  • 午餐至多二十美元。
    spend at most $20 on the lunch.
  • 调查中最不愿为浪漫钱的人则是那些结婚20多年又没有孩子的妇女。
    The least romantic spender will be a woman married for over 20 years without children, according to the survey.
  • 计划今年圣诞节大钱买浪漫礼物的人是年龄在16岁到34岁之间的男性。他们一般已经谈了一两年的恋爱,但是都还没有跟恋人生活在一起。
    The biggest spender on romantic gifts this year will be a male between 16 and 34 years old who has been in a relationship for one to two years, but does not live with his partner.
  • 考虑到天气和你得了感冒,我觉得两英镑坐出租车是划得来的开销。
    Considering the weather, and that you have a cold already, I'd have thought that??2 on a taxi would be money well spent.
  • 他喜欢花别人的钱。
    He enjoys spending other people's money.
  • 因为乱钱的习惯而受到责备
    Be lectured at on one's spending habits
  • 你想花费多少钱?
    How much were you thinking of spending?
  • 每年都要费大量金钱在烟草上。
    A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
  • 他在两年内就把父亲的钱了个精光,现在是一贫如洗。
    He spent poor as Lazarus.
  • 她把最後的一分钱掉了。
    She spent her last cent.
  • 这个了我一千块钱。
    This has spent my 1000 yuan.
  • 你把钱都花了吗?
    Have you already spent your money?
  • 我的钱已花光了。
    I have spent all my money.
  • 我太太花钱如流水。
    My wife spent money without stint.
  • 算一算你了多少钱。
    Reckon how much you have spent.
  • 她一总花了五十元。
    She spent fifty yuan in all.
  • 他们把钱在买啤酒上。
    They spent their money on beer.
  • 各种贴近地表生长的漆姑草属植物的任意一种,具类似珍珠的小的球形朵。
    any of various low-growing plants of the genus Sagina having small spherical flowers resembling pearls.
  • 丁香这种植物的苞,作为香料整个使用或磨碎后使用。常用复数形式
    A flower bud of this plant, used whole or ground as a spice. Often used in the plural.
  • 开从粉红到绛紫色带香味的双生的欧亚植物;拥有许多变种和颜色。
    Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors.
  • 醉蝶属中有强烈气味的植物中的任意一种,具有亮丽的,蜘蛛形状的
    any of various often strong-smelling plants of the genus Cleome having showy spider-shaped flowers.
  • 朵长出穗,就像水仙
    bring forth a spike or spikes, as of flowers, such as hyacinths.
  • 禾本科的一个属,叶宽,成密集的穗状。
    a genus of grasses with broad leaves and a dense spike of flowers.
  • 产于北美的一种兰紫色适有白色,萼片和瓣在和蕊柱后面形成盔瓣。
    North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood.
  • 外稃在草的小穗状序中,包围朵的两瓣苞片中外面或下面的那一片
    The outer or lower of the two bracts that enclose the flower in a grass spikelet.
  • 欧洲的一种莎草,具有圆边的叶子、穗状红色朵和芳香的根。
    European sedge having rough-edged leaves and spikelets of reddish flowers and aromatic roots.
  • 藨草属植物长在水里或沼泽地里的藨草属草本植物,有玻璃状的叶子和成簇的,常是褐色的小穗状
    Any of various aquatic or wetland herbs of the genus Scirpus, having grasslike leaves and usually clusters of small, often brown spikelets.
  • 香根莎草一种莎草属莎草,尤指欧洲的长莎草,具有粗糙边缘的叶子、红色的小穗状和芳香的根部
    Any of various sedges of the genus Cyperus, especially C. longus of Europe, having rough-edged leaves, reddish spikelets, and aromatic roots.
  • 瓶现在已经碎了,后悔无济于事。
    The vase is broken now and it's no use crying over spilt milk.
  • 几乎每个月我都必须省着点钱。
    Almost every month I have to spin out money.
  • 省著钱以维持到发工资那天
    Spin one's money out until the next pay-day
  • 澳大利亚南部和塔斯马尼亚岛的纺锤形竖直灌木,有白色到玫瑰色或紫红色的
    spindly upright shrub of southern Australia and Tasmania having white to rose or purple-red flowers.