  • 用作普通词的或涉及普通词的或有关普通词的。
    pertaining to or dealing with or used as a common noun.
  • 修饰词或动词的实义词。
    a content word that qualifies the meaning of a noun or verb.
  • 当戈尔巴乔夫11月13日会见一千多军方代表时,他的嘘声与嘲笑声使他不得不缩短他的演说。
    When Mr.Gorbachev met with more than 1,000 military deputies on Nov.13, their booing and heckling forced him to cut short his address.
  • 来自22所高校的学生参加了比赛,共选拔出16选手参加11月21日在天津商学院举行的决赛。
    By the end of the contest in which students from 22 universities and colleges participated, 16 contestants were selected for the final which was held in Tianjin University of Commerce on Nov. 21.
  • 我在读著小说作家乔治.艾利奥特家的小说。
    I'm reading a novel by the famous novelist, George Eliot.
  • 她是与伟大小说家齐的作家。
    As a writer she is on a par with the great novelist.
  • 研究显示,经验丰富的管制员相比于一新手的显著特点是能够及时发现问题并解决问题,而无须花上一段时间去收集问题的解决方法并从中挑选最佳方案。
    Research indicates that a characteristic of an expert as compared to a novice is an ability to recognize problem situations and to "know what to do" without going through a long process of generating and examining alternative solutions.
  • 新西兰的研究者对11品酒专家和11品酒初学者的鉴赏能力进行了测试,让他们分别识别形成葡萄酒香的12种成份。
    Researchers in New Zealand tested the ability of 11 wine experts and 11 novices to recognize and name 12 individual chemicals that are components of wine aromas.
  • 他来自于一个不知的地方。
    he came out of nowhere.
  • 这匹马在比赛中没有取得次。
    The horse finished up nowhere in the race.
  • 他从默默无闻一下子变成举国成
    He came from out of nowhere into national fame.
  • 它调用分析程序分析一个词短语。
    It cause the parser to parse an np.
  • 这是一个非常普通的女孩字。
    This is a very popular name for a girl.
  • 这位老人是一位著的核物理学家。
    This old man is a famous nuclear physicist.
  • 这个团以共产党员为骨干,是北伐中有的战斗部队。
    With Communists as its nucleus the regiment became famous as a crack force.
  • 1959年,西藏各类藏医药人员只有434人,而到1999年,西藏在编藏医药从业人员已发展到1071,其中主任、副主任医师61,主治医师166,医师和医士844
    In 1959, the working personnel involved in Tibetan medicine in Tibet numbered only 434, while in 1999 the number had increased to 1,071, including 61 chief physicians and associate chief physicians, 166 attending physicians and 844 resident physicians and doctors.
  • 他已名列鬼籍。
    He is numbered among the dead.
  • 会员共有800名.
    The membership numbers 800.
  • 这类标记,尤其是文字(包括人)字母、数字、图形要素、色彩的组合,以及上述内容的任何组合,均应能够作为商标获得注册。
    Such signs, in particular words including personal names, letters, numerals, figurative elements and combinations of colours as well as any combination of such signs, shall be eligible for registration as trademarks.
  • 一个尼姑和一身着工装的男人走下了火车。
    A nun and a man in overalls got off.
  • 现在全区有3.4万多僧尼。
    Today, the region has more than 34,000 lamas and nuns.
  • 这所大学培养出很多出的人。
    This college has been the nurse of many famous men.
  • 负责照料“没”病童的保育员杨金英介绍说,凯特-布莱维特等人在进入病儿室时让她留在门外不要进去,而片子中却说,保育人员都不愿进入这间病房。
    Yang Jinying, the nurse who was responsible for looking after the ``nameless'' child, said that after Blewett and others entered the sick child's room, they told Yang to stay outside. Contrary to fact, the television program claimed that nurses hardly ever went into that room.
  • 当这五个婴儿还安祥地睡在某医院育婴室的氧气帐内时,他们的父母却在为声付出代价了。
    While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery, their parents were paying the price for fame.
  • 截至十二月,香港医务委员会有注册医生9818,香港护士管理局则有注册护士38960
    In December, 9 818 doctors were registered with the Medical Council and 38 960 nurses were registered with the Nursing Council.
  • 截至二零零一年十二月,向香港医务委员会注册的医生有10412,而向香港护士管理委员会注册的护士则有42032
    In December, 10412 doctors were registered with the Medical Council of Hong Kong and 42032 nurses were registered with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong.
  • 她给了我养老院的字,我拨通了电话。
    She gave me the name of the nursing home, and I called the number.
  • 院里专门配备了一营养师,根据孤儿的体质和年龄编制食谱,以适应他们健康生长发育的需要。
    the food menu, designed to meet the needs of growing children, is worked out by a nutritionist according to the physical conditions and ages of the orphans.
  • 它们以其肉质鲜美,富有营养而出
    They are noted for their delicious and nutritious meat.
  • 纳巴美国加利福尼亚州西部一城市,位于奥克兰以北。是纳巴山谷的中心,此山区是有的葡萄园地区。人口61,842
    A city of western California north of Oakland. It is a center of the Napa Valley, a mountainous region that is famous for its vineyards. Population,61, 842.
  • 请告诉我这个房间里物品的称。
    Tell me the names of the objects in this room.
  • 当然,在正式使用前,由于static方法不需要创建任何对象,所以它们不可简单地调用其他那些成员,同时不引用一个已命的对象,从而直接访问非static成员或方法(因为非static成员和方法必须同一个特定的对象关联到一起)。
    Of course, since static methods don’t need any objects to be created before they are used, they cannot directly access non-static members or methods by simply calling those other members without referring to a named object (since non-static members and methods must be tied to a particular object).