  • 在上半场的整整20钟里,巴西足球队的前锋们把看台上挤得小泄不通的观众全给迷住了。
    For twenty minutes of the first half, the Brazilian forwards had a packed stadium in their spell.
  • 巴西仙人掌类的一个小属,茎肉质,扁平,通常具枝的节,花美丽,红色或粉色,果实红色,肉质。
    small genus of Brazilian cacti having flat fleshy usually branched joints and showy red or pink flowers followed by red fleshy fruits.
  • 面包的主要成是面粉。
    Bread is chiefly made of flour.
  • 他的笑话[举止]太过了。
    There is too much breadth in his jokes [behaviour].
  • 棱镜把光解成虹的各种色彩。
    The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow.
  • 这部新出版的编年史成八大部
    The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts.
  • 全组人员干了一整天才把工作的最主要部完成了。
    It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job.
  • 人体中的化学元素把食物解成有用的物质。
    Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.
  • 损失超过这批货物的百之三十。
    The loss through breakage was over 30% of the consignment.
  • 维切思先生是马尼拉的一家进口商,为一笔釉面瓷砖破碎率占船货的百之三十以上一事,向我轻工业品进出口总公司提出了意见。
    Mr Vichers, an importer from Manila, has filed a complaint with our Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation about the breakage of glazed wall tiles, which exceeds 30% of the consignment.
  • 为了赔偿部损失,可否请你们报给我们一个实盘:50000块釉面瓷砖cif马尼拉包括破碎险,11月份装船?
    Well , to compensate a part of the loss, as you suggested, may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 50 000 glazed wall tiles C. I. F. Manila including the risk of breakage, November shipment?
  • 从那个旧政党中裂出去的一派又组成了一个新政党。
    A breakaway group within the old political party formed a new one.
  • 一群主张裂的政治改革家
    A group of breakaway political reformers.
  • 这是反对成员的离。
    there was a breakaway by the discontented members; a breaking away from family and neighborhood.
  • 腐烂;解指有机物的解或腐败
    Breakdown or decay of organic materials.
  • 组织溶解器官组织的解和破坏
    The breakdown and disintegration of organic tissue.
  • 二零零一年制造业雇员人数的项数字载于图2。
    Chart 2 shows the breakdown of employment within the manufacturing sector in 2001.
  • 这种解过程的产物之一是元素氯。
    One of the products of this breakdown is the element chlorine.
  • 消化道里泌的酶,对脂肪解有催化作用。
    an enzyme secreted in the digestive tract that catalyzes the breakdown of fats.
  • 追寻到犯罪分子
    Hound out a law-breaker
  • 更令人激动的是斯拉米的最新发现:一种子“破坏者”,这种药物实际可以破坏糖一蛋白质之间形成的化合键,从而逆转老化过程。
    Perhaps more exciting is Cerami's recent discovery of a molecular "breaker" -- a drug that may actually reverse the aging process by cracking sugar-protein links once they foim.
  • 通过解使变成粉末。
    make into a powder by breaking up.
  • (一○)我军实行中间突破,将敌人的阵线打开一缺口后,敌之东西诸纵队便被离为远距之两群。
    If our troops made a breakthrough at the centre and breached the enemy's front, his columns to the east and west would be cut into two widely separated groups.
  • 倾向于引起够成元素或成离的。
    tending to cause breakup into constituent elements or parts.
  • 你先是个性情不定的人,但经过死亡,手,离异,或失业,是不是变得坚硬了,变得倔强了?
    Were you a fluid19 spirit,but after a death,a breakup,a divorce,or a layoff 20 have you become hardened and stiff?
  • 美国一家联邦上诉法院6月28日推翻了将微软一为二的判决,并命令由另外一名法官代替杰克逊来担任此案的主审官。
    A federal appeals court reversed the breakup of Microsoft Thursday and ordered that a new judge decide the landmark case.
  • 然而,维沃继续说道,在弄清楚慧星裂的原因之前,他们不能完全确信所观察到的现象。
    He cautioned, however, that they couldn't be absolutely sure this is what they saw until they figured out what caused the comet's breakup.
  • 然而一些科学家研究得出的证据表明,裂是逐渐进行的。在慧星最后死亡的前几个星期里,它一直不停地剥离掉各种物质。
    Several of the Science studies, however, found evidence that the breakup happened progressively, with the comet shedding material during the weeks leading up to its final demise.
  • 由于慧星受太阳的加热,所有的冰都快速汽化,从固体到气体的膨胀使得核裂,这是慧星裂前的主要形态。
    The leading scenario for a comet's breakup is that all the ice vaporizes quickly as the comet is heated by the sun, and the expansion from solid to gas breaks the nucleus apart.
  • 该署在年内继续策划改建中国客运码头的北防波堤,重建五个别位于白沙湾、东龙洲、喜灵洲、大榄涌及青山的公众码头。
    It continued with the planning of the modification to the northern breakwater of the China Ferry Terminal, and the reconstruction of the existing public piers at Pak Sha Wan, Tung Lung Chau, Hei Ling Chau, Tai Lam Chung and Castle Peak.
  • 衣服的胸襟穿在胸部或乳房部的衣服
    The part of a garment covering the chest or breasts.
  • 胸膛身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部;胸膛
    The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone; the thorax.