  • 不能给物体命或不能辨认事物的字。
    inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects.
  • 大仲马塑造了费尔南特;各个时期的思想家和诗人都把仁慈的怜悯心奉献给娼家女子。有时候一个伟人挺身而出,用他的爱情、甚至以他的姓氏来为她们恢复誉。
    Thinkers and poets throughout the ages have offered the courtesan the oblation of their mercy and, on occasion, some great man has brought them back to the fold through the gift of his love and even his name.
  • 使他的字不被遗忘。
    Rescue his name from oblivion.
  • 音乐界权威学者们使得那时期的几个小有气的作曲者不致于被埋没。
    Musical scholars managed to rescue several minor composers of the period from oblivion.
  • 不出的诗人;卑微的家庭
    An obscure poet; an obscure family.
  • 不明显或不重要的地位;不知
    an obscure and unimportant standing; not well known.
  • 没有气的家族;战争中的无英雄。
    an obscure family; unsung heroes of the war.
  • 我可以作为一观察员出庭会议,但我在讨论中没有发言权。
    I can attend the meetings as an observer but I have no voice in their discussions.
  • 你想成为一出色的观察员,必须看到所有的细节。
    You have to be a good observer to see all the details; Can you see the bird in that tree?
  • 草舍的主人叫徐祺,英文叫rebecca,温柔漂亮的rebecca自幼痴迷于古老且现代的中国民俗文化。
    The hostess of this cottage is Xu Qi, a mild and beautiful girl, whose English name is Rebecca. When she was a little girl, Rebecca was obsessed by Chinese folk customs.
  • 我怎么也想不起她的字。
    Her name obstinately escaped my memory.
  • 这些情况是通过向数千大学生在一年级时学习情况的调查而获得的,所提出的问题如下。
    The facts had been obtained from thousands of students in their first year of university study by asking such questions as these.
  • 他的研究工作使他博得盛
    His work obtained him great fame.
  • 9.有时能记起我的字;
    9.Remembers my name on occasion
  • 我尚未记下你的字和职业.
    I haven't entered your name and occupation yet.
  • 她行为古怪我感到莫其妙。
    I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour.
  • 背上(某种)臭名
    Bear the odium of sth.
  • 他的所作所为使他的声得到改善。
    What he had done put him in better odor.
  • 声或味道上令人不快的。
    not pleasing in odor or taste.
  • 他因诚实而获得好声。
    He is in good odour on account of his honesty.
  • 自从麦克批评他岳母的烹调技术后,他的声很不好。
    Mike has been in bad odour with his mother-in-law ever since he criticized her cooking.
  • 那店主在好几位顾客心目中声不好,因为他没有将他们定的货物送去。
    That shopkeeper is in bad odour with several of his customers, as he has not delivered the goods they ordered.
  • 无疑地,美德有如香,经燃烧或压榨而其香愈烈,盖幸运最能显露恶德而厄运最能显露美德也。
    Certainly,virtue is like precious odours, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed:for prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue.
  • 他的字是奥狄浦斯,我想他是个希腊人吧。哦,那个老妇人原来是他的母亲。
    His name was Oedipus, he was a Greek, I think. Well, the old bag turned out to be his mother.
  • 的弊端之一是失去了私人活动自由
    One of the penalty of fame is loss of privacy
  • 他们请求法院赦免一罪犯。
    They all sued out a pardon for an offender.
  • 很多isp以各种不同的商品称提供vpn(甚至客户都叫vpn,但有的厂家不说他们提供的是vpn)。一般这些vpn完全是在isp的主干网上传送数据,而不是利用范围更广的因特网。他们称,这种方法提高了性能。
    A number of ISPs offer VPNs under a variety of trade names.(Some don't call their offerings VPNs, even though that's what their customers call them.) These VPNs typically transport data entirely within the ISP's backbone rather than across the wider Internet -- an approach they boast enhances performance.
  • 他自称是一名军官。
    He represented himself as an officer.
  • 正式批准,授权正式地或以官方义批准;授权
    To sanction formally or officially; authorize.
  • 然后所有运动员一齐向火炬奔跑,最先到达的三运动员将高举火炬跑遍希腊,开始四年一度的奥运会。
    In the ceremony, with a originally officiated by a priest. Once the flame was lit, sport men would run to the flame.
  • 在对方半场,本方队员向前传球时,接球队员与球门之间少于两对方队员即为越位。
    A player is offside if he receives a forward pass from a teammate in the opponent's half of the field, with fewer than two opponents between himself and the goal.
  • 在《终结者》中,终结者(阿诺德·施瓦辛格饰)在执行任务时,面无表情地对一位接待员道出了那句言:"我会回来的"。
    In the Terminator,during the Terminator's(Arnold Schwarzenegger)mission,he delivers the oft-quoted,straight-faced line"I'll be back" to a desk clerk.