  • 波士顿[财务]公司经济学家索斯,谈到美元贬值时说,“我认为这是在提醒新政府必须采取某些步骤来稳定金融。这是个警讯。”
    "I think it is a reminder that the new Government has to take certain steps to keep the financial stability intact," Neal M.Soss, a First Boston Corporation economist, said of the dollar's decline. "It is a shot across the bow."
  • 我仍然希望新加坡更多些善意的温情的提醒(属于道德层面),而不是冷冰冰动辄罚款xx元或在劳改法令下接受劳改的惩戒。
    Besides, I hope justice can be tempered with mercy. Do not throw the book at people in the first instance, allow them the benefit of a kind and gentle reminder (this has to do with morality) instead of slapping them with a fine or Corrective Work Order.
  • 它提醒我父亲是多么地不同寻常,以及这些年来对我是多么地重要,我知道我有这样位父亲,他以慷慨的胸怀、朴素的理解和生中向他的亲人表达祝福的能力,来保持着爱的传统。
    It's a reminder of how special fathers can be and how important it had been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a tradition of love with a generosity of spirit,simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.
  • 它时刻提醒着我,父亲可以是多么特殊的人。意识到我有这样个父亲,这些年对我是多么重要。父亲始终以种大度的气量,以充满理解的单纯的行为和对家人表达满意的能力持续着他爱的传统。
    It's a reminder of how special fathers can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a tradition of love with a generosity of spirit, simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.
  • 在国外的新加坡义工,花三个星期或更多时间努力向他人证明,新加坡人也能够关怀他人,并不只是如般人所说,有效率、勤劳但缺乏优雅行为,却可能因为我们在三分钟里的言谈举止,完全被否定。这点,我们需要时常提醒自己。
    Statistically, I may be far from reality, but it helps by putting things in perspective. We could take as a reminder that three seconds of what we say and how we behave can wipe out what the volunteer has taken three weeks or more to communicate - that Singaporeans can be something else other than efficient, hardworking but ungracious.
  • 人们需要经常被提醒下,以便停下来关照下家庭生活,并向心上人表达关爱。
    They need reminders to slow down to the pace of family life and show their care for loved ones.
  • 遗憾地提醒您方,尽管我们再催促,至今仍未收到您方信用证。
    We regret to remind you that your L/C has not arrived up to date in spite of our repeated reminders.
  • 显然这在用电话做生意中是有用处的。它也能用于约会提醒程序类的应用,或者确认或通知系统,在这些场合,不必定需要两个人之间的交互通信。
    It has obvious uses for telemarketing, but it can also be used for applications such as appointment reminders, or a confirmation or notification system, where live interaction between two humans is not necessary.
  • 在基地人口处有块巨大的招牌,上面写明在基地旅馆住晚的特价为75美元。徒步旅行经过网球场,三个礼品店——其中两个不过几十码远,还有公司赞助的些其它设施。
    A large sign at the entrance to the grounds announces a $ 75-a-night special at the on-site hotel , and the walking tour passes tennis courts, three gift shops -- two of them just several dozen yards apart -- and reminders of corporate sponsorship.
  • 富于冒险精神的夫妻可以发明自己的减压高招,也许可以试下帆船运动、骑自行车、长途远足或者溜冰。
    More adventurous types can create their own stressbusters,perhaps by trying sailing,bike riding,walking marathons or roller blading.
  • 老朋友们起缅怀他们年青时代的往事。
    The old friends reminisced about their youth.
  • 我们的祖父母下午都坐在那里回忆过去。
    The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon.
  • 他喝醉时总要忆起他跟玛丽在起的生活。
    When he gets drunk he always reminisces about his life together with Mary.
  • 老太太的妹妹多年来住在香港,两见总要叙上番旧。
    The old lady reminisced with her sister who had been living in Hong Kong for many years.
  • 爷爷是喜欢坐在公园里跟别的老人们起话旧。
    Grandfather liked nothing better than sitting in the park, reminiscing with the other old men.
  • 我们好久没见面了,结果我们畅谈了整整个夜晚,追忆往事。
    We hadn't seen each other for ages and we chewed the fat all night, reminiscing about old times.
  • 他们回忆了会往事,然后才转向将他们聚集到起的事务上来。
    They spent some time in reminiscence before turning to the business that had brought them together.
  • 中国作家,至少部分作家,尤其喜欢在文字中回忆他们的婚姻生活。
    In particular, Chinese writers, at least a number of them, have gone to the length of writing reminiscences about their married lives.
  • 大家会相互回忆几件有关她过去的逸事,然后各人将依然故我,丝毫不受这事的影响,甚至谁也不会因此而掉滴眼泪。
    A few reminiscences are exchanged about her, and the lives of all and sundry continue as before without so much as a tear.
  • 新闻家和政治家的自传常常充满着过去事迹的回忆,而文人的自传则应该用大部分的篇幅去追忆个欢乐之夜或与友人同游某山谷的情景。
    Autobiographies of journalists and statesmen are usually full of reminiscences of past events, while the autobiographies of literary men should mainly concern themselves with reminiscences of a happy night, or a visit with some of their friends to some valley.
  • 冒险旅行次大范围的或冒险的旅行
    An extended adventurous voyage or trip.
  • 个追求塞尚风格的优秀配色师
    A forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of C閦anne.
  • 这家旅馆使我联想起我们去年住过的那家。
    This hotel is reminiscent of the one we stayed in last year.
  • 欢跃,雀跃象活跃的马般象前跳跃或弹跳
    To spring or bound forward in a manner reminiscent of a spirited horse.
  • 种林地生长的北美东部本土的杯形花,类似于银莲花但比其更为纤细。
    woodland flower native to eastern North America having cup-shaped flowers reminiscent of anemone but more delicate.
  • 该专辑也巩固了罗比作为个有巨大影响力的词作者的声誉。他那令人愉悦的风格令人联想起鼎盛时期的罗德·斯图尔特。
    The album also confirms Robbie's reputation as a potent lyricist with a canny style,reminiscent of Rod Stewart at his best.
  • 殖民时代建筑种房屋,设计类似于北美革命时期流行于北美殖民地的建筑风格
    A house designed in an architectural style reminiscent of the one prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution.
  • vandenbrink公司推出了转向灵活而风格独特的carver轿车,它的驾驶室很像小汽车的(尤其像新甲壳虫的驾驶室),但里面的座椅又和摩托车样前后排列。
    The Vandenbrink Carver is a crossover vehicle of a different sort:its enclosed cabin is reminiscent of a car's(specifically,the New Beetle's),but it seats just two in tandem like a motorcycle.
  • 其几何印纹与新石器时代晚期陶器的几何图案脉相承,但其中的"双f"夔纹,则是这时期区内的著名特有纹饰。
    This so-called hard geometric ware is decorated with designs, many of which are reminiscent of the geometric patterns of the late Neolithic period, but with their own distinctive style, including the 'Kui-dragon' or 'double F' pattern so characteristic of the region during this period.
  • 你一向太不负责了.
    You have been very remiss in fulfilling your obligations.
  • 他们的思想超过客观过程的定发展阶段,有些把幻想看作真理,有些则把仅在将来有现实可能性的理想,勉强地放在现时来做,离开了当前大多数人的实践,离开了当前的现实性,在行动上表现为冒险主义。
    The thinking of "Leftists" outstrips a given stage of development of the objective process; some regard their fantasies as truth, while others strain to realize in the present an ideal which can only be realized in the future. They alienate themselves from the current practice of the majority of the people and from the realities of the day, and show themselves adventurist in their actions.
  • 不过,你事先要作些调查:弄清楚你的雇主是否会承担你的全部或部分的学费。
    As part of your preliminary research ,find out if your employer provides full or partial tuition remission.