  • 一个小时去找扳钳,后来在一个架子上找到了它。
    I spent an hour looking for a spanner and then found it on a shelf, staring me in the face.
  • 在沙拉中放量很少的苦叶子;干用在汤或汤药中。
    bitter leaves used sparingly in salads; dried flowers used in soups and tisanes.
  • 实施积极的财政政策,决不是可以敞开口子钱,而必须珍惜人民的血汗钱。
    Implementing a pro-active fiscal policy does not mean extravagance in spending. On the contrary, the people's hard-earned money should be used sparingly.
  • 钢的火花鉴别
    spark testing of steels
  • 塞需要清洗一下。
    The spark plug needs cleaning.
  • 技工换掉了汽车的火塞。
    The mechanic changed the spark plugs on the car.
  • 汽车出毛病是因为火塞脏了。
    The car acted up because the spark plugs were dirty.
  • 麦克握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火
    Mike clench his hand with a wrathful spark in his eyes.
  • 没有一把合适的扳钳,要抓住那个火塞是困难的。
    It's hard to get at the spark plug without a proper wrench.
  • 能提供给内燃机内火塞以高电压的变压器。
    a transformer that supplies high voltage to spark plugs in a gasoline engine.
  • 用来移走或上紧内燃机汽缸盖上的火塞的扳手。
    a wrench for removing or tightening spark plugs into the cylinder head of an internal combustion engine.
  • 通过火隙放电作为其电源的早期无线电发射机。
    an early radio transmitter using a discharge across a spark gap as the source of its power.
  • 你看你能为我换一下火塞吗?我对汽车一窍不通。
    Do you think you could help me change my sparking plugs? I don't know the first thing about cars.
  • 潮湿的木头噼啪作响并爆出火
    The damp wood crackled and sparked.
  • 两大发明点燃了计算机革命的火
    Two inventions sparked the computer revolution.
  • 眼睛里还噙着晶莹的泪,裙子一摆,她奔出房门,走下楼梯,来到街上。
    With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out of the door and down the stairs into the street.
  • 一瓶冒着气泡的好酒--尤其是一些
    A bottle of sparkling wine -- and above all, some flowers.
  • 一种生长在温带湿地和沼泽地的植物,其小的、微绿的部分被一个白色佛焰苞包裹,其浆果呈红色。
    plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries.
  • 茉莉兰属的任何一种植物,艳丽、具有各种颜色。
    any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia having showy flowers in many colors.
  • 安格兰属的任何一种兰,具深绿色二裂叶、多叶、通常夜间开带香味的白色或象牙色
    any of various spectacular orchids of the genus Angraecum having 2-ranked dark green leathery leaves and usually nocturnally scented white or ivory flowers.
  • 在作业上的时间不多。
    He doesn't spend much time on his homework .
  • 你每星期花多少钱?
    How much money do you spend each week?
  • 我花了一小时读书。
    I spent an hour reading.
  • 轻浮地不明智地费。
    spend frivolously and unwisely.
  • 我们已在这工程上了很多钱,现在已处于只能进不能退的地步,我们必须再追加投资将工程完成。
    We've spent so much money on the project that we've passed the point of no return and we shall have to spend even more to finish it.
  • 她们的母亲小心谨慎的地方——攒钱或将钱在她们的子女身上——女人们现在认为钱为她们买乐趣,放纵自己是对的,那就吧。
    Where their mothers would have been cautious saved their money or spent it on their kids women now think it's OK to buy themselves treats, to indulge themselves, just spend money.
  • 便宜的花很少的钱
    To spend very little money.
  • 你花太多钱了。
    You spend too much money.
  • 你花了多少美元?
    How many dollars did you spend?
  • 把(钱)花掉;花费
    To give(money) out; spend.
  • 尽着五十元花。
    Don't spend more than fifty yuan.
  • 当时她每年费不到500英镑。
    She didn't spend 500 pounds a year.