  • 我看了一份匆匆草拟的路制计划。
    He showed me a hastily sketched-out plan of the road system.
  • 我两张去哈斯丁的头等来回火车票。
    Give me two first-class return tickets to Hastings, please.
  • 我三张去哈斯丁斯的头等来回票。
    Give me three first class return tickets to Hastings, please.
  • 我两张去哈斯丁的头等来回票。
    Give me two first- class return ticket to hastings, please.
  • 玛丽嫁一个富翁后就瞧不起她以前的朋友。
    After she had married a rich man, Mary high-hatted her former friends.
  • 这幢老房子里有鬼魂出没,不把它驱逐掉,他们是不会放心的。
    They would not rest content until they had laid the ghost that was reputed to haunt the old house.
  • 地震这个城市造成了巨大的破坏。
    The earthquake has made great havoc of the city.
  • 日本昨天对夏威夷群岛的袭击,美国海、陆军造成了严重的破坏。
    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian island has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.
  • 美瑜昨由新加坡返,带来一件夏威夷衬衣,说要你做生日的礼物。
    Mei-yu returned from Singapore last night. She brought back a Hawaiian shirt and said she would like you to have it as a birthday present.
  • 给(鹰)扣上皮带扣
    To put jesses or a jess on(a hawk, for example).
  • 沉木砍倒后浸在河里并船只造成危险的树或木头
    A fallen tree or log submerged in a river and creating a hazard for boats.
  •  (二)将危险废物提供或者委托无经营许可证的单位收集、贮存、处置的;
    supplying or entrusing hazardous waste to a unit that does not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment;
  •  禁止将危险废物提供或者委托无经营许可证的单位从事收集、贮存、处置的经营活动。
    It is forbidden to supply or entrust hazardous waste to units that do not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment.
  • 在同步数据链路控制规程(sdlc)中,从主站发送次站的控制信息(位于链路头的c-字段)。
    In SDLC, the control information(in the C-field of the link header) sent from the primary station to the secondary station.
  • 与此相反,ipv4的包报头长度可变,这路由器增添很多工作,因为它们必须查看比把信息包转发至其目的地实际所需更多的信息。
    In contrast, IPv4's packet header is variable in size, which creates more work for routers because they must look at more information than they actually need to forward packets to their destination.
  • 你漂亮的头球我留下了深刻的印象。
    I'm really impressed by you beautiful heading.
  • 以很少的注意为特点或者予很少的注意。
    marked by or paying little heed or attention.
  • 他不听从我们的劝告,出去游泳淹死了。
    Heedless of our advice, he go for a swim and drowne.
  • 做鞋跟…钉后掌或后跟
    To furnish with a heel or heels.
  • 我要叫人鞋子换鞋底和鞋跟。
    I'm having my shoes soled and heeled.
  • 他实在不想将情人交自己的老婆;但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?
    He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer?
  • 领导农民的土地斗争,分土地农民;提高农民的劳动热情,增加农业生产;保障工人的利益;建立合作社;发展对外贸易;解决群众的穿衣问题,吃饭问题,住房问题,柴米油盐问题,疾病卫生问题,婚姻问题。
    We must lead the peasants' struggle for land and distribute the land to them, heighten their labour enthusiasm and increase agricultural production, safeguard the interests of the workers, establish co-operatives, develop trade with outside areas, and solve the problems facing the masses -- food, shelter and clothing, fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt, sickness and hygiene, and marriage.
  • 他把财产传他的继承人。
    He passed his property to his heir.
  • 头衔传了年长的继承人
    The title passed to the older heir.
  • 为了保持这个农场的完整,他将它移交一个继承人
    To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir
  • 律师分每一继承人应得的一份遗产。
    The lawyer set out to each heir his portion of the heritage.
  • 它是由第一代爱好披头士音乐的人传下来的,现在就像传家宝一样正在传他们的孩子们。
    It was passed down to these folks by the first Beatles? loving generation, and now, like a family heirloom, it's being passed along to their children.
  • “现在我把你们交海伦。海伦,请继续!”
    "Now I pass you over to Helen. Come in, Helen!"
  • 让我你介绍一下我妻子,海伦。
    Let me introduce my wife, Helen.
  • 海伦把这消息传达班上同学。
    Helen carried the news to the class.
  • 由于当天风向并不如人意,福塞将点火的时间推迟了6个半小时。不过他还是在早晨7点钟下令气球充上氦气,赶在上午的沙漠热浪到来之前启程了。
    Fossett had delayed inflating the aircraft for six and a half hours due to unfavourable winds, but with time running out before the arrival of the morning's hot thermals, he gave the order to fill the balloon with helium for a dawn launch.
  • 售货员:喂,这是找您的钱。
    Hello, this is your change.