  • 六月三十日的午夜,当国国旗徐徐落下,中国国旗苒苒上升之际,当我们以本身的语言向全世界宣告本港进入了新纪元时,对每一个在场的人来说,都是一个严肃、隆重和感性的时刻;
    It was a solemn, stately and emotional moment for everyone present, as the Union Jack was lowered, and the Chinese flag raised at midnight on June 30; as we announced to the world, in our language, that Hong Kong had entered a new era.
  • 自去年11月推出“披头士专辑1”以来,在美国本土的销售量已经超过700万张,并在排行榜中8周蝉联第一。该专辑中包含27首位居音乐排行榜前列的美流行歌曲。
    Since " The Beatles 1," a collection of 27 chart? topping British and American hits, was released last November, it has sold more than 7 million copies stateside and enjoyed eight weeks at No.1.
  • (1676-1745)在乔治一世统治时期卓有成效的国首相,辉格党政治家。
    (1676-1745) English Whig statesman who (under George I) was effectively the first British prime minister.
  • (1874-1965)国保守派政治家;二战中的国领导人;在1953年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。
    (1874-1965) British Conservative statesman; British leader during World War II; received Nobel Prize for literature in 1953.
  • 由立法机构批准的,在国指议会批准的成文法
    Statute which has been approved by a law- make body( in Great Britain, by parliament)
  • 由立法机构批准的,在国指议会批准的成文法
    The statute which has been approved by a law - made body ( in Great Britain, by parliament)
  • 国安妮法案是美国著作权条款的先驱,它的通过也是为了减少出版业的独占权,通过与个人作者分权达到此目的。
    The British Statute of Anne, the precursor to the American Copyright Clause, was adopted for the purpose of reducing the monopoly power of the publishing industry and decentralizing that power by placing it in the hands of individual authors.
  • 为了更好地从事科研工作,我曾学过一点语;而这时这些知识对我很有助益。
    I had learned a little English the better to pursue my scientific researches, and this knowledge was now to stand me in good stead.
  • 汽船每小时航行20里。
    The steamer sails for twenty miles an hour.
  • 我才不花300镑买他那辆旧汽车呢--这个价钱太高了.
    I wouldn't pay 300 for his old car it's too steep.
  • 我们起飞后急剧上升,到达25,000尺时才水平飞行。
    We climbed steeply after take-off, and levelled out at 25,000 feet.
  • 起飞后。我们一直向上爬升,在2000尺的高度开始平飞。
    We climbed steeply after take - off , and leveled out at 2 0 0 0 feet.
  • 请用4寸大小的字母标示唛头,并注明毛重与净重。
    Kindly stencil our shipping mark in letter 4 inch high and give gross and net weight.
  • 量出10尺;然后在地上做个记号。
    Stepped out ten feet and then put a mark in the ground.
  • 王正举步走篷车门阶时,突然传来巨大的爆炸声。
    Just as his Majesty was stepping up into the truck, there was a sudden loud explosion.
  • “日本退后了,日向着平衡,南京更动摇了。”
    "Japan is stepping back, Britain and Japan are virtually inclined to strike a balance, and Nanking is wavering more than ever."
  • 你可以支付英镑。
    You can pay in sterling.
  • 国货币可能贬值,如果果真如此,利率就会上升。
    Sterling may fall, if (this should be) so, interest rates will rise.
  • 镑的前途可能会怎样?
    Whither the pound sterling?
  • 请告诉我国货币的现行兑换率。
    Please tell me the current rate for sterling.
  • 币的国货币的或含有标准成分的
    Consisting of or relating to sterling or British money.
  • 孙:我有镑旅行支票。
    I've got traveller's cheques in sterling.
  • 用英镑付款较方便。
    It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling.
  • 李:我只有镑旅行支票,行吗?
    I've got traveler's cheques in sterling only, will they do?
  • 要一本新的支票簿并请把这些美元兑换成镑。
    A new cheque book and these dollars into sterling, please.
  • 能否请您告诉我现行国倾向的兑换率?
    Can you tell me the current rate for sterling, please?
  • 能否请您告诉我现行国货币的兑换率?
    Could you tell me the current rate for sterling, please?
  • 镑兑换美元的兑换率是多少?
    How's the exchange rate of English Sterling to US dollar?
  • 请报贵公司最新产品的镑价格.
    Please let us have your prices in sterling for your latest production.
  • 你还应该带些镑以支付回来时必要的花费。
    You should also carry some sterling for necessary expenses when you return.
  • 国经济状况忧虑的增长,使镑受到沈重打击。
    Sterling take a batter as worry grow about the state of Britain's economy.
  • 其货币与国的货币镑联系在一起的国家群。
    the group of countries whose currencies are tied to the British pound sterling.