  • 支或成许多枝干的动作。
    the act of branching out or dividing into branches.
  • 鹿角蕨科的模式属;小而无叶的二叉枝的化石植物,孢子囊顶生,根状茎光滑,有枝。
    type genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes.
  • (生物学)动物的枝状或臂状部
    (biology) a branching or armlike part of an animal.
  • 支脉一个出来的支路,例如山脉或河流
    A branching out, as of a mountain range or river.
  • 热带或亚热带的一个属,为枝的灌木或乔木;豆科灌木。
    genus of tropical or subtropical branching shrubs or trees: mesquite.
  • 一种枝的高草本植物,花黄色,艳丽,多重瓣,头状花序。
    very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower heads.
  • 单茎轴的在每一枝形成单轴,如某些花束
    Forming a single axis at each branching, as certain flower clusters.
  • 岔或开岔的行动或过程
    The act or process of branching out or dividing into branches.
  • 黄绿藻类,有简单丝或枝丝;仅由黄丝藻科组成。
    yellow-green_algae with simple or branching filaments; comprising the single family Tribonemaceae.
  • 垂体后叶小细胞位于脑垂体腺的后裂片上的小型枝细胞
    A small branching cell of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
  • 一大桌子由别装饰的水果或者甜食或者花组成的中心装饰品。
    a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers.
  • 美国有纤长支的草,在美国中部有一定放牧价值。
    slender branching American grass of some value for grazing in central United States.
  • 使成树状具有或产生有支的结构,如肺的支气管
    To have or produce branching formations, as the bronchial tubes of the lungs.
  • 支较多,主要是常绿乔木,和一些窄叶或针叶灌木。
    profusely branching and chiefly evergreen trees and some shrubs having narrow or needlelike leaves.
  • 低处杈的年生叶茂草本植物,有百日菊般的头状花序;美国东南部和墨西哥至危地马拉。
    low-branching leafy annual with zinnialike flower heads; southwestern United States and Mexico to Guatemala.
  • 菌丝体真菌的营养体生殖部,由大量枝杈和菌丝组成
    The vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae.
  • 树枝状,树枝枝的、似树的形状或排列,如神经细胞的树状突
    A branching, treelike shape or arrangement, as that of the dendrite of a nerve cell.
  • 装饰线条由交错和枝的线条组成的装饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带花边的透雕细工
    Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.
  • 憩室,支囊,膨部从肠之类的中空器官或结构上支出来的袋或囊
    A pouch or sac branching out from a hollow organ or structure, such as the intestine.
  • 柳珊瑚柳珊瑚目任何一种珊瑚,有角质材料组成的易弯曲的,通常呈枝状的结构
    Any of various corals of the order Gorgonacea, having a flexible, often branching skeleton of horny material.
  • 有很多出来的树枝的树干。
    a branchy tree trunk.
  • 就因为我不懂得一些华人的风俗习惯,我的同事就把我归类为“非华人”,我不知道这理由是否充
    I wonder if my colleague is justified in branding me "non-Chinese" because of my oblivion to Chinese folk practices.
  • 罩杯罩在胸部上的胸罩的两个部之一
    Either of the two parts of a brassiere that fit over the breasts.
  • 他过的虚张声势给他的诉讼带来了影响。
    His bravado carried him too far and prejudiced his case.
  • 几年前那个跟在母亲棺木后勇敢前行、悲痛欲绝的男孩,如今已成为一个富有思想的年轻人--一位十现代的君主。
    The shattered boy who marched bravely behind his mother's coffin years ago has emerged as thoughtful young man a thoroughly modern monarch.
  • 面对危险,他表现得十勇敢。
    He showed great bravery in face of danger.
  • 他那肌肉发达的手臂十有力。
    His brawny arms are very strong.
  •  网上出现了这样的文字:“强硬的侵略子的行径”、“日本对中国战时暴行”。
    Various websites put up such contents as "Brazen acts of Japanese aggression" and "Japan's wartime atrocities against China".
  • 他们依照反动派的指示,烧屋、捉人,十勇敢。
    On the instructions of the reactionaries, they burned down houses and made arrests, and quite brazenly too.
  • 决定巴西队败局的一
    The goal that killed Brazil's chances of winning
  • 在巴西,古老的森林保存十完好。
    In Brazil, many ancient forests are very well preserves.
  • 尼古拉斯得70;巴西队得4;那天她得了29
    Nicklaus had a 70; The Brazilian team got 4 goals; She made 29 points that day.