  • 然而游击战争又区别于正规战争,它本身有其特殊性,因而游击战争的战略问题颇有许多特殊的西;
    On the other hand, guerrilla warfare is different from regular warfare and has its own peculiarities, and consequently many peculiar elements are involved in the question of strategy in guerrilla warfare.
  • 《纪要》里还塞进了不少“四人帮”的西。
    Furthermore, a lot of the ideas peddled by the Gang of Four were injected into it.
  • 那个小贩试图卖给我一些小西。
    The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.
  • 这些小贩们赚不到什么大钱,人们在买他们的西时常常把价格压到了最低点。
    These peddlers can’t make big money, for the prices of their goods are often cut to bones.
  • 那个小贩试图卖给我一些小西。
    The pedlar tried to sell me some small articles.
  • 剥去包装纸,看见里面装的西时我感到十分惊讶!
    Peeling away the wrapping paper, I got such a surprise when I saw what was inside!
  • 为收复平津和北而血战到底。
    Fight to the finish for the recovery of Peiping, Tientsin and northeastern China.
  • 同时,沙俄又单独出兵侵入中国北。
    The allied forces of the eight powers captured Taku and occupied Tientsin and Peking.
  • 丸状物,小球象药丸一样的西,如棒球
    Something, such as a baseball, that resembles a pellet of medicine.
  • 佩尔特接着总统的话说:"大使先生,多年来一直是西方合作典范的一项协议,贵国认为已经可以抛之一边了,那你们怎么能期望我们不把这一行动看成是挑衅呢?
    Pelt went on for him.“Mr Ambassador,your country has seen fit to cast aside an agreement which for years has been a model of East West cooperation.How can you expect us to regard this as anything other than a provocation?
  • 外面雨下得很大;你过一会儿再去买西,好吗?
    It's pelting with rain outside, would you please wait a few minutes before going shopping?
  • 费尔南多大西洋上位于巴西北海岸线的一个岛群,该岛群曾被用作罪犯的流放地
    An island group in the Atlantic Ocean off the northeast coast of Brazil. The islands were once used as a penal colony.
  • 这东西只值几便士。
    It only cost a few pence.
  • 如果这件西值二十五便士,而你给他一镑,应找回七十五便士的零钱。
    If it costs 25 pence and you give her a pound you should get 75 pence change.
  • 西值一镑,另加邮费十便士。
    It costs a pound, plus ten pence for postage.
  • 大致从海岸南部向西到密苏里和堪萨斯一带,被称作‘‘圣经带”。在这一地区,独立的小教派就像棉花般密布。通常,他们所鼓吹的是一些流行教义的变种,如“进化论是谎言”、“不信教者将下地狱”、以及“上帝最爱美国”等。
    In the area known as the Bible Belt, an ill-defined zone that stretches roughly from the lower East Coast westward towards Missouri and Kansas, small inde-pendent churches sprout like cotton plants, usually preaching variations on the popular themes that evolution is a lie, unbelievers are going to hell, and God likes America best.
  • 大多数的西受热后便会膨胀,如果我们加热摆杆,它也会膨胀,这样摆锤就会降低一些,那么钟速就会比以前慢了。
    Most things which are heated expand. If we heat the rod of a pendulum, it expands; So the bob moves down to a lower place. Then the clock goes more slowly than before.
  • 我们的眼睛在黑暗中看不见西。
    Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness.
  • 西方观念逐渐传入方。
    Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.
  • 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的西。
    He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust.
  • 在上述情况下,我们决定的第一个方针,是由兴国经万安突破富田一点,然后由西而,向敌之后方联络线上横扫过去,让敌主力深入赣南根据地置于无用之地,定此为作战之第一阶段。
    In this situation the plan we first decided on was to move from Hsingkuo by way of Wanan, make a breakthrough at Futien, and then sweep from west to east across the enemy's rear communication lines, thus letting the enemy's main forces make a deep but useless penetration into our base area in southern Kiangsi; this was to be the first phase of our operation.
  • 莱思角加拿大纽芬兰省南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸
    A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula.
  • 犹卡坦半岛北部的著名旅游景点。
    a popular island resort off the northeastern tip of the Yucatan peninsula.
  • 卡明斯是一个建在农场上的大型监狱,它坐落在小石城南70英里处的荒凉农村,那里到处散落着棚屋和烧毁的教堂。
    Cummins is a vast farm-based penitentiary that sits in bleak countryside, strewn with shanties and burned-out churches, 70 miles south-east of Little Rock.
  • 黎巴嫩美国宾夕法尼亚州南一城市,位于哈里斯堡北偏北方。它是荷裔宾州人农区内的一个工业中心。人口24,800
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania east-northeast of Harrisburg. It is an industrial center in the Pennsylvania Dutch farm country. Population,24, 800.
  • 斯普林菲尔德美国宾夕法尼亚南部一城市,是费城的郊区。人口24,160
    A community of southeast Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. Population,24, 160.
  • 威洛格罗夫美国宾夕法尼亚南部的一个社区,是费城的工业近郊。人口16,325
    A community of southeast Pennsylvania, an industrial suburb of Philadelphia. Population,16, 325.
  • 伊斯顿美国宾夕法尼亚部一城市,位于费城北部。建立于1751年,曾是煤的输入港口。人口26,276
    A city of eastern Pennsylvania north of Philadelphia. Founded in1751, it was formerly a coal-receiving port. Population,26, 276.
  • 宾厄姆顿美国纽约中南部一城市,位于希拉克斯南偏南的宾夕法尼亚边境附近。1787年建立。人口53,008
    A city of south-central New York near the Pennsylvania border south-southeast of Syracuse. It was settled in1787. Population,53, 008.
  • 阿伦敦美国宾夕法尼亚州部,费城西北偏北部一城市,建于1762年,是一个工业和商业中心,人口105,090人
    A city of eastern Pennsylvania north-northwest of Philadelphia. Founded in1762, the city is an industrial and commercial center. Population,105, 090.
  • 价值一分或一便士的西
    As much as a penny will buy.
  • 您要是想获得现代的巴黎所无法给您提供的有关这古城的某种印象,那么您不妨就在某一盛大节日的清晨,在复活节或圣灵降临节旭日升的时分,登上某个高处,俯览整个京城,亲临其境地体验一下晨钟齐鸣的情景。
    And if you wish to receive of the ancient city an impression with which the modern one can no longer furnish you, climb--on the morning of some grand festival, beneath the rising sun of Easter or of Pentecost--climb upon some elevated point, whence you command the entire capital; and be present at the wakening of the chimes.