  • 那名谍把秘密计画泄漏给敌人。
    The spy divulged the secret plans to the enemy.
  • 据新闻记者透露,总统去世前已经病了一段时
    News men divulged that the President had been ill for some time before he died.
  • 事实上、基本的谍活动事实有两个,一个是受雇于losalamos的华裔美国公民的科学家在访问中国时把情报传递给了中国。
    In fact, essentially the only Evidence of PRC Spying that the Clinton Administration has allowed to be made public are two instances where "ethnic Chinese" US citizens, while employed at Los Alamos, are suspected of having divulged "classified" information to PRC scientists during visits to the PRC during the Reagan Administration.
  • 也许有人会提出疑问,是否有人允许考克斯委员会把“原子弹”的有关命令纳入到修订报告中,是否允许泄漏上述有关中子弹的滑稽可笑的故事。这种疑问将被原谅,因为考克斯委员会之所以这么做,是因为宣称谍事件发生于里根政府,而不是克林顿政府,而有关“中子弹”的秘密和(或)“微型热力原子弹”的“秘密”是彼得-李泄露给中国的,这是已经被认定的?。
    One can perhaps be forgiven for wondering if whoever allowed the Cox Committee to include that "neutron bomb" charge in their Redacted Report and later leaked the ridiculous story about teeny-tiny hydrogen bombs, did so because the alleged spying incident happened on Reagan's, not Clinton's watch." The "secret " of the "neutron bomb," and/or the "secret " of the "miniaturized thermonuclear warhead," is what Peter Lee is supposed to have divulged to the PRC.
  • 里热得她头晕目眩。
    The room was so hot that she felt dizzy.
  • 第二次世界大战期,他们俩从德国移民来美国时,不得不把心爱的德国种短毛猎犬马克斯留在德国。查利对我们说这话的时候,埃玛的眼中满含泪水。
    Her eyes teared up as Charlie told us that he and Emma had immigrated to the United States from Germany during World War II and had to leave their beloved Doberman,Max,behind.
  • 两个飞行舱在外层空对接。
    The two modules docked in outer space.
  • 香港科技大学于一九九一年创校。该校的三学院,即理学院、工学院和工商管理学院,开办学士、硕士和博士学位课程,而第四学院,即人文社会科学学院,则开设研究生课程,并为各学院的本科生提供通识教育。
    HKUST, opened in 1991, awards bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in three schools: Science, Engineering, and Business and Management. A fourth school, Humanities and Social Science, offers graduate degrees and provides general education for all undergraduates.
  • 28.为筹备这些活动,儿童基金会在2002年期主办了下列活动:编写包括培训资料在内适用于儿童的资料、主要文件方便儿童阅读的版本、录像记录片和儿童世界水论坛展览资料;
    28. In preparation for those events, during 2002 UNICEF is sponsoring the following activities:preparation of materials, including training materials,to work with children; child-friendly versions of key documents, video documentaries and exhibition materials for the Children’s World Water Forum;
  • 请告诉我,跟单信用状和不跟单信用状之的差别。
    Tell me the difference between documentary and clean credits, please?
  • 有人看到这个艾德蒙.道奇闯入那住宅
    The saying Edmund Dodge was saw breaking into the house
  • 有人看到这个艾德蒙·道奇闯入那住宅。
    The say Edmund Dodge was seen breaking into the house.
  • 这个问题,渡渡鸟得好好考虑一下才能回答。因此,它坐下来,用一个指头撑着前额想了好长时(就像照片上莎士比亚的那种姿态),这段时里大家都安静地等待着。
    This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, and it sat for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead (the position in which you usually see Shakespeare, in the pictures of him), while the rest waited in silence.
  • 洛斯-阿拉莫斯国家实验室负责人约翰c.布劳恩(johnc.browne)博士曾在美国国会特别委员会关于中美实验室合作计划的听证会上作证说,“对实验室的所有访问学者一律按美国能源部的保密条例来管理。
    Dr John C. Browne, head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said at a hearing of the US Congress Select Committee on the Sino-US lab-to-lab exchange program, "All foreign visits and assignments at the Laboratory are governed by DOE requirements.
  • 克林顿政权对中国的全面政策的口号是“建设性的接触”,在克林顿政权与中国的实验室对实验室项目这一事件中,这个口号基本上是“谍行动”的委婉说法。但是修订报告的一个主要结论是中国工程物理学院(caep)——相当于美国的doe和俄罗斯的minatom——利用了克林顿政权的“建设性的接触”项目而对我们进行谍行动。(考克斯报告,p.81—82页)
    The Clinton Administration "buzzword" for their across-the-board policy with the PRC was "Constructive Engagement", which in the case of the Clinton Administrations PRC Lab-to-Lab program was essentially a euphemism for "Spring", But a principal conclusion of the Redacted Report is that it was the PRC's Academy of Engineering Physics[CAEP]-the PRC equivalent of the US DOE and the Russian MINATOM-that took advantage of the Clinton Administration's "Constructive Engagement" program to "spy"on us.
  • 这份planted的中国资料于1995年被一个受多重约束的专家小组(包括美国核武器科学家)评估过,评估结果于1998年才让考克斯委员会得到,但却从未公开后,planted资料也未被公开,但是已经有媒体报告说,专家与安全官员(doe与fbi之)就下列两点存在严重分歧,(1)中国秘密资料的有效性(2)对其内容的解释。不幸的是考克斯委员会接受了安全官员的意见,开始寻找防御漏洞,而没有听从专家们的评估意见。
    The planted PRC document was "assessed" in 1995 by a multi-disciplinary group of Experts [including US nuclear weapons scientists] and that assessment was later made available to the Cox Committee in 1998. The assessment has never been made public--nor has the "planted" document--but there have been media reports that there were significant differences of opinion between the Experts and the Security officials [DOE and FBI] as to (1) the validity of the PRC Secret document and (2) the interpretation of the contents, Unfortunately, the Cox Committee accepted the opinion of the gumshoes looking for a hole in the fence rather that Experts' net assessment.
  • 有关“中子弹”的信息,特别是w-70,即“限定资料”于1954年被修正为属于能源部类,也就是“机密”文件,彼得-李所承认的他所犯的罪刑即他向他的中国主人提供了他在工作期所掌握的全部高层信息。
    But information about "neutron bombs" -- specifically the W-70 (Mod 3), according to the Redacted Report--is "restricted data" as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, (USC Title 42,Sec 2014 (Y) The term "Restricted Data" means all data concerning (1)design, manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons; (2) the production of special nuclear material; or (3) the use of special nuclear material in the production of energy, but shall not include data declassified or removed from the Restricted Data category pursuant to section 2162 of this title) a DOE category of "classified" information. What Peter Lee has apparently pled guilty to, is what he freely admitted that he did -- that he told his Chinese hosts all about his work on high-power lasers.
  • 北美的一种罗布麻属植物,产生一种粗质纤维,过去常被美洲本地人用来编制绳索;有于民医药治疗关节疼痛或关节炎。
    Canadian dogbane yielding a tough fiber used as cordage by native Americans; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints.
  • 他在该市逗留期一直受到秘密警察的跟踪。
    All the time he was in the city the secret police dogged his steps.
  • 但是它一直受到巨大的超支、时的延误、800人的剧组每周要工作90小时等问题的困扰。
    But it was dogged by huge cost overruns, delays, and 90-hour work weeks for the 800-member crew.
  • 于是,有个周末,西尔夫妇在原来的狗屋旁又建了新屋。
    One weekend, the Seals built another doghouse next to the one the dogs had shared.
  • 自由主义神学19世纪一场新教活动,其主张自由的理性研究,强调基督教徒伦理和人道的一致,而不强调教条的神学理论
    A19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.
  • 哈斯德鲁伯在第二次迦太基战争期曾试图在伊比利亚半岛建立军事统治的迦太基将军,但于207年被罗马军队打败
    Carthaginian general who attempted to establish military dominance on the Iberian Peninsula during the Second Punic War but was defeated by Roman forces(207).
  • 皮奥夏希腊一古老地区,在阿的克城和科林斯海湾以北。该地区的城市形成了皮奥夏联邦城,时在公元前7世纪,但通常为底比斯人所统治
    An ancient region of Greece north of Attica and the Gulf of Corinth. The cities of the region formed the Boeotian League in the seventh century b.c. but were usually under the dominance of Thebes.
  • 情报战。包括力求通过情报信息的各种侦察与反侦察措施,以便控制敌方作战空之内的战斗力和作战空之外的战斗潜力。
    Intelligence-based warfare, which consists of measures and countermeasrures that seek knowledge to dominate opponents combat power in the battlespace, and combat power potential outside the battlespace.
  • 一段时里,这种观点控制着学术界。
    At one time this view was dominating over the academic circles.
  • 斗争相互对抗的人们,团体或思想之争夺统治地位的斗争
    A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas.
  • 在欧洲方面,德意帝国主义集团和英法帝国主义集团之,为了争夺对殖民地人民统治权的帝国主义大战,是迫在眉睫了。
    In Europe, a large-scale imperialist war is imminent between the German-Italian and the Anglo-French imperialist blocs which are contending for domination over the colonial peoples.
  • 以转口和加工为主的贸易方式,促进了两国贸易数量的迅速增长,同时也形成了两国贸易统计与贸易实况之的较大偏离。
    The domination of entrepot and processing trade has promoted the fast growth of Sino-US trade volume, but, at the same time, resulted in a relatively large deviation between the statistics and reality of trade figures of the two countries.
  • 他说我不仅救了他的性命,而且还挽救了美国政府和多米尼加共和国之的政治危机。
    He said that no only had I saved his life, but I have saved a bad situation between the US government and the Dominican Republic.
  • 托尔克马达,托马斯·德1420-1498西班牙多米尼加派教士,1487年被教皇英诺森八世任命为宗教总裁判官。在其统治期,在西班牙宗教大审判中,成千上万的犹太人,被怀疑为巫婆和其他人一起遭到杀害
    Spanish Dominican monk who was appointed grand inquisitor by Pope Innocent VIII(1487). Under his authority, thousands of Jews, suspected witches, and others were killed or tortured during the Spanish Inquisition.
  • 现在另一个定期的午餐会就是与国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德、国务卿鲍威尔和国家安全顾问康多利萨·莱斯的会面。
    Now another regular lunch session is the one with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.