  • 在所有非西方的地区中,只有亚才有这个潜能和西方平起平坐。
    Of all the regions of the non-Western world, only East Asia has the potential to achieve parity with the West.
  • 在进一步开展学邯钢的基础上,去年还总结推广了山潍坊亚星集团购销比价管理的经验,制定了关于国有工业企业物资采购管理的暂行规定。
    On the basis of further carrying out the activities of learning from Handan Steel Company, we also summarized and propagated the experience of Shandong Weifang Yaxing Group in purchase and marketing parity management last year and worked out the interim regulations on materials purchase management for the state-owned industrial enterprises.
  • 那您还有一两个小时可以打发,我们到这家咖啡屋里喝点西好吗?
    Then you still have a couple of hours to kill. How about having some refreshments in this coffee parlor?
  • 他们的观点,实质上是主张只要照抄马克思、列宁、毛泽同志的原话,照抄照转照搬就行了。
    In essence, their view is that one need only parrot what was said by Marx, Lenin and Comrade Mao Zedong -- that it is enough to reproduce their words mechanically.
  • 装饰品用小的,有颜色或有香味的小西装饰(已准备好的食物或饮料),比如艾菊或柠檬片
    To decorate(prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items, such as parsley or lemon slices.
  • 把那个东西递给我。
    Pass me the doings.
  • 新疆作为古代西方经济文化交流的主要通道和枢纽,自古以来就是一个多种宗教并存的地区。
    As the main passageway and hub for economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West in ancient times, Xinjiang has always been a region where a number of religions exist side by side.
  • 鹎一种雀形目鸟类,主要指半球热带的鹎科的鸣鸟,有灰色的或褐色的羽衣
    Any of various passerine, chiefly tropical Old World songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae, having grayish or brownish plumage.
  • 当通过它时能去除一些西。
    removes something from whatever passes through it.
  • 在经纱之间穿纬纱的西。
    passes the weft thread between the warp threads.
  • 他最近的一本书是剪剪西抄抄拼凑而成的。
    His latest book is a scissors and paste job.
  • 他正在墙上贴什么西?
    What is he pasting up on the wall?
  • 每个大学生都有打网球或踢足球的平凡技术,是比大学产生几个可以参加全国比赛的体育选手或足球选手更为重要的,同样地,每个儿童和成人都能够自创一些西以为消遣,是比一个国家产生一个罗丹(rodin)更加重要的。
    As it is more important that all college students should play tennis or football with indifferent skill than that a college should produce a few champion athletes or football players for the national contests, so it is also more important that all children and all grown-ups should be able to create something of their own as their pastime than that the nation should produce a Rodin.
  • 安妮:是这样,第二级分欧洲a区、欧洲b区、美洲区和方区四个区比赛,获得各区第一名的可参加下一年第一级的比赛,比赛均采用淘汰制,每年举行一届。
    Annie: Let me explain. The teams from the second grade are di-vided into the Europe A section, Europe B section, American section and the Orient section. The champions from each section can partici-pate in the first grade contest next year. They adopted the elimination system. It is held once a year.
  • 督主教正教中职务低于宗主教的主教
    A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.
  • 这也反映毛主席后期有些不健康的思想,就是说,有家长制这些封建主义性质的西。
    It reflects some unhealthy ideas in his twilight years, that is, patriarchal ways which are feudal in nature.
  • 圣帕特里克节把所有美国人都变成了名誉爱尔兰人,一切也都变绿了,甚至那些平时不会是绿色的西。
    St. Patrick's Day turns everybody in the United States into honorary Irishmen and women and every-thing turns green, even things not normally seen in that colour.
  • 朗诵会的主题是抒发爱国之情,因而毛泽、李大钊等革命家的名作成为演出的主体。
    The expression of patriotism was the theme for the performances, so masterpieces from Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao and other revolutionaries were the main part of this recitation.
  • 向导把该地历史的老一套讲得滚瓜烂熟,但当你一问起别的西时,他就瞠目结舌,无言以对了。
    The guide was ready enough with his usual pattern on the history of the place, but as soon as you began to question him on anything outside that, he was all at sea.
  • 仿造一个西的原来模型。
    an original model on which something is patterned.
  • 西最好当时付款,这样就不必担心日后偿还债务。
    It is best to pay as you go; then you will not have to worry about paying debts later.
  • 我们努力评判的是,哪些首席执行官给予了股最好的回报,并且同时也领取了合理的薪酬。
    We set out to determine which chief executives give the best return to shareholders and while doing so take a reasonable paycheck.
  • 先说恐惧感,没钱的恐惧会刺激我们努力工作,当我们得到报酬时,贪婪或欲望又开始让我们去想所有钱能买到的西。
    First, the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard, and then once we get that paycheck, greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy.
  • 在同巴西的比赛中,当米卢换下几名年龄稍大的球员,比如31岁的前锋郝海和29岁的队长马明宇之后,这几名年轻的队员在后半场的比赛中表现十分突出。
    They stood out in the second half of the Brazil game, when Milutinovic substituted older payers such as striker Hao Haidong, 31, and captain Ma Mingyu, 29.
  •  派息率(也称配息率)是指公司净利分派给股的比率。
    The payout ratio refers to the propor-tion of profit paid to shareholders.
  • 〔4〕泰山在山中部,是泰沂山脉的主峰之一。
    [4] The Taishan Mountain is one of the chief peaks of the Tai-Yi mountain range in central Shantung.
  • 我绕着那棵树慢慢挪着步子,搜寻树干上是否有踏脚或抓手的西帮助彼得攀上树顶,但是树皮上非常光滑,什么都没有。
    I walked slowly around the tree, searching the trunk for any foot or handholds on the bark which would enable Peter to climb to the top, but the bark was as smooth as a pebble.
  • "那位小姐吃西一小口一小口的,她怎么啦?"
    The young lady's only pecking at her food; what's wrong with her?(喻)
  • 这种烹调方法是南几省的特色。
    This style of cooking is peculiar to the South-Eastern provinces.
  • 半球有特殊的扭脖子习惯的啄木鸟。
    Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck.
  • 你能发现有什么特别的西吗?
    Could you find anything in peculiarity?
  • 抗日战争的一般战略问题中的西,决不能照样用之于特殊情形的游击战争。
    With out modification it is impossible to apply the strategic principles of the War of Resistance in general to guerrilla warfare with its own peculiarities.