  • 幸运的是,我们拘捕了这恐怖分子的高级头目,他讲述了自己的故事。
    Fortunately, this operative is now detained, and he has told his story.
  • 我是一计算机操作人员。
    I am a computer operator.
  • 我的朋友Crawley一直是Lane先生激进党的一狂热反对者。
    My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party.
  • 面对一名强劲的对手
    Up against a strong opponent.
  • 讲演者向听众指出该法案的重要性。
    The orator represented the importance of the bill to his audience.
  • 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)
    British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
  • 狄摩西尼希腊演说家,他的成主要基于勉励雅典市民起来反抗马其顿国王腓力二世的一系列演讲强烈抨击
    Greek orator whose reputation is based mainly on his Philippics, a series of orations exhorting the citizens of Athens to rise up against Philip II of Macedon.
  • 演说家风格庄严的演讲
    A speech delivered in the grand style of the great orators.
  • 1989年全广州英语演讲比赛获第三
    Won the third place in all Guangzhou English Oratorical Contest in 1989.
  • 昨天是我最高兴的一天,因为我在英语演讲比赛获得第一
    Yesterday was a red-letter day for me because I won the first prize in the English oratorical contest.
  • 派了20小伙子到山上开辟一个果园。
    Twenty young men were sent to the hills to set out an orchard.
  • 乌节路上到处都是牌商品,显示我们的社会是多么的肤浅,只满足于牌衣物、汽车和房子。
    Brand names scream from every corner of Orchard Road because we're such a superficial society, feeling good only in brand-name clothes, cars and homes.
  • 安基塔(非真)于1998年初和她的新婚丈夫抵达美国时,她的苦难历程也就此开始。安基塔的丈夫是印度人,在硅谷的一家著公司当软件工程师。
    Ankita's(not the real name) ordeal began in early 1998 when she arrived in the United States with her new husband,an Indian software engineer working for a prestigious Silicon Valley firm.
  • 伯里克利古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台农神庙而著
    Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.
  • 请提供这个动物的科和目
    Please provide the family and ordinal name of the animal.
  • 东方、远东、东亚都是表示亚洲大陆东部的词短语。
    "The Orient", the "Far East" and "East Asia" are all noun phrases referring to the eastern section of the Asian continent.
  • 她因有创造性和才能而享有盛,但十分重要的问题他能否准时完成任务?
    He has a good reputation for originality and quality, but the burning question is can he do the job on time?
  • 专有词关于专门字的来源和形式的研究
    The study of the origins and forms of proper names.
  • 词汇学中研究专有词起源与历史的分支。
    the branch of lexicology that studies the origins and history of proper names.
  • 新奥尔良市的一个区,位于主城的外围;一般与一个城市各个区的字复合起来用。
    a New Orleans district lying outside the original city limits; used in combination with the names of various quarters of the city.
  • 崔教授并不是在香港出生,他12岁才到香港,当时他是一个战争遗孤。但从10月19日《亚洲周刊》的报道可以看得出,他的成功和他就读香港著华校培正中学时所受的中学教育,有着很大的关系。
    Prof Cui was not born in Hong Kong but went there as a war orphan at the age of 12, but from the description in the October 19 issue of Yazhou Zhoukan, it is quite obvious that his success had much to do with his high school education spent at the famed Chinese School in Hong Kong, Pui Ching Middle School.
  • 崔教授并不是在香港出生,他12岁才到香港,当时他是一个战争遗孤。但从10月19日《亚洲周刊》的报道可以看得出,他的成功和他就读香港著华校培正中学时所受的中学教育,有着很大的关系。
    Sure, Prof Cui was not born in Hong Kong but went there as a war orphan at the age of 12, but from the description in the October 19 issue of Yazhou Zhoukan, it is quite obvious that his success had much to do with his high school education spent at the famed Chinese School in Hong Kong, Pui Ching Middle School.
  • 一个领导了对抗英国的反抗运动,但没有取得成功的渥太华著领袖。
    famous chief of the Ottawa who led an unsuccessful rebellion against the British (1715-1769).
  • 当保存请求中包含有对”checked”命空间的引用时,如果校验服务不可用(因为服务中断或者其他原因)或者在验证时服务报错,那么操作入口站点必须拒绝这样的请求。
    Operator Sites must reject any save request that contains (in either the identifierBag or categoryBag) a reference to a “checked” namespace where the validation service is either unavailable (due to outage or other conditions) or returns an error indication during the validation step.
  • 这莫其妙的发作究竟是为什麽?
    What lay behind this strange outburst?
  • 类似的传说中最著的要数瓦伦丁和奥森的故事。这对双胞胎的父亲是流浪者贝利森特,他们在森林中走失了。
    The most famous such tale, however, was that of Valentine and Orson, the twin children of outcast Bellyssant, lost in the forest.
  • 技术获胜是指裁判员裁决一拳击手远远处于劣势,根本无法获胜而停止比赛的情况。
    A KTO occurs when the referee judges that a boxer is so far outclassed that he has no chance to win and stop the fight.
  • 胜人一筹(的本事)在战胜对手方面的一种技巧,例如在利益、权力和誉方面的竞争
    The art of outdoing or showing up a rival or competitor, as in exploits, privileges, or honors.
  • 每一届奥运会的开幕式都拥有几百万观众,而且在盛大的娱乐场面及效果方面看上去也都是一届更比一届强。
    Each new opening ceremony is watched by millions of viewers and seems to outdo the one before it for spectacular entertainment and effect.
  • 公布姓公布被放逐者的
    To publish the name of(a person) as outlawed.
  • 为"香港故事"的长期展览,内容阐述香港从石器时代至今六千年的发展。年内,这项展览吸引了27万人次参观。
    The permanent exhibition entitled The Story of Hong Kong, which outlines 6000 years of development of Hong Kong from the New Stone Age to modern times, attracted 270 000 visitors.
  • 这个国家的工业生产排最後.
    This country ranks last in industrial output.