  • 那是一支短笛样的玩意,装有花花绿绿的按键。它发出一种像瘸腿鸭子叫似的嗓声,但我三岁的儿子立即认定它是美的化身,而且必带来永久的音乐享受。
    It was a stump pipe affair with gaily coloured keys. It made a noise like a paralysed duck, and my three-year-old son immediately decided it was a thing of beauty and bound to be a musical joy forever.
  • 当夜剧院里一片喜庆气氛;明星们个个都登台表演,观众们人人身穿盛装。
    It was a gala night at the opera; all the stars were going to perform, and the audience worn their finest clothes.
  • 那些勇敢的人的形象在我的脑海中挥之不去,我永远为他们祈祷。
    Those gallant men will remain often in my thoughts and my prayers, always.
  • 信件快速送往下一站
    Gallop the mail to the next station.
  • "要是比技巧,他胜过你。"
    "If it's a game of skill, he'll do you down."
  • 我表示愿意我的车卖给加里,他马上答应买下。
    I offered to sell Gary my car and he snapped at it.
  • 对基于wap的设备,需要使用wap网关wtp桥接到http。
    For WAP enabled devices a WAP gateway is necessary to bridge WTP to HTTP.
  • 网关会无线请求转换为某个特定网站的url。
    The gateway converts the wireless request to a URL for a specific web site.
  • 介质网关控制器(mgc)起到大脑的作用,因为它们控制多个介质网关。
    Media gateway controllers (MGC) will serve as the brains because they will control many media gateways.
  • 无线应用程序服务器通过无线网络无线内容源连接到无线网关/设备。
    A wireless application server connects the wireless content source over the wireless network to the wireless gateway/device.
  • 西方学者日本描写成这样一个国家---由于传统习俗使那些刚刚摘掉尿布的儿童被迫对付应接不暇的考试,以确保在最好的大学内获得一席之地.。
    Western pundits painted a picture of a country gripped by a societal fixation to push and push children, barely out of diapers, to their absolute limit to pass a gauntlet of entrance exams required to secure a seat at the best universities.
  • "孩子们一想到即来临的假日,都很高兴。"
    The children were all gay at the thought of the coming holidays.
  • 想到即来临的假日,我们都很高兴。
    We were all gay at the thought of the coming holidays.
  • 我由衷地祈望,我能用一条精美的丝带绕在一个用鲜艳的礼品纸包装的礼盒上送给您点"什么",以表达我的感激和爱戴,但是我再没有什么能比得过数月前我已送给您的、您也欣然接受的最为宝贵的礼物--那礼物您已其紧贴心头,并与之一起欢笑,也可能一起哭泣,称赞过也训斥过,鼓励着和塑造着的--我的孩子!。
    I wish with all my heart I could put a delicate ribbon on a gayly wrapped package and give you a“something”to express my appreciation and affection,but I have nothing to give you that would surpass the most precious gift I have ever had to offer and which you already so graciously accepted months ago the one you have held close to your heart,laughed with and probably cried with,applauded and scolded,encouraged and molded my child!
  • 军把凝视的目光从出席高级会议的一个人转向另一个人。
    The general turned his gaze from one person to the other present at the summit meeting.
  • 房间扫视了一遍。
    Her gaze raked over the room.
  • 执行过程中的一个阶段所需的时间,在此期间,计算机从主存储器中取出指令或操作数,并其存入控制器或运算器的寄存器中。
    The part of execution in which an operand or instruction is read from main stora ge and written into a control unit or arithmetic unit register.
  • 我们调整力量生产推向更高的水平.
    Our effort is geared to a higher level of production.
  • 我们调整力量生产推向更高的水平
    Our efforts are geared to a higher level of production
  • 通常,拥有相当比例海外学生的大学会向你提供帮助,但无论如何还是要仔细一点。
    Generally,universities with a significant proportion of overseas students will be geared to help you,but check it anyway.
  • 法国人喜欢口味纯正、少糖的巧克力,不喜欢添加了其他口味的花色巧克力,而意大利人则喜欢纵情享受各种各样的巧克力,其繁复精妙发挥到极致。
    The French prefer simplicity and purity of taste, without additional flavors and with little sugar, while Italian tastes are geared toward the more indulgent and sophisticated end of the market.
  • (汽车的)超速档机动车辆的一种齿轮装置,通过降低齿轮比率来减少为车速保持在一定范围内而需要的输出力
    A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio.
  • 那天,当他问我是否需要他的帮助时,我正像往常一样,在为即到来的“战斗”做准备。
    I was gearing up for the usual fight with her when he asked if he could help.
  • 观光者在6月份会发现,这个城市已为每年在柯大道举行的滚动车轮锦标赛这一非同寻常的活动做好准备。
    Visitors in June will find the city gearing up for a very unusual event --the annual Cartwheeling Championship--held on the Ko.
  • 电脑空间的士兵是身着制服的年轻怪杰,他们能够把病毒程序插入德黑兰市的供电系统,使整座城市陷入一片黑暗之中。
    The soldier in syberspace will be the young geek in uniform who can insert a virus into Teheran's electricity supply to plunge the city into darkness.
  • 第三,dna片段的分布转移到一块尼龙片上,这块尼龙片要放在凝胶上并浸泡一个晚上。
    Thirdly, the distribution of DNA pieces is transferred to a nylon sheet by placing the sheet on the gel and soaking them overnight.
  • 柯罗版制版术一种使用带明胶表面的玻璃盘承载即被复制的图象的印刷制版术
    A printing process employing a glass plate with a gelatin surface that carries the image to be reproduced.
  • 热水会使淀粉胶化。
    hot water will gelatinize starch.
  • 当地政府性别观点纳入主流的准则;
    guidelines for local governments to mainstream gender;
  • 一系列用于性别观点纳入水资源管理的招贴画;
    a series of posters for use in mainstreaming gender in water resources management;
  • 鉴于目前的性别研究大都女性作为重点对象,哈佛把重点放在男孩身上。
    With most of the energy in gender studies currently focused on girls, Harvard will look initially at males.
  • 他们宣布,这项技术已经可以按设想进行:改变了精子基因的老鼠新基因传给了下一代。
    They announced that the technology worked as intended: Nice equipped with gene-altered sperm passed the gene to their descendants.