  • 你不能避而不见她。
    You cannot avoid seeing her.
  • 没有人能逃避命运。
    No one can avoid his destiny.
  • 毫无疑问,第三次世界大战是可以避免的,但是,在可预见的将来地区冲突消失是非常不可的。
    There's little doubt that a third World War is avoidable , but it is highly unlikely that regional conflicts will disappear in the foreseeable future.
  • 通常雅芳要花至少3年的时间开发新产品,但研发部主管珍妮回忆,钟曾对她说:“只给你2年。
    Normally Avon spends at least three years developing new products, but Janice Teal, head of R&D, recalls Jung saying to her:" You've got two years.
  • 希望已绝, 他们只坐以待毙了。
    It was completely hopeless. They had to await their doom.
  • 我们期望日后贵公司进一步给予照顾。
    We await your further esteemed commands.
  • 已报价水泥给中国abd公司,可有所反应。
    Cement offer a b d company china await likely reaction.
  • 身后可留下一种自动信息通讯装置,以等待高级文明的可的萌发。
    It have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization.
  • 以意志力使自己保持清醒吗?
    Can you will yourself into keeping awake?
  • 以意志力使自己保持清醒吗?
    Can you will yourself to keep awake?
  • 什么东西也不引起他对这个问题的兴趣。
    Nothing can awake his interest in this subject.
  • 什么也不引起他们对这个科目的兴趣。
    Nothing can awake their interest in this subject.
  • 这种作品唤起群众,使他们振奋起来。
    Such works awake the masses and fire them with enthusiasm.
  • 什么东西也不唤起他对这事的同情。
    Nothing can awaken his sympathy towards this matter.
  • 他们发出的声音大得把死人吵醒。
    (fig 比喻) They were making enough noise to awaken the dead.
  • 老师一直在想,怎样才让他的学生们更加热爱学习。
    The teacher has been turning in his mind how to awaken more love for study among his pupils.
  • 人的思想不仅够推想、推测和理解,也够觉醒、遂愿、启迪和激励。
    The mind will not only deduce, speculate, and comprehend, but it will also awaken, will, enlighten and inspire.
  • 他阻止她叫醒家里人,并告诉她这火可是格雷斯·普尔放的,此人有阵发性的疯病。
    He refuses to allow her to awaken the household, telling her the fire may have been set by Grace Poole, who has periodic fits of insanity.
  • 文艺就把这种日常的现象集中起来,把其中的矛盾和斗争典型化,造成文学作品或艺术作品,就使人民群众惊醒起来,感奋起来,推动人民群众走向团结和斗争,实行改造自己的环境。
    Writers and artists concentrate such everyday phenomena, typify the contradictions and struggles within them and produce works which awaken the masses, fire them with enthusiasm and impel them to unite and struggle to transform their environment.
  • 这些运动促进了中国妇女的觉醒,但终究没有够从根本上改变中国妇女被压迫、受奴役的悲惨命运。
    These movements promoted the awakening of Chinese women. Nevertheless, they all failed to bring about a fundamental change in their miserable plight as victims of oppression and enslavement.
  • 我们的社会要在下一世纪续创佳绩,就必须帮助人们认识这些新工具的潜力,并向他们传授使用新工具的技
    Awakening people's imagination to the potential of these new tools and giving them the skills to use them are going to be fundamental to the success of our societies in the next century.
  • 在这一逐渐清醒的周期中,人们可会停留在θ脑电波状态的时间为5-15分钟——在这段时间内人们可以自由地回想一下昨天发生的事情或思考即将到来的第二大的活动。
    During this awakening cycle it is possible for individuals to stay in the theta state for an extended period of say, five to 15 minutes which would allow them to have a free flow of ideas about yesterday's events or to contemplate the activities of the forthcoming day.
  • 很少人对自己的局限性知道得很全面。
    Few people are fully aware of their limitations.
  • 认识力思想过程或认识才,包括如意识、知觉、推理和判断等方面
    The mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
  • 使应用程序具有定位功
    Giving Applications Location Awareness
  • 因知晓无或有罪而产生的痛苦的感情。
    a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt.
  • 教练让她退出了比赛,未一展雄风。
    Her coach had to ask her to quit the games and she was unable to display her awe-inspiring manners.
  • 一定要留一天给不错过的美景米尔福德峡湾,它位于新西兰腹地纯自然而壮观的峡湾地区。
    Set aside a day for the must-see spectacle of Milford Sound in the heart of NZ's unspoiled and awe-inspiring fjord-land.
  • 药物没止住她的痛苦,腿几乎不走了。教练让她退出了比赛,未一展雄风。
    She was almost unable to walk. Her coach had to ask her to quit the games and she was un-able to display her awe-inspiring manners.
  • 在南部非洲深处汹涌的赞比西河上,有一令人叹为观止的雄伟瀑布。远在20英里之外,你就看见它的水雾。
    Deep in southern Africa,on the mighty Zambezi River,there's a falling wall of water so awesome and powerful that you can see its mist from 20 miles away.
  • 他最近到中国旅游,深感中国的快速发展令人敬畏。因此,他写了一封信给他的孙子们,告诉他们中国可成为世界上最强大的国家,不管他们喜不喜欢,都得学会和中国交往。
    Finding China's phenomenal progress awesome after a recent trip there, he wrote a letter to his grandchildren on the importance to get along with China, which he said may become the most powerful country in the world.
  • 我很抱歉,我不去。
    I'm awfully sorry but I can't.