  • 单位时内形成的距离。
    distance travelled per unit time.
  • 非常小的距离或空
    a very small distance or space.
  • 超出记忆力范围的时
    the distant past beyond memory.
  • 在空或者时上距离远。
    distant in either space or time.
  • 在时或者空上非常远。
    very distant in time or space.
  • 对,一切都好--就是彼此之有着距离。
    " It is fine -- just distant.
  • 特别是在空或者时上距离更远。
    more distant in especially space or time.
  • 其服务时于一九九八年十月中起从上午七时三十分至晚上八时三十分,延长至晚上九时三十分。
    Operating hours have been extended from 7.30 am-8.30 pm to 7.30 am-9.30 pm since mid-October 1998.
  • 下午6时至上午8时之较为便宜.
    It's cheaper between 6 pm and 8 am.
  • 定座时自上午10时起至下午6时止。
    Seats can be booked from 1 0 am to 6 pm.
  • (三班制的)午後班工人(通常指工作时从下午)
    Employees on the evening shift, usu from 4 pm to midnight
  • 此外,开放时又延长半小时至晚上七时。
    Closing time was also extended by half an hour to 7 pm.
  • 罗湖边界通道的开放时已由一九九八年十月中起延长一小时,由原来的上午七时至晚上十一时,延长至上午六时半至晚上十一时半。
    Since mid-October, the opening time of the Lo Wu crossing has been extended by one hour, from 7 am-11 pm to 6.30 am-11.30 pm.
  • 至于在星期日下午开放及在平日延长开放时至晚上九时的计划,将会分阶段推行。
    Sunday afternoon opening and the extension of the weekday closing time to 9 pm will be phased in.
  • 他一进来就把灯打开了,黑暗的房里,一切立刻亮了起来。
    As soon as he came in he pm the light on, and everything in the dark room seemed to light up at once.
  • 货运方面,落马洲通道由一九九四年十一月起24小时开放,沙头角和文锦渡通道的开放时则分别为上午七时至晚上六时及上午七时至晚上十时。客运方面,各条通道均由早上七时开放;沙头角和文锦渡通道于晚上八时关闭;由一九九八年十月起,落马洲通道客运的开放时由晚上九时延长至晚上十时。
    The Lok Ma Chau crossing was opened to goods vehicles on a 24-hour basis in November 1994. The Lok Ma Chau crossing opens for passenger traffic at 7 am. Its closing time was extended by one hour from 9 am to 10 pm in October 1998. The Sha Tau Kok and Man Kam To crossings open daily to goods vehicles from 7 am to 6 pm and 7 am to 10 pm respectively. Sha Tau Kok and Man Kam To both operate from 7 am to 8 pm for passenger traffic.
  • 在这对孪生子之看不出有什么明显的差别。
    There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.
  • 一种正负电荷之的区别。
    A distinction between positive and negative electric charges.
  • 这是一独具一格的房
    This is a distinctive room.
  • 在七八月能听到其与众不同的叫声。
    its distinctive song is heard during July and August.
  • 这一回,我记得我是躺在那个橡木的套里。我清清楚楚地听见风雪交加;
    This time, I remembered I was lying in the oak closet, and I heard distinctly the gusty wind, and the driving of the snow;
  • 黑暗中只有他们枪筒的光亮可以辨认出来;一个可以分为四个发展阶段的计划;双胞胎之可以辨别的差异。
    only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom; a project distinguishable into four stages of progress; distinguishable differences between the twins.
  • 不同的物种之区别性的特征差异。
    a distinguishing characteristic esp in different species of a genus.
  • 不幸的受害者;悲惨的战争受害者;破旧的房极大的激起了她的同情——高尔斯华绥;可怜的请求帮助;无家可归的可怜孩子;悲惨的命运;没办法拯救那个可怜的人;他那可怜的、扭伤了的腿;悲惨的生活。
    a hapless victim; miserable victims of war; the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic- Galsworthy; piteous appeals for help; pitiable homeless children; a pitiful fate; couldn't rescue the poor fellow; his poor distorted limbs; a wretched life.
  • 按现行原产地统计进出口贸易的办法,显然难以准确反映世界经济发展变化的大势,甚至会扭曲国与国之的贸易平衡状况。
    It is obviously difficult for the current rules of origin, as employed by trade statistics, to accurately reflect the main changes in world economic development; these rules could even result in a distorted picture of trade balance situation.
  • 一种电报失真,其中调制的有效隔不都具有精确的、理论上的宽度。
    A type of telegraph distortion in which the significant intervals of the modulation do not all have their exact theoretical durations.
  • 如果你实在无法集中精神通话,那就安排另外通话的时
    If you're really too distracted to speak,then reschedule the call.
  • 我认为,美国军方分散了他们的资源、资金、预算和时。他们的重点放在近期而非长期问题上。
    And so they are distracted I guess in a way, and their resources, their money, their budgets, their time are focused on these near-term issues, rather than the long term.
  • 游行的人排成纵队走过街道时,他们中有几个人走出队伍分发传单。
    As the parades marched through the street in a column, some of them peeled off to distribute leaflets.
  • 隔很大的分布方式。
    in a widely distributed manner.
  • 那些椅子被摆放在房里的若干位置上。
    The chairs were distributed round the room.
  • 向大范围空扩展或散布的过程或结果。
    process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space.