  • 台湾的开拓发展史,凝聚了包括当地少数民族在的中国人民的血汗和智慧。
    The history of Taiwan's development is imbued with the blood, sweat, and ingenuity of the Chinese people including the local ethnic minorities.
  • 此新的802.11b标准在保留原标准的纠错、安全、电源管理和其他优点的情况下,增加了一项关键容,即把带宽增加到11兆位/秒的技术。
    Intended to retain the error-correction, security, power-management and other advantages of the original, the new 802.11b standard adds a key ingredient -- technique for increasing bandwidth to 11M bit/sec.
  • 在一个版图或州居住的人。
    the people who inhabit a territory or state.
  • 由若干南非城镇组成的一个大城市,位于南非约翰斯堡西南;由南非黑人单独居住。
    a large collection of African townships southwest of Johannesburg in South Africa; inhabited solely by Black Africans.
  • 组织胞浆菌病,网状皮细胞真菌病一种由于感染组织胞浆属真菌所致通常无症状,但偶而产生严重的肺炎或流行感冒状的症候,并且传播到其分器官和系统中去
    A disease caused by the inhalation of spores of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, most often asymptomatic but occasionally producing acute pneumonia or an influenzalike illness and spreading to other organs and systems in the body.
  • 将气吸入肺内;吸气
    To draw(something) into the lungs; inhale.
  • 在的气质性格、脾气的在气质
    Inherent quality of character and temperament.
  • 具有在的生理或心理能力、才能。
    having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity.
  • 品质、属性、特征在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征
    A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.
  • 潜力,潜能成长、发展或形成的在能力或才能
    The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.
  • 1994年10月,中方重申这一承诺,承担了不出口在性能至少达到300公里射程和500公斤有效载荷的地对地导弹的义务。
    In October 1994, China reaffirmed its promise and undertook the obligation of not exporting ground-to-ground missiles inherently capable of reaching a range of at least 300 kilometers with a payload of at least 500 kilograms.
  • 包括人类在的所有活生物的特征,在本质上都是由储存在从父母继承而来的dna的信息所决定的。
    The characteristics of all living organisms, including human, are essentially determined by information contained within DNA that they inherit from their parents.
  • 斯坦福在一年赌掉了他的遗产。
    Stanford played away his inheritance within a year.
  • 抗寄生物的消灭或抑制人体及动物体寄生虫生长繁衍的
    Destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of human or animal parasites.
  • 分泌素一种由肌体组织产生的,能使该组织细胞的有丝分裂产生可逆性抑制的多肽
    Any of several polypeptides that are produced by a body tissue and that cause the reversible inhibition of mitosis in the cells of that tissue.
  • 中国积极参与了联合国系统国际人权法律文书的起草和制定工作。中国多次派代表参与国际人权法律文书的起草工作组,其中包括联合国《儿童权利公约》、《保护所有移徙工人及其家属权利国际公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《个人、团体和社会机构在促进和保护世所公认的人权和基本自由方面的权利和义务宣言》和《保护民族、种族、语言、宗教上属于少数人的权利宣言》等工作组。在这些工作组。
    China has taken an active part in drafting and formulating international legal instruments on human rights within the UN, and has sent delegates to participate in working groups charged with drafting these instruments, including the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Declaration on the Protection of Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.
  • 但是,有些人歪曲事实或不顾基本的事实,对中国的计划生育事业妄加评论,指责其“违反人权”、“不人道”,甚至把他们的价值观念强加于中国,以“保护人权”为借口向中国施加压力,干涉中国的政,这是中国断然不能接受的。
    However, some people, distorting or disregarding the basic facts, have made improper comments on China's family planning programme, criticizing it as a "violation of human rights," and denouncing it as "inhumane." They have even tried to impose their values and ideas on China, using the excuse of "protecting human rights" to put pressure on China and to interfere in China's internal affairs. This is totally unacceptable.
  • 在计算机例程执行的开始或其规定的点上,将计数器、开关、地址或存储器的容置成0或其它初始值。
    assign an initial value to a compute program.
  • 若程序访问自己存块以外的数组,或者在初始化之前使用存(属于常规编程错误),会产生不可预测的后果。
    If a program accesses the array outside of its memory block or uses the memory before initialization (common programming errors) there will be unpredictable results.
  • 中国已建成国卫星公众通信网,国卫星通信话路达7万多条,初步解决了边远地区的通信问题。
    The establishment of the domestic satellite public communication network, with more than 70,000 satellite telephone channels, has initially solved the problem of communication in remote areas.
  • 在戒指侧有姓名的首字母m.l.j。
    ) Inside the ring were the initials M.
  • ,该局还集合地区的公司、健康护理机构、教育团体、政府部门和其他组织的资源,创立安全系社区计划。
    During the year, the council made a start in initiating the 'Safe Community' project which drew on the resources of corporations, health care providers, educational institutions, government departments and organisations at district level.
  • 教育署于二零零零年开始推行为期半年的全日制课程,作为地新来港儿童的另一项抵港后服务。
    Since 2000, a full-time six-month initiation programme has been introduced as an additional mode of post-arrival service for newly arrived Mainland children.
  • 改革开放以来,中国政府在全国范围大力开展扶贫开发工作,使贫困人口连年大幅度减少。
    Since the initiation of reform and opening-up, the Chinese government launched vigorously a nationwide operation to seek development and provide assistance for the people in poverty-stricken areas, which helped reduce the poverty-stricken population in great numbers for many successive years.
  • 1979年改革开放以来,中国在全国范围开展了有计划、有组织、大规模的扶贫开发工作,到2000年底,农村贫困发生率从1978年的30.7%下降到3%左右。
    Since the initiation of reform and opening-up in 1979, China has engaged in a large-scale, development-oriented aid-the-poor drive nationwide in a planned and organized way. By the end of 2000, the incidence rate of poverty in rural areas had dropped from 30.7 percent in 1978 to about 3 percent.
  • 蚊子会吸我们的血。更糟的是,它会把毒注入我们的体
    The mosquito will suck our blood. What's even worse, it will inject poison into our bodies.
  • 麻醉注射静脉的麻醉剂注射
    An intravenous injection of a narcotic.
  • 向动物体注射轻轻地杀死。
    kill gently, as with an injection, as of pet animals.
  • 腰部内伤
    internal injury of lower back
  • 他们当中没有一个人了解他要演讲的容。
    None of them got an inkling of the kind of speech he was about to make.
  • 北京是一个陆城市。
    Beijing is an inland city.
  • 地100英里处丛林较少。
    There's not much jungle 100 miles inland.