  • 实践一个医学支的医生。
    practices one branch of medicine.
  • 比如在一个枝上就座。
    sit, as on a branch.
  • 学科;科目知识或教学的
    A branch of knowledge or teaching.
  • 日耳曼语族的一个支。
    a branch of the Germanic languages.
  • 科学知识的一个支。
    a particular branch of scientific knowledge.
  • 行政支由总统率领;
    The President heads the Executive branch;
  • 这家银行把支机构扩大到了纽约。
    The bank branched out to New York.
  • 有枝杈的;分岔的
    Having branches; branched.
  • 高分子链的支化结构
    branched structure of macromolecular chains
  • 未开花的枝绿色甘蓝。
    branched green undeveloped flower heads.
  • 雄性甲虫的下颌叉形如鹿角。
    the male has branched mandibles resembling antlers.
  • 地钱具有平卧并通常为二岐枝的原植物体。
    liverworts with prostrate and usually dichotomously branched thalli.
  • 支繁密和散布的特点上类似于灌木。
    resembling a bush in being thickly branched and spreading.
  • 枝圣烛台犹太人庆祝献殿节用的装有九个枝的枝形烛台
    A nine-branched candelabrum used in celebration of Hanukkah.
  • 北美洲的大型鹿,鹿角有多个叉。
    large North American deer with large much-branched antlers.
  • 多枝烛台装饰过的枝烛台,后面有时有镜子
    An ornamental branched candleholder, sometimes backed by a mirror.
  • 身体柔软且长叉的群居水螅,生养成对的无肉柄水螅。
    feathery colony of long-branched stems bearing stalkless paired polyps.
  • 骨细胞嵌于骨组织母体中的支细胞
    A branched cell embedded in the matrix of bone tissue.
  • 他把他的问题成三个相等的部处理。
    He branched his treatment of the problem into three equal parts.
  • 多枝直立草本植物,花黄色;布于马萨诸塞州至佛罗里达州。
    much-branched erect herb with bright yellow flowers; distributed from Massachusetts to Florida.
  • 任何一种属于c种的多枝的黄花的灌木;布在北美西部。
    any of various much-branched yellow-flowered shrubs of the genus Chrysothamnus; western North America.
  • 枝圣烛台犹太教堂仪式中使用的有七个枝的枝形烛台,象征上帝创世纪的七天
    A ceremonial seven-branched candelabrum of the Jewish Temple symbolizing the seven days of the Creation.
  • 美洲的一个一年生或多年生草本属,高大而直立或多枝,花艳丽;向日葵。
    genus of tall erect or branched American annual or perennial herbs with showy flowers: sunflowers.
  • 孢子囊单一的或叉的不育花丝,尖角状或棒状。
    a sterile simple or branched filament or hair borne among sporangia; may be pointed or clubbed.
  • 并接,联结支系统的不同部结合后形成一个网络,如叶脉,血管,或河流及其支流
    The connection of separate parts of a branching system to form a network, as of leaf veins, blood vessels, or a river and its branches.
  • 一种或一组命令,根据前面的命令或者相关联命令的求值结果,有条件地执行。嵌套是支的一种结构形式。
    A command or group of commands whose execution is conditional, based on the evaluation of a preceding or associated command. Nesting is a structured form of branching.
  • 大型叉的珊瑚,形似鹿角。
    large branching coral resembling antlers.
  • 叉点;叉开点;支点叉出现的地方
    The point at which branching occurs.
  • 枝的布枝杈或岔的部的排列
    An arrangement of branches or branching parts.
  • 叉状或支状形状的一部
    a part of a forked or branching shape.
  • 在形状和支的结构上类似于树木。
    resembling a tree in form and branching structure.
  • 北美西部一个矮生枝灌木属。
    genus of low branching shrubs of western North America.