  • 这两件短恤衫她拿不定主意究竞挑哪一件她女儿。
    She hesitated over the choice between the two blouses for her daughter.
  • 不必犹豫,打电话我好了。
    Please don't hesitate to call me.
  • 不要怕我们提出意见。
    Don't hesitate to give us your suggestions.
  • 我在犹豫我是否该他拍封电报。
    I am hesitating whether I shall send him a telegram.
  • 经过犹豫,我决定把这本书送他。
    After some hesitation I decided to give him this book.
  • 我毫不迟疑地他注射了大量吗啡。
    Without the slightest hesitation, I gave him a heavy dose of morphia.
  • 她毫无顾忌,要求再多她一些。
    She had no inhibitions about asking for more, ie did so without hesitation.
  • 对本公司而言,我们会毫不犹豫地与该公司信用贷款,金额甚至超过贵公司所提及的数额。
    We ourselves have no hesitation in giving them credit to an amount considerably beyond the sum you mention.
  • 把文件共享带纯的san配置需要实现一个异种机集群的文件系统,目前尚无这样的系统,因为从造价和性能观点看,高度的技术复杂性使之难以实现。
    Bringing file sharing to a pure SAN configuration requires the implementation of a heterogeneous clustered file system.Such a system is currently unavailable because its high degree of technical complexity makes it prohibitive from cost and performance standpoints.
  • 玛丽经常琳达使坏,直到琳达决定和她打架为止。
    Mary often picked on Linda until Linda decided fight hex.
  • 嗨,差点儿忘了!约翰请你他打个电话。
    Hey, I almost forgot! John asked you to give him a ring.
  • 在旧中国,毒品曾中华民族带来深重灾难。
    In old China, drugs once brought hideous disaster to the nation.
  • “我觉得这个塑像很难看,我本来想把它送我的女用人;
    'I wanted to give it to my maid, I think it's hideous.
  • 逃犯从他躲藏的地方拉了出来。
    The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding-place.
  • ipv6通过确保以精致的层次结构公布地址,减少了(ipv4的)地址的混乱,大型的因特网服务供应商(isp),接收巨大的地址块,再把较小的地址块送他们的订户,而订户可以传送小得多的地址块。
    IPv6 will reduce this addressing chaos by ensuring that addresses are given out in an elegant hierarchy.Large Internet service providers will receive huge blocks of addresses and pass out smaller blocks of those addresses to subscribers who, in turn, may pass on increasingly smaller address blocks.
  • 我们老师不公正, 总是他喜欢的学生高分数.
    Our teacher isn't fair: he always gives the highest marks to his favourites.
  • 极为重视与最高可能的重要性
    To assign the highest possible importance to.
  • 金融风暴不仅报业普遍带来短期的财政压力,而且还突显了经济全球化和科技发展所带来的严峻挑战。
    The financial turmoil has not only exerted short-term financial pressure on the press at large, but also highlighted the great challenges that came along with economic globalisation and rapid advancement of technology.
  • 予它很高评价;我重视它的价值。
    I value it highly.
  • 记得到时候我打个电话。
    Hilary:Remember to give me a call.
  • 希尔先生把这块地租我们, 租金每年500英镑.
    Mr Hill rents this land (out) to us at 500 a year.
  • 内盖夫以色列南部的山丘沙漠地区。1948年巴勒斯坦被分割后划以色列,它有无数矿产资源
    A hilly desert region of southern Israel. Assigned to Israel after the partition of Palestine in1948, it has various mineral resources.
  • 我把那些书借了他。
    I lent him the books.
  • 把菜单递给客人
    Handing him the menu
  • 他在稳定他和安慰他的同时,把一切都教他了。
    He taught him everything, encouraged and consoled him.
  • 那你能打电话他,告诉他我的号码吗?
    Can you phone him and give him my number?
  • 他儿子缠着要他买一部汽车他。
    His son bothers him to buy him a car.
  • 我把他叫了过来,他讲了这个情况。
    I called him over to tell him the story.
  • 汽车轧断了它的左后腿,兽医它上了夹板。
    The accident fractured his left hind leg,which the vet put in a splint.
  • “只要是我能够阻止,我总是不允许任何人我什么不方便的。进来吧!”
    `I should not allow anyone to inconvenience me, if I could hinder it--walk in!'
  • 你可以自由行事,因为委员会将把上此事交你全权处理。
    You will be able to make your arrangements without let of hindrance as the Committee is going to leave the matter entirely in you hands.
  • "大门吱吱嗄嗄地作响,铰链上些油吧。"
    Oil the hinges; the gate is creaking.