  • 我們曾經在地旅行。
    We once traveled inland.
  • 加拿大北部的一個陸海。
    an inland sea in northern Canada.
  • 河船在河航行的任何大小的船
    An inland vessel of any size.
  • 這個市鎮距地五英裏。
    the town is five miles inland.
  • 瓊斯去了地,一切保持低調。
    Jones went inland, low? keying everything.
  • 這些規定用於國郵政。
    The rules operate on inland postal service.
  • 一個國傢的陸地區或高地
    An inland or upland region of a country.
  • 與海洋有關的,尤指小海或陸海。
    relating to the seas, especially smaller or inland seas.
  • 陸的大型淡水或鹹水水體
    A large inland body of fresh water or salt water.
  • 運河和河流構成一個國傢的陸航道。
    Canals and rivers form the inland waterways of a country.
  • 最大的陸海;在歐洲、亞洲、非洲之間。
    the largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia.
  • 旅行者嚮地推進,尋找人類定居點的遺跡。
    The travelers pushed inland, questing for signs of human settlement.
  • 在去陸前,我們在海邊住了一個星期。
    We spent a week by the coast before going inland.
  • 美洲陸水域和牧場的鴴,叫聲特別。
    American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry.
  • 他們想用引水槽將極需的水輸送到地。
    They want to flume the much needed water to the inland.
  • 你必須嚮國稅務局申報所有的收入來源。
    You must declare income from all sources to the inland revenue.
  • 河口港從海洋通嚮陸的河或海灣;河口灣
    A stream or bay leading inland, as from the ocean; an estuary.
  • 朝嚮大海、海岸或者位於遠離陸區域並且朝嚮大海、海岸的地方。
    directed or situated away from inland regions and toward the sea or coast.
  • 敵人的槍炮對着陸,我們的船衹便悄悄駛了過去,而沒被發現。
    The enemy guns were facing inland, so our ship slipped by without being seen.
  • 計劃性建的這條鐵路將為這個陸國提供一條嚮東出海的通過。
    The projected line will provide the inland country with an eastern outlet to the sea.
  • 公元五世紀左右,中國地盛行的道教隨着漢人的不斷到來傳入新疆。
    Around the fifth century, Taoism was introduced into Xinjiang from inland China by Han migrants.
  • 不過,隨着另加快速度進行經濟改革,很多地城市正在迅速趕上。
    But as China speeds up its economic reform, many inland cities are catching up quickly.
  • 陸運輸將由誰來安排,賣方還是買方?
    Who will is responsible for the arrangement of inland transportation, the seller or the buyer?
  • 平底船用於在陸河道上運送貨物的平底方邊船
    A boat with a flat bottom and square ends used for transporting freight on inland waterways.
  • 優良的工作條件和優厚的待遇使許多大學生離開了陸地區。
    Better working conditions and higher wages have drained many university students away from the inland areas.
  • 沿海如何幫助地,這是一個大問題。
    It is a big problem to find ways for the coastal areas to assist the inland areas.
  • 我們可代你方投保陸險,但你方將承擔附加保費。
    We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf, but you will pay for the additional premium.
  • 內心深處的感情[思想]
    one's inmost feelings [thoughts]
  • 衹不過你不是看見他們戴着面具,而是洞察到了他們心的最深處。
    only instead of seeing them masked, you look into their inmost heart of heart.
  • 這四大學院為:格雷律師學院、林肯律師學院、殿律師學院和中殿律師學院。
    The four societies are gray's inn, lincoln's inn, inner temple and middle temple.
  • 掏出雞的髒(以備烹調)
    Pull a chicken, ie remove its innards before cooking it
  • 至於它的電子部結構是否非常堅固足以抵抗雨雪等壞天氣和崎嶇的地形,還存在一些問題。
    There are questions whether its electronic innards will be rugged enough for rain, snow and difficult terrain.