  • 房间里乱七八糟。
    The room is in dreadful disorder.
  • 房间里一片混乱。
    The room is in disorder.
  • 那个房间杂乱无章。
    The room was in wild disorder.
  • 孩子们将房搞得很乱。
    The children disordered the room.
  • 军队仓皇逃窜;桌子上一大堆杂乱的试卷;小而杂乱的房;每件事物都如此混乱。
    troops fleeing in broken ranks; a confused mass of papers on the desk; the small disordered room; with everything so upset.
  • 她因为她的房乱七八糟而挨骂。
    She was scolded for the disorderliness of her room.
  • 用一种混乱的方式来填充空
    fill a space in a disorderly way.
  • 脑力劳动与体力劳动的差别
    disparity between mental labour and manual labour
  • 这表明社会上层与底层之的差距比20年前更为显著。
    This indicated a much sharper disparity between the top and bottom than existed two decades ago.
  • 你还会看到美国陆军与敌人之的力量对比会更加悬殊,因为我认为敌人不可能那样快地利用信息。
    I also think you'll see the disparity between the Army and its enemies get wider, because I don't think enemies will be able to use information as fast.
  • 全球范围内特别是南北之的发展差距和贫富悬殊继续拉大,两极分化状况更趋严重。
    As the gap in development and the disparity between rich and poor countries continue to widen all over the world, particularly between the South and North, polarization has become an increasingly serious problem.
  • 随着经济体制的转型和利益格局的调整,公民之由于主客观条件的差异而产生了一定程度的贫富差别,出现一部分公民因经济困难“请不起律师、打不起官司”,没有经济能力维护自己合法权益的问题。
    With transition of the economic system and adjustment of the interest patterns, a certain extent of disparity between the rich and the poor among citizens has been emerging due to the differences of subjective and objective conditions, resulting in such problems where a number of people are "not able to afford a lawyer or litigation" because of financial difficulties and these people do not possess the financial capacity in maintaining their legitimate rights and interests.
  • 请将货物交运时通知我们。
    Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods.
  • 位于新闻文章开头的一行用于该新闻急件开端的时和地点。
    a line at the beginning of a news article giving the date and place of origin of the news dispatch.
  • 强调解除各民族对人民解放军的顾虑,解除民族之的隔阂。
    We should try hard to dispel the misgivings of the various minority nationalities concerning the People's Liberation Army and eliminate the estrangement between different nationalities.
  • 如不同顽固派作坚决的斗争,并收到确实的成效,就不能抵抗顽固派的压迫,也不能消释中派的怀疑,进步势力就无从发展。
    Unless we engage in resolute struggle against the die-hards and, moreover, get tangible results, we shall be unable to resist their pressure or dispel the doubts of the middle section. In that case the progressive forces will have no way of expanding.
  • 我径直走向那台红白相的巨大的老自动售货机。
    I walked directly to the big old red-and-white dispenser.
  • 其他天才特色:水果蔬菜抽屉里的一个乙烯过滤器使您的蔬菜在更长时里保持新鲜;高高的冰水分配器用来容纳瓶罐。
    Other genius touches: An ethylene filter in the produce drawer keeps your veggies fresh longer, and the tall ice and water dispenser accommodates bottles and pitchers.
  • 位于长岛大颈镇的“克劳斯的休息时观念”正好有一产品,既能替他们解渴又节省空——比一个家喻户晓的面包盒略大的汽水供应器。
    But Krauser's Break Time Concepts, located on Great Neck, L.I., had just the thing to wet their whistles and fit into tight space constraints—a soda dispenser that's just a tad bigger than the proverbial bread box.
  • 改良后的温压或油气系统,会带来高温的燃烧爆炸。这种爆炸会产生长时的低压强热,从而防止有毒制剂的扩散。
    The upgraded thermobaric or fuel-air system produces a high-temperature incendiary blast that creates a long period of intense heat at low pressure, preventing the dispersal of poisonous agents.
  • 弹丝一条小长丝结构,通过吸收水分促使孢子分裂。可以是连接到孢子上的一个丝圈,如长在杉叶藻内的,也可以是各孢子的一条长丝,如在苔藓内的
    A tiny elongated structure that forces the dispersal of spores by the absorption of moisture. It is either a band attached to the spore, as in horsetails, or a filament occurring among the spores, as in liverworts.
  • 他走出来沿着高高的围墙散步,心里想着正冉冉升起的太阳,阳光已开始晒暖墙壁,驱逐夜的雾气。
    He went out to walk along the high walls,and he contemplated the sun which was now rising,as it started to warm the hills and to disperse the night 's mists.
  • 为此缘故,在全国的数百万正规军中,至少指定数十万人,分散于所有一切敌占地区,发动和配合民众武装,从事游击战争,是完全必要的。
    For this reason, out of the millions of China's regular troops, it is absolutely necessary to assign at least several hundred thousand to disperse through all enemy-occupied areas, arouse the masses to arm themselves, and wage guerrilla warfare in co-ordination with the masses.
  • 疏液的胶体系统中胶体媒质和分离媒质之缺乏吸引力特性的
    Characterized by a lack of attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system.
  • 显示空中预先定义的一部分区域。参阅window。
    A predefined part of a display space.
  • 要确保你去巴黎的旅行在时上和琳达的婚礼不冲突,不然她会生你气的。
    Make sure that your journey to Paris will not conflict with Linda’s wedding, or she’ll be displeased with you.
  • 过去我们有些高唱优势的同志,认为共产党员占多数了,天下是我们的了,因而可以为所欲为了,于是许多过左的错误由之而生,中分子对我不满,进步分子非常不安。
    In the past some comrades who often talked glibly about superiority believed that since Party members constituted the majority in the organs of political power and won the whole country, they could do whatever they liked. Consequently, they made so many ultra-Left mistakes that the middle sections of society became displeased with us, the progressives were worried about us, and the masses complained about the Party.
  • 他只有有限的时可由他自己支配。
    He has only a limited period at his disposal.
  • 在他访问期,我把自己的汽车交他使用。
    During his visit I put my car at his disposal.
  • 他不知道怎样安排业余时
    He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time.
  • 他不知道怎样支配自己的时
    He doesn't know how to dispose of his time.
  • 房间里家俱的布置
    the disposition of furniture in a room