  • 市场交易旺盛,买方主要为纽约、国及部分加拿大人。
    Market soaring principal buyer New York U.K. partly Canadian.
  • 假如格兰队能使素伯斯出局,他们还有一线获胜希望。
    When England got Sobers out, there seemed to be a faint chance dial they would win.
  • 式足球)处于前锋位置的足球运动员。
    (soccer) a forward on a soccer team.
  • 美式足球,即橄榄球,与国际足球不同,美国人称后者为式足球。
    American football is different from international football, which Americans call soccer.
  • 在因其冷漠而出名的国社会里,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社会交往。
    Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve.
  • 她骗得了 1000 镑社会保险金.
    She swindled 1000 out of the Social Security.
  • 先是经历国殖民统治,后经国家的独立,这几十年来和本地社会融合,已经使到这里的华人和其他地方的华人有所不同了。
    Through decades of local socialisation, first under British colonial administration and then as an independent country, they have distinguished themselves from the Chinese elsewhere.
  • 4月23日的一项调查结果表明,如今在国大多数手机短信只是用来传达无关紧要的事情和进行社会交往,但是一些经理人认为,如果能够做到明白易懂,手机短信对于商业还是有很大用途的。
    While most mobile phone text messages sent in Britain are about gossip and socializing, some managers think they can be useful for business -- if they could read them, a survey on Tuesday showed.
  • 国和美国的社会组织是很不一样的。
    the social organization of England and America is very different; sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family.
  • 他希望精人才多研究语言、写作、历史、传播及社会学,运用科技提升人类文明,不要滥用科技而阻碍人类思维的发展。
    Wang hopes that the talented elite would use technology to enhance human civilization, and to research into linguistic, writing, history, communications and sociology, instead of abusing technology and hindering the development of human's "thoughts".
  • 这些短袜每双卖1英镑.
    These socks are going at 1 a pair.
  • 他穿袜(脱鞋)时身高六尺。
    He stands six feet in his socks.
  • 国语)连一口酒也买不起的穷草莽。
    (British) "the poor sod couldn't even buy a drink".
  • 那辆红色小汽车一会儿就驶完了那段数里长的湿漉漉的路。
    The little red car ate up the soggy miles.
  • 一种由海员表演的国独舞。
    a British solo dance performed by sailors.
  • 大家都礼貌周全,纷纷来探问吉的病情,其中尤其是彬格莱先生问得特别关切,这叫伊丽莎白非常愉快,只可惜吉的病情一些没有好转,因此她无法给人家满意的回答。
    To the civil enquiries which then poured in, and amongst which she had the pleasure of distinguishing the much superior solicitude of Mr. Bingley's, she could not make a very favourable answer. Jane was by no means better.
  • 朱巴河流经埃塞俄比亚南部和索马里南部的河流,流程约1,609公里(1,000里),流入印度洋
    A river of southern Ethiopia and southern Somalia flowing about1, 609 km(1, 000 mi) to the Indian Ocean.
  • 奥尔比森,罗伊1936-1988国歌手兼词曲作者,以其圆润的男高音而闻名。他的许多叙事曲为后来的音乐家所用而流行
    American singer and songwriter noted for his smooth tenor voice. Many of his ballads were made popular by later musicians.
  • 那位勇的军人宁死也不肯屈服于这样的敌人。
    The brave soldier would as soon die as yield to such an enemy.
  • 他一回到格兰就买了一幢美丽的房子并在那儿定居。
    He had no sooner returned to England than he bought a fine house and went to live there.
  • 探戈以它高级的欧洲形式,在国和美国受到厂泛欢迎。
    The tango, in its sophisticated European form, became popular in England and in t he USA.
  • 同时,硬件厂家,如特尔,在处理器的开发上变得更为先进。
    At the same time, hardware vendors such as Intel have gotten more sophisticated in their processor development.
  • “我似乎记得上周你花了20镑买了一个手提包。”“是啊,起码我有个东西在这儿呀。”
    "I seem to remember you spending twenty pounds on a handbag last week." "Well, at least, I've sot something to show for it."
  • 马尔盖特国东南部一自治市,位于伦敦的东部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地,轻工业也较发达。人口121,900
    A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. A popular seaside resort, it also has light industries. Population, 121,900.
  • 格兰北部的一条河流,向东南流经西约克夏。
    a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire.
  • 提契诺河位于瑞士南部和意大利北部的一条流程约248公里(154里)的河流,大致向南流入波河。公元前218年汉尼拔沿这条河流打败了罗马人
    A river, about248 km(154 mi) long, of southern Switzerland and northern Italy flowing generally southward to the Po River. Hannibal defeated the Romans along the banks of the river in218 b.c.
  • 第聂伯河起源于斯摩棱斯克附近的苏联西欧部分河流,向南流入黑海。流程2,285公里(1,420里),9世纪以来即为重要商业水道
    A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising near Smolensk and flowing about2, 285 km(1, 420 mi) southward to the Black Sea. It has been a major commercial waterway since the ninth century.
  • 其目的,在借中国人的手,镇压中国的抗日运动,巩固日本南进的后方,以便放手南进,配合希特勒进攻国的行动。
    Their purpose is to use the Chinese themselves to suppress the anti-Japanese movement and consolidate the rear for Japan's southward drive, so that she will be free to drive south in co-ordination with Hitler's offensive against Britain.
  • 格兰西南部的一系列小山。
    a range of low hills in southwestern England.
  • 在刚刚过去的午夜凌晨,中两国政府举行了香港政权交接仪式;
    In the midnight hours behind us, China officially resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong;
  • 刚刚离开地球的阿斯特拉号宇宙飞船将飞行三百里进入太空。
    The spaceship Astra which left the earth a short time ago, will be travelling three hundred miles into space.
  • 国和西班牙进行了多年战争。
    England and Spain waged war for many years.