  • 你把西收拾好了吗?
    Have you packed your things up?
  • 这天时间都用来收拾西了。
    The day was spent in packing.
  • 用扁平的西打,比如短桨或敞开的手。
    hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand.
  • 日本以及亚的几个“新日本”正在显示出这一点,而其显示的方式是历史较久的工业国家怵目惊心地看得非常清楚的。
    Japan and the “new Japans” of East Asia are demonstrating this point in ways that are becoming painfully obvious to the older industrial countries.
  • 亚洲中部的多山的国家;边界西到伊朗、北到俄罗斯、南到巴基斯坦。
    a mountainous country in central Asia; bordered by Iran to the west and Russia to the north and Pakistan to the east and south.
  • 约翰的笔友在信中告诉他在京上学的情况。
    John's pen pal writes him letters about school in Tokyo.
  • 分布于欧洲和加拿大部的古生代简单的二岐式植物,包含最古老的脉管陆地植物。
    Paleozoic simple dichotomously branched plants of Europe and eastern Canada including the oldest known vascular land plants.
  • 巴山在加利利海北方,巴勒斯坦古代的一个地区
    An ancient region of Palestine northeast of the Sea of Galilee.
  • 亚洲西南部地中海端的一个犹太人共和国;以前是巴勒斯坦的一部分。
    Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine.
  • 印度同学:1930年我国参加第9届远运动会后,代表团团长格·桑迪博士带回了远运动会的经验,由他筹措举办了历史上唯一的一后西亚运动会,参加国有印度、锡兰(斯里兰卡)、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦,项目有田径、曲棍球、篮球等。
    Indian student: The Chairman of the Indian delegation, Dr. San-di, brought back the experience home after the Ninth Games in 1930.He raised money to hold the West Asia Games, which was the only game in history. Indian, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Palestine par-ticipated in the games. The events were track and field, ice hockey,basketball, and so on.
  • 印度同学:1930年我国参加第9届远运动会后,代表团团长格·桑迪博士带回了远运动会的经验,由他筹措举办了历史上唯一的一届西亚运动会,参加国有印度、斯里兰卡、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦,项目有田径、曲棍球、篮球等。
    Indian student: The Chairman of the Indian delegation, Dr. Sandi, brought back the experience home after the Ninth Games in 1930. He raised money to hold the West Asia Games, which was the only game in history. Indian, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Palestine participated in the games. The events were track and field , ice hockey, basketball, and so on.
  • 潘多拉对这瓮产生了强烈的好奇心,非常想知道里面装着什么西。有一天,她推开了瓮盖,想看个究竟。
    Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in.
  • 这些西是因为一个青年女人有一种难于克制的欲望,想打开一箱珍宝——“潘多拉箱子”(pandora’s box)——来看,才在这世间出现的。
    they came through the uncontrollable desire of a young woman to open and see a box of jewels Pandora's Box.
  • 那些曾经被孩子们的棒球砸坏的窗户、不小心碰倒的台灯以及在厨房里掉在地上摔碎的碟子都是已经毁坏了的西。
    The window pane shattered by a baseball, a lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen are already broken.
  • 博格尔美国德克萨斯州北部的一座城市,位于阿马里洛北部的狭长区域。1925年在此发现了石油。人口15,675
    A city of northern Texas in the Panhandle northeast of Amarillo. Oil was discovered in the area in1925. Population15, 675.
  • 潘帕美国得克萨斯西北的城市,在阿马里洛北偏的潘汉德尔。是养牛和产油地区的工业和造船业中心。人口19,959
    A city of northwest Texas in the Panhandle east-northeast of Amarillo. It is an industrial and shipping center in a cattle and oil area. Population,19, 959.
  • 股市上那场惊惶纯粹是对京消息的过敏反应。
    The stock-market panic was simply over-reaction to the news from Tokyo.
  • 产于亚和澳大利亚的一个灌木和乔木属,圆锥花序,花大,白色或黄色。
    East Indian and Australian shrubs and trees having panicles of large white or yellow flowers.
  • 北美部攀援植物,蔓生于其他植物之上,有许多奶油色白花的圆锥花序。
    common climber of eastern North America that sprawls over other plants and bears numerous panicles of small creamy white flowers.
  • 铁树亚洲部的一种热带灌木(朱蕉朱蕉属),生有成簇细长的顶生叶和白色、黄色或红色的圆锥花序
    An eastern Asian tropical shrub(Cordyline terminalis) having a terminal tuft of long narrow leaves and panicles of white, yellowish, or reddish flowers.
  • 美国部普通紫罗兰,巨大的浅蓝色或紫色花,类似圆三色堇。
    common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies.
  • 电视只放映一些没有价值仅供消遣的西
    TV shows that offer nothing but pap.
  • 例如,当送来的一份文件是来自韩国,负责付帐的职员自动地与公司中远贸易专家进行接触。
    For example, if incoming paperwork is from Korea, the accounts payable clerk might automatically be put in contact with the corporate expert on Far East trade.
  • 然而,这个乐园并不是人间的西。
    But his paradise is unearthly, too.
  • 科连特斯市位于巴拉那河上游与巴拉圭交界的阿根廷北部城市。1588年建立。人口180,612
    A city of northeast Argentina on the Paran River and the Paraguay border. It was founded in1588. Population,180, 612.
  • 波萨达斯阿根廷北部一城市,位于普拉那河,靠近巴拉圭边界。该市是贸易及加工中心。人口143,889
    A city of northeast Argentina on the Paran River and the Paraguayan border. It is a trade and processing center. Population,143, 889.
  • 在一个奇特难看的鸟笼里,养着一只无精打采的蓝色长尾小鹦鹉--这是室内唯一有生命的西,旁边还配了个赛璐珞的假鹦鹉。
    In a peculiarly ugly cage was the only other living thing in the house,a somnolent blue parakeet with a celluloid fake companion.
  • 使某西平行或放置平行。
    make or place parallel to something.
  • 没有以前的例子、先例或者类似的西。
    having no previous example or precedent or parallel.
  • 业:在包裹里有什么西呢?
    What's in the parcel?
  • 这包东西是给谁的?
    Who is this parcel meant for?
  • 削皮,剥皮,削下物如皮肤或果皮等削下来的西
    Something, such as a skin or peel, that has been pared off.