  • 工会和资方之的谈判由于互不信任而愈加困难。
    Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual distrust.
  • 工会和资方之的谈判由於互不信任而愈加困难。
    Negotiation between union and management is make more difficult by mutual distrust.
  • 工会和资方之的谈判由於互不信任而愈加困难
    The negotiation between union and management is made more difficult by mutual distrust
  • 可是,就在中印关系不断改善的时候,瓦杰帕伊政府却大肆渲染中印两国之存在“不信任的气氛”,这种为了替核试验寻找借口而不惜牺牲中印两国关系大局的做法,受到了国际舆论以及印度国内许多有识之士的批评。
    When Sino-Indian relationship witnessed constant improvement, Vajpayee's government wantonly advocated the so-called "an atmosphere of distrust" between the two countries. The act of finding an excuse for India's nuclear tests at the expense of Sino-Indian relations was criticized by the international media and many far-sighted personages in India.
  • 宇宙有一个计划(“计划”一词,和“目的”一样,也是我所不欢喜的名词)——我的意思是说,宇宙有一个模型;我们对于这整个宇宙,可以先有一种观念——虽然这个观念不是最后固定不移的观念——然后在这个宇宙里占据我们应该占的地位。
    There is a scheme of things (although "scheme" is another word, like "end" and "purpose", which I strongly distrust) I mean there is a pattern of things in the creation, and we can arrive at some sort of opinion, however lacking in finality, about this entire u-niverse, and then take our place in it.
  • 中国是一个半殖民地国家——帝国主义的不统一,影响到中国统治集团的不统一。
    China is a semi-colonial country -- disunity among the imperialist powers makes for disunity among the ruling groups in China.
  • 第一种终点,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时,如果红军没有内部不统一和地方党的分裂,即立三路线和ab团两个困难问题存在,是可以设想在吉安、南丰、樟树三点之集中兵力举行反攻的。
    Here is an example of the first type,during our first counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" in Kiangsi, had it not been for the disunity inside the Red Army and the split in the local Party organization (the two difficult problems created by the Li Li-san line and the A-B Group), it is conceivable that we might have concentrated our forces within the triangle formed by Kian, Nanfeng and Changshu and launched a counter-offensive.
  • 一条沟渠把水从河导入田
    A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields.
  • 根据恒星分和秒的小时组成的恒星日的时
    measured by the diurnal motion of stars.
  • 北半球北部日活动类似隼的灰白色猫头鹰。
    gray-and-white diurnal hawk-like owl of northern parts of the northern hemisphere.
  • 鹰一种日活动的鹰科大猛禽,包括雕属和海雕属的成员,其特征为有力的钩形喙,敏锐的视觉、长而宽的翅膀,强劲高远的飞行
    Any of various large diurnal birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, including members of the genera Aquila and Haliaeetus, characterized by a powerful hooked bill, keen vision, long broad wings, and strong, soaring flight.
  • 是一相当大的卧室兼小起居室,有一张坐卧两用沙发。
    It's a fairly large bed-sitting-room with a divan.
  • 不过,可以肯定地说,到5世纪差异就出现了,而到了8世纪,我们就能准确地辨别各种罗曼语方言的语法和词汇之的差别了。
    But the divergence was certainly under way by the 5th century, and by the 8th century we can detect unmistakable differences in the basic vocabulary and grammar of the various Romance dialects.
  • 当局于政权移交仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会期需采取大型的交通改道措施,并全面动员警队的护送组及总区执行及控制组。
    The Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings necessitated major diversionary traffic schemes and full deployment of the Force Escort Group as well as regional enforcement and control teams.
  • 人类有不同的信仰、文化和语言,人与人之必须相互尊重。
    Human beings must respect one other, in all their diversity of belief, culture and language.
  • 把水从河里引入田间
    divert water from a river into the fields
  • 摩托车手之的争论转移了我的注意力
    My attention was diverted by an argument between motorists.
  • 甚至某些人在战争形势稍为好转的时候,就准备在国共两党之加紧磨擦一下,把对外的眼光转到对内。
    There are even some people who, the moment a slightly favourable turn occurs in the war situation, are prepared to intensify the "friction" between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, diverting attention from external to internal matters.
  • 例如,一公司派发0.05元的股息,而它的股价是1元,那么,股息率就是5%(0.05元除以1元)。
    For example, a company pays five cents divi-dend a year and its share price is a dollar, then the dividend yield is 5%($0.05 divi-ded by $1 mutliplied by 100).
  • 被分成隔或者类别。
    divided up into compartments or categories.
  • 那所房子被隔成数套房
    The house was divided into flats.
  • 例如,一公司派发0.05元的股息,而它的股价是1元,那么,股息率就是5%(0.05元除以1元)。
    For example, a company pays five cents dividend a year and its share price is a dollar, then the dividend yield is 5% ($0.05 divided by $1).
  •  一公司通常一年里会派息两次,一次在中期业绩时(称为中期股息),而另一次在年终业绩时(年终股息)。
    A company usually pays dividends twice a year, one declared during the in-terim results (known as interim dividend) and the other during the final results (final dividend).
  • 举例来说,一赚取每股1元盈利的公司准备派发0.30元股息,它的派息率是30%。
    For example, a company which earns $1 per share and pays out a dividend of 30 cents per share, has a payout ratio of 30%.
  • 公司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。
    For a company to pay good dividends,it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay.
  • 公司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。
    For a company to pay good dividends, it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay.
  • (两者的)界限并不总是那么清楚明显的。
    The dividing line is not always marked and clear.
  • 莱茵河构成法国和德国之的一段分界线。
    For some distance the Rhine forms the dividing line between France and Germany.
  • 三行图式三条连续或断平等线组成的图形,尤指用于中国哲学或占卜中的图式
    A figure composed of three solid or interrupted parallel lines, especially as used in Chinese philosophy or divination according to the I Ching.
  • 以老子教义为基础但是包括与占卜和巫术相联系的神的民中国宗教的,或与之相关的。
    of or relating to the popular Chinese religious system based on the teachings of Lao-tse but including a pantheon of gods along with divination and magic.
  • 现在不是交通高峰时
    This isn't the peak diving time.
  • 两个国家之的区分线。
    the divisional line between two states.