  • 由二零零至零二学年起,当局放宽幼稚园学费减免计划的申请资格,使在入学学年的八月三十日或之前年满两岁八个月的幼稚园学生,可以申请减免幼稚园学费,以配合教育署降低幼稚园最低入学年龄的措施。
    From the 2001-02 school year, the age criterion for kindergarten fee remission was relaxed to two years and eight months as at August 31 of the school year of admission to tie in with the Education Department's initiative to lower the minimum admission age for kindergarten.
  • 九九八至九九九学年共有97058名学生获减免学费,减免总额为3.326亿元。
    In the 1998-99 academic year, 97 058 students were granted fee remissions amounting to $332.6 million.
  • 二零零零至零学年,共有95321名学生获减免学费,减免总额为3.545亿元。
    In the 2000-01 school year, 95321 students were granted fee remissions amounting to $354.5 million.
  • 九九八至九九九学年,共有5811名学生获发考试费约610万元。
    In the 1998-99 academic year, 5 811 students were granted examination fee remissions amounting to $6.1 million.
  • 二零零零至零学年,共有10762名学生获减免考试费,总额达1,090万元。
    In the 2000-01 school year, 10762 students were granted examination fee remissions amounting to $10.9 million.
  • 赦免,宽恕赦免或饶恕(罪行)
    To pardon or remit(a sin).
  • 此次战争发动于世界帝国主义首先是法西斯国家大崩溃的前夜,敌人也正是为了这点才举行这个带最后挣扎性的冒险战争。
    The present war was launched on the eve of the general collapse of world imperialism and, above all, of the fascist countries; That is the very reason the enemy has launched this adventurist war, which is in the nature of a last desperate struggle.
  • 货款是百元,请汇款。
    The charge is $100; please remit same.
  • 请将定货单和所有款项并汇到工厂。
    Please remit the full cost to factory when sending order.
  • 你得把这个问题提交给上级。
    You will have to remit this problem to a higher authority.
  • 收到汇款,就给你回了信。
    I wrote back to you as soon as I received the remit money.
  • 海外服役的士兵设法把他们薪水的部分寄给妻子和家人们。
    Soldiers serving overseas arrange to remit part of their pay to their wives and families.
  •  第六十条专利复审委员会应当将受理的复审请求书转交国务院专利行政部门原审查部门进行审查。
    Rule 61 The Patent Reexamination Board shall remit the request for reexamination which the Board has received to the examination department of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council which has made the examination of the application concerned to make an examination.
  • 把填写好的表格连同汇款并寄回
    Return the completed form with your remittance
  • 我们党在民众运动中,有严重的关门主义、高慢的宗派主义和冒险主义的传统倾向,这是个妨碍党建立抗日民族统战线和争取多数群众的恶劣的倾向。
    In the mass movements our Party has a traditional tendency towards rank closed-doorism, haughty sectarianism, and adventurism; this ugly tendency hinders the Party in establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and winning over the majority of the masses.
  • 您汇款到我们就通知您。
    We'll notify you as soon as your remittance come.
  • 每月所必须支付的经常费用,将连同佣金并汇上。
    Expenses will be paid monthly together with our commission remittance.
  • 您汇款到我们就通知您。
    We 'll notify you as soon as your remittance comes.
  • 能不能请您查查是否有我的笔自广州来的汇款?
    Can you find out whether there's a remittance for me from guangzhou?
  • 能不能请您查查是否有我的笔自广州来的汇款?
    Could you find out whether there's a remittance for me from Guangzhou?
  • 能不能请您查查是否有我的笔自广州来的汇款?
    Can you find out whether there 's a remittance for me from Guangzhou?
  • 那信中写的是般庆祝生日的好话。还附有张汇票。
    Apart from the usual words of felicitations for my birthday, the letter also included a remittance draft.
  • 随信呈上帐单张,如能尽快将款汇下,则不胜感激。
    We enclose you a statement of account, for which your remittance at your earliest convenience will oblige.
  • 其第阶段是军事冒险主义,第二阶段转到军事保守主义,最后,第三阶段,变成了逃跑主义。
    Its first stage was military adventurism, in the second it turned into military conservatism and, finally, in the third stage it became flightism.
  • 同函奉上汇款收据纸,恳请原谅我方索汇通知。
    We enclose the receipt for the draft, and are good enough to overlook our request for a remittance.
  • 同函奉上汇款收据张,恳请原谅我方索汇通知。
    We enclose the receipt for the draft, and be good enough to overlook our request for a remittance.
  • 贵方眼即可看出,欠款会越来越多,惠请立即寄款,当不胜感谢。
    You can readily see that arrear can soon run into a large sum. Your prompt remittance will be appreciate.
  • 目前的时局,要求我们勇敢地抛弃关门主义,采取广泛的统战线,防止冒险主义。
    The present situation demands that we boldly discard all closed-doorism, form a broad united front and guard against adventurism.
  • 不止样,不过最喜欢的,还是读书,那就拿去买书吧。
    It is not just one thing, but my favorite is still reading. It is books then that I will use the remittance to buy book.
  • 如果颗有如此大的质量、甚至更大质量的恒星发生超新星爆炸,它会在燃烧后留下质量相当大的些恒星残留物。
    If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion, it may leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant.
  • 退化器官在先前代或较早的发展阶段之后的退化器官,它是初级的或衰落的,并且经常是不再起作用的结构
    A rudimentary or degenerate, usually nonfunctioning, structure that is the remnant of an organ or a part that was fully developed or functioning in a preceding generation or an earlier stage of development.
  • 它们被从其它的生活区驱逐出去,只能生活在这小片遗留下来的栖息地里,结果它们受到更多更严重的干扰,”世界鹦鹉信托基金会的主任詹姆斯·吉拉迪说。世界鹦鹉信托基金会是个致力于鹦鹉的生存和福利的慈善机构。
    But currently they are in a very small chunk of forest left way up in the mountains," says James Gilardi, director of the World Parrot Trust, a charity that works for the survival and welfare of parrots. "So they're sitting on this little remnant of habitat and they've been chased out of the rest of their range and, consequently, they're exposed to more sorts of perturbations in a more severe way."