  • 硬的或多刺的长青灌木或旧大陆每年落叶的灌木的大的属;金雀
    large genus of stiff or spiny evergreen or deciduous Old World shrubs: broom.
  • 绒毛绣线菊一种产于北美东部生有下侧为铁锈色的叶子和成串的呈玫瑰紫色的穗形小的木本植物(绒毛绣线菊绣线菊属)
    A woody plant(Spiraea tomentosa) of eastern North America, having leaves with rusty down on the undersides and spikelike clusters of small, rose-purple flowers.
  • 了几个月的功夫在泰国做影片的筹备工作。
    I spent several months over there preparing the movie, and I was struck, as was my crew, by the spirituality of Thailand.
  • 瓶和我在波士顿想买的简直一模一样。
    That vase is the spitting image of one I wanted to buy in Boston.
  • 例如:提醒人们不能吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against littering, spitting, chewing gum, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 例如:提醒人们不能吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against chewing gum, littering, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, spitting, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 我知道这件黑衬衫使我看上去像个懒汉,但我是不能太讲究的,漂亮衣服得钱哪。
    I know the black shirt makes me look like a spiv, but I can’t be too particular, for good clothes cost money.
  • 一些大学生钱大手大脚
    Some university students splash their money around.
  • 我跌入水中,激起水四溅。
    I fell into the water with a splash.
  • 我们决定今年一大笔钱去国外度假。
    We've decided to splash out on a holiday abroad this year.
  • 他的入水非常漂亮,几乎没有溅起水
    He achieved a perfectly clean entry, and there is almost no splash.
  • 物体没有溅起水就落入液体中时发出的声音。
    the noise of a rounded object dropping into a liquid without a splash.
  • 四月初是采茶的季节,那时桃盛开。
    The picking season comes in early April. By the time, the peach blossoms are in full splendour.
  • 他们了两个小时为一些程序问题争论不休。
    They spent two hours splitting hairs over matters of procedure.
  • 我大手大脚了一笔钱买了两套新衣服.
    I had a splurge and bought two new suits.
  • 他决定送给妻子一份礼物,大大方方点钱买件新衣服。
    He decided to give his wife a present, and really splurge on some new dress.
  • 她确实舍得钱买新衣服。
    She really splurges on new clothes.
  • 野草与茎死死地缠在一起,除掉野草而不伤卉是不可能的了。
    The weeds were so with the plants that it was impossible to remove them without spoiling the flowers.
  • 这阵大雨把公园里的全浇坏了。
    The heavy rain has spoilt the flowers in the park.
  • 通用面粉公司(generalmillsinc.)的发言人说制作过程比较迅速,但也承认,将新形象推广到整个贝蒂.克罗克食品系列却费了不少时间。
    That process was relatively quick, General Mills Inc., spokesmen explain. But they acknowledge that it took quite a while to spread the new image to the whole range of Betty Crocker products.
  • 不要总是找你父母要钱!他们的钱总有个光的时候。
    Don't keep sponging from you parents! Their money won't last for ever.
  • 两位下院议员选举的赞助费掉工会几千英镑。
    Sponsorship of two mps cost the union several thousand pounds.
  • 计时员记录体育比赛所时间的人
    One who keeps track of elapsed time in a sporting event.
  • 一种美丽的通常栽培的植物,有黄褐色、往往有紫色斑点的
    a showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers.
  • 生长于澳大利亚的一种植物,呈红色或黄色;其嫩根和多汁的叶子可食用。
    coarse sprawling Australasian plant with red or yellow flowers; cultivated for its edible young shoots and succulent leaves.
  • 他把水喷在花上。
    He sprayed water over the flowers.
  • 他用水浇花。
    He sprayed the flowers with water.
  • 他的钮孔中插着一簇.
    He had a spray in his buttonhole.
  • 请给花洒些水。
    Please spray some water on the flower.
  • 水雾状的叶子或者的装饰。
    an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers.
  • 海浪冲击着岩石,溅起珠子般的水
    The waves impinged on the rocks, throwing up pearl-like drops of spray.
  • 海浪冲击着岩石,溅起珠子般的水
    The waves impinged on the rocks, throwing up pearl- like drops of spray.