  • 我们将汽车停在海边,汽车上溅满了浪
    We parked the car by the sea and it get covered with spray.
  • 我们把汽车停在海边,汽车上溅满了水
    We parked the car by the sea and it got covered in spray.
  • 飞溅的浪使甲板上的每一个地方以及每一件东西都结了一层冰。
    The flying spray had iced up every inch of the deck and everything on it.
  • 野花遍地的田野
    a field spread with wild flowers
  • 春天的山坡百齐放。
    Spring enflowers the slopes.
  • 公园里的儿已经开放。
    Flowers are already springing up in the park.
  • 只要哪儿有样滑冰,哪儿就能看到宋佳·海涅模仿者如雨后春笋般涌现。
    Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up, wherever figure skating was appreciated.
  • 房子焕然一新,父母心怒放。
    The house is spruced up and it is springtime for the parents.
  • 她就这样生活着,她唯一的愿望就是她可以在春天死去,裹尸布上放满鲜
    Thus lives she, and all her care is she may die in the springtime, to have store of flowers stuck upon her winding-sheet.
  • 一天,年轻的王子来到囚禁妖怪的园。
    One day the young prince came into the gardens where the sprite sat in jail.
  • 落基山脉一种开蓝的长距耧斗草。
    columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers.
  • 北美东部一种具有长距红的耧斗草。
    columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers.
  • 锚属的任何一种植物,具有马刺状圆裂片。
    any of various plants of the genus Halenia having flowers with spurred lobes.
  • 美国东部产的一种优美的春天开的草本植物,叶具浅裂,淡黄白色,具二踞。
    delicate spring-flowering plant of the eastern United States having double-spurred white flowers.
  • 耧斗菜属的一种长有不规则距鲜艳朵的植物;分布于北温带特别是高山地区。
    a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains.
  • 延胡索一种原产于欧亚大陆的草本植物(蓝堇蓝堇属),长着错落有致的叶子和开带刺的紫色小
    An herb(Fumaria officinalis) native to Eurasia, having finely divided leaves and small, spurred, purplish flowers.
  • 具有各种色(白、蓝、紫或红)的短距的欧洲耧斗草;原产美国。
    common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States.
  • 柳穿鱼一种如杂草般蔓生的多年生草本植物(柳穿鱼),产于欧亚大陆,长有狭长叶,开有绚丽的长距的黄色和橙色朵的总状
    A weedy, perennial herb(Linaria vulgaris) native to Eurasia, having narrow leaves and racemes of showy, long-spurred yellow and orange flowers.
  • 旱金莲属植物一种西半球植物旱金蓬属,有刺激性的汁液和长杆,通常开黄色,橙色或红色不规则的
    Any of various New World plants of the genus Tropaeolum, having pungent juice and long-spurred, usually yellow, orange, or red irregular flowers.
  • 我看到有人正沿着园小径走来.
    I spy someone coming up the garden path.
  • 我看到园小径上有个人。
    I spy someone on the garden path.
  • 不管你有多少钱,如果乱到头来也是空空如也。把全部钱在婚礼上,不是傻了吗?
    Isn't it foolish to squander all the money on wedding ceremony?
  • 尽管朋友们一再警告你,你还是乱钱。你瞧你,差一点食不果腹,衣不蔽体了。
    You should squander your money, despite the warnings of your friends and here you are, with scarcely enough to feed and cloth yourself.
  • 她把大好时光都在衣服上了。
    She squanders fine time on clothes.
  • 公共园广场一个美丽的城市广场
    A landscaped city square.
  • 它们就在平原上安顿下来,在田野上开辟园,开始过舒适的日子。
    There they plant themselves squarely, cut themselves gardens from the fields, and take their ease.
  • 不久前,我在园里看到了一只松鼠。
    The other day I saw a squirrel in my garden.
  • 产于北半球和南非有直立或攀援的草本植物;荷包牡丹;兜荷包牡丹;延胡索属植物;加拿大荷包牡丹。
    erect or climbing herbs of the northern hemisphere and southern Africa: bleeding heart; Dutchman's_breeches; fumitory; squirrel corn.
  • 松鼠;黄鼠;土拨鼠;栗鼠;美洲飞鼠;欧黄鼠。
    true squirrels; ground squirrels; marmots; chipmunks; flying squirrels; spermophiles.
  • 水苏属一种广泛种植的唇形科植物水苏属,尤指厚朴主要原产于欧洲,有通常为浅红紫色的穗。曾广泛用于草药
    Any of several plants of the widespread genus Stachys in the mint family, especially S. officinalis, native chiefly to Europe and having spikes of usually reddish-purple flowers. It was once popular in herbal medicine.
  • 在那些洞里,您会看到壮观的钟乳石、石笋、石帘和石
    In the caves you'll see splendid stalactites, stalagmites, stone curtains and flowers.
  • 他用剪子连带茎都剪下来。
    He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.