  • 我爱吃盒饭,面,饺子。
    I like boxed rice, noodles, dumplings.
  • 列车员:早饭是面或牛奶、面包。
    Noodles or milk and break for breakfast.
  • 亲爱的,别让面落开,行吗?
    Don't let the noodles go off the boil, will you dear?
  • 在奶油沙司里嫩煎的牛肉和蘑菇,和面一起食用。
    sauteed strips of beef and mushrooms in sour cream sauce served with noodles.
  • 如果您赶时间的话,我愿向您推荐通心粉或炒面
    If you are in a hurry, I would recommend the spaghetti or fried noodles.
  • 午餐和晚餐有各式面、饺子、春卷等。
    And different kindsof noodles, dumplings,spring rolls and so on for lunch and supper.
  • 他在面里放了些醋。
    He put some vinegar in the noodles.
  • 我午饭已吃过面了,就吃炒饭吧。
    I've had noodles for lunch already.Let me take the fried rice this time.
  • 早餐已吃过面了,晚餐就吃炒饭吧。
    I've had noodles for the breakfast already. Let me take that fried rice this time.
  • 面包类食品4份或更多(面包、麦片、面、米饭以及其他谷物食品);
    four or more from the bread group (bread,cereal,noodles,rice,and other grain products);
  • 服:是的,一定会的。要米饭、面或是馒头什么的吗?
    Yes, it certainly will. Would you like to eat rice, noodles or steamed bread with your dishes?
  • 过去的一年里,我们在国际事务中取得了许多重大的成就,集中反映在中日和平友好约的签订和中美关系正常化上。
    Last year we scored many significant achievements in international affairs, which were represented by the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan and the normalization of relations between China and the United States.
  • 他那狗平日很温顺, 这次突然发作咬了他的腿.
    His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg.
  • 其中的一线路直接游向公开海域,第二线路沿着多礁的海岸向北游。
    One is straight out toward open ocean, the second along the rocky shore in a northerly direction.
  • 如果你沿第二线路潜游,即从入口潜向北岸,在观察水下地形时,你将看到许多大的空隙及缺口(海岸线凹入处)。
    If you opt for the northerly shore route from the entry area you'll find many caves and indentations as you explore the underwater terrain.
  • 苏里南的一河流,向北流入大西洋。
    a river in Suriname that flows northward to the Atlantic.
  • 法国河流,流经巴黎中心,向北流入英吉利海峡。
    a French river that flows through the heart of Paris and then northward into the English Channel.
  • 托坎延斯河发源于巴西中部巴西利亚附近的一河流,全长约2,639公里(1,640英里),向南流入贝伦西南面的帕腊河
    A river, about2, 639 km(1, 640 mi) long, flowing from central Brazil near Bras韑ia northward to the Par River southwest of Bel閙.
  • 这条狗嗅觉灵敏。
    This dog has a good nose.
  • 这是一很受欢迎的消息。
    It's a not unwelcome piece of news.
  •  第十七公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。
    Article 17 A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency.
  • 短线;在五线谱的上下曾加的扩展音程的线。
    a short line; a notation for extending the range above or below the staff.
  • 音乐作品中不同音乐形式的部分结束的标志符号;两邻近的小节线。
    notation marking the end of principal parts of a musical composition; two adjacent bar lines.
  • 扁柱,夹,凹字形楔一种平的或有凹的经常是一块楔形的木头或金属,用来在一定地方夹住机器或结构的各部分或提供轴承的表面,通常是由螺丝或钥匙来调整
    A plain or notched, often wedge-shaped piece of wood or metal designed to hold parts of a machine or structure in place or provide a bearing surface, usually adjusted by a screw or key.
  • 给某人留个条子
    leave a note for sb.
  • 玛丽给她妈妈送了一个子。
    Mary sent her mother a note.
  • 短信;便条
    A short letter; a note.
  • 他匆忙地给我写了一张子。
    He scribbled me a note.
  • 我喜欢不带的便笺。
    I prefer notepaper without any line.
  • 电话号码在公司的便纸上。
    The phone number is on the company notepaper.
  •  第二十三继承开始后,知道被继承人死亡的继承人应当及时通知其他继承人和遗嘱执行人。
    Article 23 After the opening of succession, a successor who has knowledge of the death should promptly notify the other successors and the testamentary executor.
  • 辽宁省本溪市通过城市环境综合整治和生态建设,使全市污染严重的21“烟龙”、17股污水、两座废渣山得到治理,建成220平方公里的环城森林公园。
    Thanks to comprehensive urban environmental improvement and ecological construction, Benxi City in Liaoning Province has cleared up 21 ``smoke dragons,'' 17 polluted springs and two mounds of industrial residue which were notorious sources of pollution. It has also constructed a round-the-city forest park with an area of 220 sq km.