  • ,他脚下的一个雪坡开始滑动,接着积雪从几千英尺高的山顶上滚下,而我只能站在那儿,眼睁睁地看着他被雪崩卷走了。
    He got on a snow slope that suddenly started to move.There was nothing I could do.It was a sheer drop of nearly a thousand feet to the Magdelena,and I saw him go over in a flurry of snow.
  • 病人苍白的脸;她苍白的脸突红了起来。
    the pallid face of the invalid; her wan face suddenly flushed.
  • 哎呀!真是个小坏蛋!居敢扑向约翰少爷!
    Fly at one's throat
  • 不要选择两种不同的护发品,根据你的需要选择一种就够了:用发乳润湿卷发使其顺服,后头发稍干后再用一点,使之飘动起来顺滑、柔畅;
    Instead of investing in two different styling aids, use one for all of your needs: Apply a hair cream to damp locks to tame frizz, then smooth on a bit when hair is dry to smooth flyaway.
  • 一直走到红绿灯,后朝右走看到新的立交桥为止。
    Just go straight till you get to the traffic light, them turn right and walk until you see the new flyover.
  • 他发现儿子撒了谎便勃大怒。
    He foam with anger when he find out his son have lied.
  • 中国政府始终把禁种毒品原植物作为工作重点,常抓不懈,防患于未
    The Chinese government prohibits the cultivation of mother drug plants. It has always taken this as a focal point of its drug control work and paid constant attention to it as a way to nip troubles in the bud.
  • 而,余下的时间她都用在了她最关心的事情上。
    But the rest of the time she's focused on the issues that concern her most.
  • 而,在谈论日本的时候,时空概念必须适可而止。如果把时间往前延伸50年,把话题扩展到政治和历史领域,那么,日本就不再那么可爱了。
    But when we cast our minds back to 50 years ago and start focusing on political and historical issues, we will probably promptly stop singing the praises of Japan.
  • 她年轻,她懂得怎样区分敌友。
    Young as she be, she know how to distinguish between friend and foe.
  • 她年轻,她懂得怎样区分敌友。
    Young as she is, she knows how to distinguish between friend and foe.
  • 尽管腹中胎儿已被证明有缺陷,她仍决定把孩子生下来。
    She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective.
  • 把门关上,不亮光能使底片发灰。
    Shut the door or the light will fog the film.
  • 对所发生的事情只有一个模糊的记忆;全不知该怎样回家
    Had only a foggy memory of what had taken place; hasn't the foggiest idea how to get home.
  • 枯萎病一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、花、叶和未成熟果实的突死亡
    Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits.
  • 三、云南将在世博会期间全面展示丰富独特的自风光和民族风情
    III. Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition
  • 云南是中国独具特色的旅游胜地,特别是自风光和民族风情特色浓郁,有极高的观赏旅游价值。
    Yunnan is one of the tourist resorts in China with unique characteristics. Particularly, the natural scenery and the rich ethnic folklore are of extremely high ornamental and tourist value.
  • 沿著这条路走到拐角处,後向左转。
    Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn left.
  • 跟风路线是没有错,当你得要跟对人!
    There is nothing wrong with adopting a follower strategy, provided one chooses the right leader!
  • 的作为其逻辑结论随之发生的
    Following as a logical conclusion.
  • 如果你努力,你就会成功,那必是真的。
    It follows that if you work hard, you will succeed.
  • 一个有才智足以写出讽刺作品的人,竟还蠢到把它公诸同好,这才是怪事哩。
    Strange that a man who has wit enough to write a satire shall have folly enough to publish it.
  • 有一块从20年前的报纸上剪下来的剪报,上面引有他当时说的话:“我对钱毫不在意,几乎到了愚蠢的地步。”“现在依此,”杰里米·霍克说。
    There is a newspaper cutting from 20 years ago which quotes him as saying: "I am careless with money to the point of folly." "Still true." Says Jeremy Hawk.
  • 她有许多缺点,但我们都很喜欢她。
    She has many shortcomings, but we're all very fond of her.
  • 方达认识到了性别差异,她呼吁哈佛研究一下为何人们理所当地认为女孩子容易妥协和顺从。
    Fonda recognises the gender gap and challenged Harvard to do something about the state of affairs that predicted female success on compromise and conformity.
  • 为了对付原料价值的突变化,越来越多的食品公司都进行期货交易以避免损失。
    More and more food company used commodity futures to hedge against sudden change in the value of their foodstuffs.
  • 我竟相信他是个好人,我真是个傻瓜。
    What a fool I was to believe he is a good man.
  • 但我们的先辈为之奋斗的那些革命信念,在世界各地仍有着争论。
    And yet, the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forbears fought are still at issue around the globe.
  • 但愿我不至没有分文债务,不的话,我岂不是等于没有分文信用?
    God forbid that I shall is out of debt, as if, indeed, I can not is trust.
  • 但愿我不至没有分文债务,不的话,我岂不是等于没有分文信用?
    God forbid that I should be out of debt, as if, indeed, I could of be trusted.
  • 这既然是紫禁城。
    Since it's the Forbidden City.
  • 两边的山坡极其陡峭,极其险峻,而我觉得从哪边都可以爬下去。
    The slope on either side was extremely steep and forbidding, and yet I thought that I could work my way down on either side.