  • 世界上第一艘集装箱船是一条年久的油船,为理想x号,其甲板经过加固承载了58箱装得结结实实的货物,每只箱子大约有30英尺(9米)长。
    The first container ship was an elderly oil tanker, the Ideal X, whose deck had been strengthened to accommodate 58 well?filled boxes each some 3 oft (9 metres) long.
  • 他要是对他碰见的每个姑娘都使媚眼,就会声扫地。
    He'll get a bad name for himself if he ogles at every girl he meets.
  • 他死后才获得诗人之
    His fame as a poet did not come until after his death.
  • 诗人的名字
    The name of a poet
  • 他理应享有诗人之
    He deserves the name of poet.
  • 他以第一流的诗人而闻
    He is known as a leading poet.
  • 他是一个不虚传的诗人。
    He is poet worthy of the name.
  • 作为诗人,他望更大。
    He was better known as a poet.
  • 马提雅尔罗马诗人,因其警句、诗集而出
    Roman poet known for his books of epigrams.
  • 好的,请你留一下姓和地址?
    Okay, can you give your name and address?
  • 因此谎称自己是1"12岁女孩"的"她"实际上很可能是1位年龄更大的男性。
    Thus, someone indicating that "she" is a "l2-year-old-girl" could in reality be an older man.
  • 最近,一位叫友吉中元寺的九州岛老人被列为世界上最长寿的男人。
    Recently, another Kyushu resident was hailed as the world's oldest man.
  • 奥立佛从一衣冠楚楚的乘客身上偷得一包香烟。
    Oliver filched a packet of cigarettes from a well-dressed passenger.
  • 奥利弗·斯通的《生于七月四日》(1989)为他赢得了奥斯卡最佳男演员提
    Oliver Stone's Born on the Fourth of July (1989) earned him a Best Actor Oscar nomination.
  • 奥运会起源于古希腊,因举办地点在奥林匹亚得
    The Olympics was originated in ancient Greece. It got its name from the place of the host Olympia.
  • (二)奥林匹克、奥林匹亚、奥林匹克运动会及其简称等专有称;
    The special terms of OLYMPIC, OLYMPIAD, OLYMPIC GAMES and their abbreviations;
  • 而且还将“第8界奥林匹亚德体育周”正式命为第一后冬季奥运会。
    The "Eighth Olympiad Sports Week"was officially named as the first Winter Olympic Games.
  • 而且还将“第8界奥林匹亚德体育周”正式命为第一届冬季奥运会。
    The "Eighth Olympiad Sports Week" was officially named as the first Winter Olympic Games.
  • 这名单有若干缺漏。
    This list of names has a few omissions.
  • 你把我的字从单上漏掉了。
    You have omitted my name in from the list.
  • 单上不要遗漏了他的字。
    Don't omit his name from the list.
  • 美国东部的杂食性负鼠;以危险时装死而闻;在有些地区被当作珍贵的食物;南美洲的一些品种被当作食蟹负鼠。
    omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America.
  • 科佩尔曼是纽约州纳苏县儿科学会的前会长,在长岛南滩地区是最有望、最受欢迎的儿科医生之一。
    Copperman, a onetime president of the Nassau Pediatrics Society, was one of the most prominent and popular pediatricians on the South Shore of Long Island.
  • 记住,网上朋友可能用假
    Remember that people online may not be who they seem.
  • 多伦多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位于该省南部安大略湖边。原本为法国人的商品集散地,1793年英国人建立该城,为约克,1834年重新被命为多伦多。多伦多是一个重要的五大湖区的港口和工业中心。人口599,217
    The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population, 599,217.
  • 多伦多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位于该省南部安大略湖边。原本为法国人的商品集散地,1793年英国人建立该城,为约克,1834年重新被命为多伦多。多伦多是一个重要的五大湖区的港口和工业中心。人口599,217
    The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population,599, 217.
  • 伦敦加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于多伦多市西南。1826年成为定居点,为一工业城市,其街道和桥梁均以英格兰的伦敦市命。人口254,280
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, southwest of Toronto. Settled in1826, it is an industrial city whose streets and bridges are named after those of London, England. Population,254, 280.
  • 圣安塞姆意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻
    Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God.
  • 从2004年起,每年邀请主要旅游客源国的50大旅行商访问北京。
    Each year from 2004 onwards, 50 leading businessmen in the travel industry shall be invited to visit Beijing from major tourist source countries.
  • 杂志中的文章通常是署了的。
    articles in magazines are usually onymous.
  • “那时两百个雇主——其中有些还提供多个工作额——印出所有工作,长达32页,”普里尔太太说。“现在我们只能拿到20页,也许还未必有那么多。”
    "With 200 employers, come of them with multiple job openings, a printout of all the jobs ran 32 pages," Mrs.Puryear said. "Now we're getting 20 pages, if that."
  • 该科又负责第二代警务处姓索引电脑系统,全日为所有行动人员提供即时的个案查询支援。
    The bureau is also responsible for the operation of the 'Enhanced Police Operational Nominal Index Computer System' which provides immediate case enquiry support to all operational officers on a 24-hourbasis.