  • 首两个指定停泊地点位于屯门和葵青,已经启用;第三个停泊地点位于薄扶林,于一九九九年启用。
    The first two, at Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing, have begun operation and a third site at Pok Fu Lam will open in 1999.
  • 公元三八三年,东晋军谢玄大败秦王苻坚于安徽淝水。
    Hsieh Hsuan, a general of Eastern Tsin Dynasty, defeated Fu Chien, ruler of the state of Chin, in A.D. 383 at the Feishui River in Anhwei Province.
  • 此外,这些燃料,特别是石油,易受到价格和来的供应等不稳定因素的影响。
    Also, these fuels, especially oil, are subject to uncertainties over price and future supply.
  • 对她来说,实现她父亲的意愿是极大的快乐。
    It will be a great happiness to her to fulfil her father's desire.
  • 对她来说,实现她父亲的意愿是极大的快乐。
    It will is a great happiness to her to fulfil her father's desire.
  • "如果他不努力,他永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负。"
    "If he's lazy, he'll never fulfil his ambition to achieve anything."
  • 全国人民不容许蒋氏再有任何游移和打折扣的余地。
    The nation will not permit any further hesitation on his part or allow him any discount in fulfilling the terms.
  • 蒋氏如欲在抗日问题上徘徊,推迟其诺言的实践,则全国人民的革命浪潮势席卷蒋氏以去。
    If he wavers on the issue of resisting Japan or delays in fulfilling his pledge, then the nation-wide revolutionary tide will sweep him away.
  • 请将详情电示。
    Wire me full particulars.
  • 在系统开发过程中,操作装置就位和使用前的准备工作。
    In system development, preparing and placing a functional unit in position for use.
  • 信号转变成适合于传输的被调制信号的一种操作装置。
    A functional unit that converts a signal into a modulated signal suitable for transmission.
  • 这项倡议书表明cisco公司目录服务功能集成到网络设备中。
    This initiative will see Cisco integrate directory services functionality into its network devices.
  • uml不是说明商业过程中各独立的步骤,而是喜欢用自顶向下的图表,让开发人员细节隐藏起来,关注功能性,而不是动作的序列。
    Instead of describing individual steps in the process, UML favors top-view diagrams that let developers hide details and focus on functionality, not sequences of activities.
  • 它更象录像机,它只限于内装的功能,oracle公司建议,用户经常像更换录像机那样用有新功能的装置代替旧的internet装置。
    It will be more like a VCR, which is limited to its built-in functionality.Every so often, users will replace the Internet device with one that has new functions, just as they replace their VCRs, Oracle suggests.
  • 我们的政府保持正常运转,不会中断。
    The functions of our government continue without interruption.
  • 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即建立起来。
    A fund will be set up for the dead men's families.
  • 投资新福利事业。
    Who will fund the new welfare program?
  • 为筹措该基金举行一次募捐。
    A collection will be made for the fund.
  • 财源即将枯竭了。
    Funds are approaching vanishingpoint.
  • 例如,我们抛弃用歌曲的节奏来进行分类,如"感人音乐"、"摇滚音乐",而用诸如音乐的拍子和切分法等12项标准来分类。
    Instead of describing a song's rhythm, as "funky" or "rock," for example, it can be broken down into 12 musical characteristics such as tempo and syncopation.
  • 她已她备有家具的房屋租出。
    She has let her house furnished.
  • 将加演一场。
    There'll be a further performance.
  • 盛怒之下,他所有的手稿都付之一炬。
    In a fury, he consigned all his manuscripts to the flames.
  • 我很难他从那些当场抓到他的人手中救出来。
    I had some trouble to save him from the fury of those who had caught him red-handed.
  • 在不久的来,我们在北京见面。
    We will meet in Beijing in the near future.
  • 不必为来的需要而操心。
    Take no thought for your future needs.
  • 这个男孩想在来成为一名哲学家。
    The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.
  • 你真的一点也不关心你的来?
    Do you really care nothing about your future?
  • "我们就要离开这座城市了,我们未来的家在巴黎。"
    We're leaving this city; our future home will be in Paris.
  • "在来向遥远的行星飞行的时候,需要这样的能力。"
    The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets.
  • 我可以想象除夕之夜千万人群涌上街头迎接千禧年的欢乐场面,而且很高兴庆祝活动还延续数月之久,直入新年。
    I can imagine the gaiety when thousands flock there to welcome the new millennium on New Year's Eve. I'm glad it's not all —celebrations will continue for months in 2000.
  • 我可以想象除夕之夜千万人群涌上街头迎接千禧年的欢乐场面,而且很高兴庆祝活动还延续数月之久,直入新年。
    I can imagine the gaiety when thousands of flock there to welcome the new millennium on New Year's Eve. I'm glad it's not all — celebrations will continue for months in 2000.