  • 因此,国际年筹资呼吁再次向诸如各国政府、非政府组织和私营基金会等所有利益攸关者发出。
    Fund-raising appeals for the Year will therefore be directed again to all stakeholders, such as Governments, nongovernmental organizations and private foundations.
  • 四、加入世贸组织,要求给予民营企业与国有企业和外资企业同等的”国民待遇”,这刺激中国民营企业的发展。
    Fourthly, Chinese enterprises owned by the state and private individuals and foreign businesses will now be treated equally. This will stimulate the growth of private Chinese businesses.
  • 第六节 第四,有大量劳动不是用于生产产品,而是用于生产出来的产品提供给使用者。
    6. Fourthly: There is a very great amount of labour employed, not in bringing the product into existence, but in rendering it, when in existence, accessible to those for whose use it is intended.
  • 女孩花拿到面前闻了一下,花香使她高兴
    The girl held the flower to her face and the inhalation of its fragrance made her happy
  • 女孩花拿到面前闻了一下,花香使她高兴。
    The girl hold the flower to her face and the inhalation of its fragrance make her happy.
  • 是用荷叶包起一团糯米,里面夹杂着腊肠、香菇、虾仁、花生仁和熏肉。然后它蒸熟,蒸的过程中,荷叶的芳香渐渐渗入饭中。
    It is made by wrapping a mound of glutinous rice mixed with sausage, mushrooms, shrimps, peanuts and smoked bacon in a large lotus leaf and steaming it, which allows the nutty fragrance of the leaf to permeate the rice.
  • 奇迹会出现,只要你肯相信;希望虽然渺茫,却不可磨灭
    There can be miracles when you believe. Though hope is frail it's hard to kill
  • 刘医生说:"牙齿上长出的活组织塑料视力筒包围,造成一种假象使眼睛可以接受它。
    "The plastic optical cylinder is framed by living tissue that has grown on the tooth and that fools the eye into believing it's OK to accept it," says Dr Liu.
  • 上校从沉思中游离出来,注意力集中到桌子上的一个像框上,他的妻子是位美丽的女人,当想起他们成婚的那一天时他不禁自语道。
    But he pushed away those thoughts and turned his attention to a framed photograph on his desk. His wife was beautiful, he told himself as he remembered the day they were married.
  • 在法国,拿破仑设立了对于性骚扰的罚款等级,比如当一个男性一位女士的裙子撩到膝盖时,要对这位男性罚款35法郎,而如果他把女士的裙子撩到了大腿,罚款就是70法郎。
    In France, Napoleon instituted a scale of fines for sex offenses, which included 35 francs for a man guilty of lifting a woman’s skirt to the knee and 70 francs if he lifted it to the thigh.
  • 亲敌的士兵受到惩罚.
    Soldiers who fraternize with the enemy will be punished.
  • 他郑重宣布起诉他们犯有欺诈罪。
    He vowed that he would prosecute them for fraud.
  • 即在得到这个之前,任何心中思虑过多的人,若能与旁人通言并讨论,则他的心智与理解力变为清朗而有别;
    But before you come to that, certain it is, that whosoever hath his mind fraught with many thoughts, his wits band understanding do clarify and break up, in the communicating and discoursing with another;
  • [白宫和国会之间的]预算协定虽然引起一些争论,但终于使联邦政府实行付现的办法,削减不断增长的[政府]债务近5000亿元。这样才能把钱用在储蓄和增加就业的投资上。
    And though controversial, the budget agreement finally put the Federal Government on a pay-as-you-go plan, and cut the growth of debt by nearly $500 billion. And that frees funds for saving and job-creating investment.
  • 其他人试图我排挤在谈话之外
    The others tried to freeze me out of the conversation.
  • 霜将岩石冻裂了。
    The frost freezes the rock having split.
  • 杰里米永远是我的朋友。
    Jeremy will be my friend until hell freezes over.
  • 今夜的温度降至冰点下。
    Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below freezing.
  • t形杆一种用来新复印纸张晾干的t形杆
    A T-shaped pole used for hanging up freshly printed sheets of paper to dry.
  • (有些居住国外的印度人的父母担心,再过一两代人,他们的家族完全丢掉印度本性。
    (Some parents of NRI's fret that in a generation or two, their families will completely lose their Indian identity).
  • 玛丽在星期五上午到达。
    Mary'll arrive on Friday morning.
  • 在星期五上午到达。
    He'll arrive on Friday morning.
  • 我的礼貌误解为友好
    Mistook my politeness for friendliness.
  • 可是问题就在这,预料赫尔逊号快速帆船不久即到这一带来,那艘船一听到你们在这儿,就会向你们攻击……
    But then, here lies the rub. The Halcyon frigate is expected here in these parts immediately; when she hears of you she will be at you…
  • 之描述为红色的带有粉红色饰边.
    She described it as red with pink frills.
  • 善于跳跃的食草小昆虫,生活在有保护性的泡沫堆中,并卵藏在其中。
    small leaping herbivorous insect that lives in a mass of protective froth which it and its larvae secrete.
  • 这种咖啡是由特殊的机器加工成的,并不是把牛奶直接倒入咖啡中。你必须先牛奶打出泡沫。
    And they have a special machine, you don't just pour the milk, but you froth it and foam it first.
  • 将广告刊登在报上
    insert advertisement in a newspaper
  • 把手指插入两层之间,用力之分开。
    Insert your finger between the layer and press them apart.
  • 照片放入相薄(例如一张照片)插入相册中的膜内
    To insert(a photograph, for example) within a mat in a book.
  • 按照这一方案,做这工作更有成效。
    The work will be more fruitful under this plan.
  • 来赚了钱可别忘了我们。
    Don't forget us if you earn o lot of money in the fu-ture.