| - (ii)如果表演或展示是通过视听来接收,任何表演或展示的视觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过4件的视听设备,其中,在任何一个房间最多只能放1件视听设备,并且这样的视听设备的屏幕对角线尺寸不得超过55英寸,任何表演或展示的听觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过6个的扩音器,其中,在一个房间或相邻的户外空间最多只能放4个扩音器;
(II) if the performance or display is by audiovisual means, any visual portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 4 audiovisual devices, of which not more than one audiovisual device is located in any 1 room, and no such audiovisual device has a diagonal screen size greater than 55 inches, and any audio portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 6 loudspeakers, of which not more than 4 loudspeakers are located in any 1 room or adjoining outdoor space; - 发挥司法机关和行政监察、审计等职能部门的作用。
We should give play to the role of judicial, administrative supervision and auditing organs and other functional departments. - 此外,当雇员知道存在着这种线索时,这种审计登录还能在内部入侵者动手前防止其行动。
In addition, this auditing logon can prevent internal intrusions before they occur--when employees know such a trail exists. - 军事执法体制,主要由负责军事法实施的军队各级领导机关和职能部门构成,并在军级以上单位设立了履行执法监督检查职能的纪律检查机构和财务审计机构,全国大、中城市驻军建立了纠察处理违纪军人、违章军车的警备勤务机构。
The military-law enforcement system is mainly formed of relevant leading organs and functional departments at various levels. Besides, discipline inspection organs and financial auditing organs have been set up in units at and above the corps level, which carry out supervision and inspection over law enforcement, and garrison service organs in garrison units in large and medium-sized cities, which check, inspect and handle cases of infringements of military discipline by military personnel as well as cases of violations of relevant rules by military vehicles. - 尽管严格地讲,她的第一次公开演出是在她4岁时(她在当地教堂演唱“圣婴之歌”),但她的职业演唱生涯始于8岁,当时小布里特尼赴佐治亚州的亚特兰大为迪斯尼频道的米老鼠俱乐部节目试镜,终因年龄过小而未被聘用。但有一位制片人看出了她的潜能,于是她在纽约找到一位代理人。
Although technically her first public performance was at the age of 4 (when she sang "What Child is This" at her local church), her professional career began at the age of 8, when young Britney traveled to Atlanta, Ga., to audition for the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club (MMC). She was ultimately deemed too young for the show, but one of the producers spotted her potentia1 and helped her get an agent in New York. - 依据我在商业方面的背景和专业素养,在贵公司开发项目结束时,一定能成为非常能干的计员。
My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program. - 每一个公司的年度报告都包括了三个财务报表,它们是资产负债表、损益表及财务状况变动表,三表任缺其一,审计师就不可能签发无保留审计意见书。
A company's annual report must contain three key financial statements -- the Balance Sheet (BS), the Income Statement (IS), and the Statement of Changes in Financial Positions (SCFP). An unqualified audit opinion from the auditor will not be possible if any of the three statements is absent. - 每一个公司的年度报告都包括了三个财务报表,它们是资产负债表、损益表及财务状况变动表,三表任缺其一,审计师就不可能签发无保留审计意见书。
A company's annual report must contain three key financial statements -- the Balance Sheet (BS), the Income Statement (IS), and the Statement of Changes in Financial Positions (SCFP). An unqualified audit report from the auditor will not be possible if any of the three statements is absent. - 礼堂不算大,只能坐六七百人。
The auditorium is not big, which can only seat 6700 people. - 这个旅馆可以容纳250名客人剧院能容纳300人。
This hotel can accommodate 250 guests; The theater admits 300 people; The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people. - 扬2000年8月12日死于卵巢癌,享年87岁。她似乎一直是那种能够作出最为闪亮登场的明星。
the actress,who died of ovarian cancer on Aug.12,2000 at age 87, always seemed the kind of star who would make the grandest of grand entrances. - mariliz希望这场献血运动能够配合即将于8月26日在巴西环球电视台公映的最新系列肥皂片《吸血鬼之吻》,在巴西掀起"吸血鬼热"。
Mariliz hopes to tap in to a wave of vampire mania that will sweep across Brazil as the Rede Globo television network launches its latest soap opera, Kiss of the Vampire, on Aug. - 他可能很富有,不像我所知道的那样。
He may be very rich for aught I know. - 有增加或扩大作用的具有增加的能力或趋势的
Having the ability or tendency to augment. - 在一些情况下电子鼻能被用来扩大或代替人类的专家组。
In some instances electronic noses can be used to augment or replace panels of human experts. - 例如,同步多媒体集成语言(smil1.0版,读作“smile”)允许设计人员描述网页的短暂行为和页面编排以及与其他对象有关的超级链接,加上可扩缩矢量图形xml标准,设计人员就能利用xml创作动画、甚至增加电视节目源。
For example, the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL Version 1.0, pronounced "smile") allows designers to describe the temporal behavior and layout of a Web page as well as associate hyperlinks with objects.Along with the Scalable Vector Graphics XML standard, designers could create animations or even augment television feeds by using XML. - 北京电台、电视台要提升双语、多语播出能力,北京电信开设电话翻译台,为外语学习者和以外语为主要交流工具的社会各界人士服务。
The bilingual and multi-lingual programming capabilities at Beijing Radio and TV stations will be augmented. Beijing Telecom will set up a telephone translation number to serve foreign language learners and people relying on foreign languages for most of their communications. - 本地不同,同时学英文和汉语拼音,某部分学童可能会产生混淆不清的现象,特别是那些来自以讲英语为主的家庭的学童,很可能使他们的思考和学习模式,在学习汉字方块字时,亦以拼音来理解,这对于长远学习华文是有害的,不得不小心。
On the other hand, in Singapore, some of our students, particularly those from English-speaking families, may not be able to tell the difference between English and romanised pinyin. What is worse is that these English-speaking students might even end up memorising pinyinised words instead of the Chinese characters. This does not augur well for the teaching of the Chinese language. - 又当缪西阿奴斯劝外斯帕显举兵攻委泰立阿斯的时候,他说:“我们现在起事,所与为敌者既不是奥古斯塔斯底洞察的判断力,也不是泰比瑞阿斯底极端审慎或隐密”这些特质——权谋或策略与掩饰或隐密——确是不同的习惯与能力,并且是应当辨别的。
And again, when Lucianus encourageth Vespasian, to take arms against Vitellius, he saith; We rise not, against the piercing judgment of Augustus, nor the extreme caution or closeness of Tiberius. These properties of arts or policy, and dissimulation or closeness, are indeed habits and faculties, several, and to be distinguished. - 65.尽管模仿鸟学很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖,但人类还是能够依其声音上的线索很快识别它们。
65. Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues. - 孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,推翻了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,对中国社会进步具有重大意义,但也未能改变中国半殖民地半封建的社会性质和人民的悲惨命运。
The 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, which overthrew the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for several thousand years, was of great significance in promoting China's social progress. Yes, it did not succeed in altering the semi-colonial and semi-feudal social nature of China and the miserable destiny of the Chinese people , either. - 文化领域中的专制主义作风;不承认科学和教育对于社会主义的极大重要性,不承认没有科学和教育就不可能建设社会主义;对外关系中的闭关锁国、夜郎自大;
The surviving influences of feudalism are also manifest in the autocratic style of work of some persons in the cultural sphere, in the failure to recognize how vital science and education are to socialism and how impossible it is to build socialism without them, in a closed-door policy and ignorant chauvinism in foreign relations, and so on and so forth. - 能否帮我在您写的书上签名?
Could you autograph yourbook for me, please? - 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认出来而要请他们签名。
Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they are afraid god may recognize them and ask for autograph. - 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认出来而要请他们签名。
Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they is afraid god may recognize them and ask for autograph. - 当年中学华文老师在我的毕业纪念册写上“人无求时品自高”几个字,那个时候我根本无法理解,也一直无法接近这样的高标准,只能把它看作是一个传统华校生对学生的期许和勉励。
"HE's free from stains who seeks no gains"— I didn't understand the maxim at all when it was penned down in my autograph book by my Chinese teacher when I was graduating from secondary school, nor have I ever approached that moral height later. For years, I just cherished those wise words as a hope so fondly put on me by one who had been brought up with a conventional Chinese-medium education. - 这些设备都力图使目前手工完成的任务和功能自动化。
Each of these components is intended to automate a task or function that is presently performed manually. - 为了足够快地向目标开火并击毁目标,将需要一定数量的系统。但真正全部实现自动化(像某些人说的人离开指挥链)是不可能的。仍将需要地面上的人来提供那种集中指挥与控制的有效性。
There will need to be a certain amount of that in order to get fire on target quick enough and to hit the target, and there's no way to really totally automate that -- to take the man out of the loop, as some people say, and still provide the kind of effectiveness that the people on the ground will need. - 联机数据库服务、声音识别及合成系统。这些设备都力图使目前手工完成的任务和功能自动化。专家认为当下列条件达到时,这个目标就可以实现了。这些条件是:计算机、通信设备和办公室设备联成网络;办公室职员能方便地通过自己桌面上的计算机访问整个系统。到那时,办公室职员的工作方式会发生重大的变化。
The list includes the telephone and computer systems, electronic mail, word processing, desktop publishing,database management system,two-way cable TV, office-to-office satellite broadcasting,on-line database service,and voice recognition and synthesis. Each of these components is intended to automate a task or function that is presently performed manually. Experts agree that the goal can be accomplished when the computer,communication, and office equipment are networked and an office work can easily access the entire system through a personal computer sitting on his or her desk. Then it will be possible to change substantially the way people work in an office. - 例如,有一种交互式话音应答系统,能按要求自动提供员工权益信息。
It is, for example, an interactive voice response system that offers automated employee benefit information on demand. - 为发展成为一家全面以电子系统进行交易的衍生产品交易所,期交所已投入大量资源,致力提升自动交易系统的功能。
In order to become a derivative exchange with all its products trading in an electronic environment, the HKFE has devoted considerable efforts and resources to upgrading the HKATS (Automated Trading System). - 又如预录的电话服务项目,号码按着按着,结果不知道按到哪儿了,又不能倒回头,仿佛走在迷宫中,最后只好完全放弃,有耐心的就从头再来,没耐心的也没折。
There is yet another problem with automated answering machines. Just a moment of distraction and you are likely to lose track of the number you need to press. And you cannot return to the previous step! So you either give up or, if you have the patience, start all over again.