the government based on the "three-thirds system" still do not know how to unite with non-Party people or to broaden and consolidate the united front.