  • 雨后植物看起来生气盎
    The plants look fresh after the rain.
  • 好好收拾一下的确会使房子焕一新.
    A good clean will really freshen (up) the house.
  • 他粉刷了房子使之焕一新。
    He's freshened up the house with a new coat of paint.
  • "她给家具涂上一层油漆,使它们焕一新。"
    She's freshened up the furniture with a coat of paint. (喻)
  • 他给房子刷了层油漆,使它焕一新。
    He's freshen up the house with a new coat of paint.
  • 他突大笑起来,吓了我一跳。
    He gave me a fright by bursting into a sudden laughter.
  • "他们突站了起来,把那只白色的鸟吓跑了。"
    They frightened the white bird away by rising to their feet suddenly.
  • 它们嘶叫着,显是受到惊吓。
    They screamed, the way frightened horses do.
  • 他到了十八岁仍很不懂事,很不成熟。
    At 18, he's still rather frivolous and needs to grow up.
  • 我们刚讨论最重要的问题时,他突插嘴,说了些无关紧要的话。
    We had just got to the most interesting part of the discussion when he butted in with a frivolous remark.
  • 有的人长着天卷发。
    Some people have naturally frizzy hair.
  • 在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽可能性并不大。
    Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.
  • 是晴天,但空气很冷.
    It's sunny, but the air is frosty.
  • 这是一项有男子气概的运动。黎明之际猎手们就在雾朦朦的树林里穿行,或在寒冷的蔽体里呆上几个小时,后回到木屋里痛饮一番。
    It's the sport of manly men, who wake at dawn to wander through the frosty woods or sit for hours in a bitterly cold duck blind and then go back to a cabin and drink heavily.
  • 节约当很好,可是他做得过分了。
    It is all very well to be frugal; but he goes too far.
  • 而来的暴风雨使农民们不能把麦子都收进来。
    The sudden storm thwarted the farmers getting in wheat.
  • 我不会说别的语言,感到惘若失。
    I find it frustrating that I can't speak other languages.
  • 而,这和韩复榘式的逃跑主义是没有相同之点的。
    However, it has nothing in common with flightism of the Han Fu-chu brand.
  • 气体燃料处于气态的燃料,如天
    A gaseous fuel, such as natural gas.
  • 吉姆把他遇到的每一个女孩都看得完美无缺,后当她们不如他所望时他便不公平地责备她们。
    Jim sets every girl he meets on a pedestal and ten blames them unfairly when they don't fulfil his expectations.
  • 他们认为完成这任务只需三天,但我却认为至少需要六天。
    Though they think it takes no more than three days to fulfill the mission, I believe it takes not less than six days.
  • 它结构简单,造形别致实现了设计师创造“一个尽可能细的线条勾划出庞大物”的愿望。
    it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'.
  • 的发型;没有装饰的白墙壁;功能性建筑那以刻板、无装饰为特点的水泥堆。
    a plain hair style; unembellished white walls; functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete.
  • 而,能给出这些功能的java小应用程序尚未问世。
    However, the Java applets that will deliver the functionality don't exist yet.
  • 合并后,土地基金仍是独立的政府基金。
    The Land Fund has remained a separate government fund since the merger.
  • 出现一排难看的小屋。
    A fungus of ugly little houses sprang up.
  • "天上乌云密布,雷声隆隆,而奇怪的是,却没有下雨。"
    "There were black clouds and loud thunder, but funnily enough it didn't rain."
  • 大怒竟是为了一本书?还是这不过是霍梅尼公共关系问题的一部分?此人憎恨共产主义,却丝毫不能赢得美国人的心。
    All this furor over a book? Or is this just part of Khomeini's public relations problem? I mean, here's a guy who hates communism, yet he can't get to first base in the hearts of Americans.
  • 他突然大发脾气。
    He broke out into a fury.
  • 而,他并非只有“巨响和狂热”。
    And yet he was not all sound and fury.
  • 他一听到这件事就勃大怒。
    Hearing of it, he lashed himself into a fury.
  • ,言语狂暴影响的不仅仅是孩子。
    To be sure,spoken fury doesn't affect only the children.