| - 不能挪动由于暂时瘫痪。
motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis. - 理解口头语言的能力衰退。
an impairment in understanding spoken language that is not attributable to hearing loss. - 不是由于精神或机体功能不良而导致的心理干扰。
a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction. - 154.香港是全球罪案率最低的城市之一,这主要是因为我们有优秀的警队维护法纪,又能与内地和海外执法机关合作无间。
154. We are one of the world s most crime-free cities. This is largely attributable to our professional Police Force. Our excellent co-operation with Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies has also helped in containing crime. - 根据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第22.1条,"地理标识"指的是能表明一货物来源于一成员领土或该领土内一地区或地方,该货物的某种特征、名声或其它特征本质上归因于其地理来源。
According to the Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement, the term of "geographical indications" refers to the indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. - 香港新机场工程是香港有史以来投资规模最为庞大的工程,这项由政府精心策划,需要七年工程时间,耗资一千五百五十亿元,称之为「跨越九七」的工程能够在香港的过渡时期成功地进行安排,并且以巨大的资金投入,促进了香港经济蓬勃发展,最重要的是依靠了香港市民的财富,依靠了香港市民对前途的信心,同时,还依靠了中央人民政府对於香港整个平稳过渡的方针政策的支持。
The new Hong Kong International Airport project, which is described as a project "beyond 1997", is the largest investment item in the history of Hong Kong. Under the meticulous planning of the government, it took seven years to complete and cost about $155 billion. During the transitional period, Hong Kong managed to make smooth arrangements for this magnificent project with the injection of considerable capital to spur our economic development. This achievement is attributable mainly to the wealth of the Hong Kong people, the confidence they have in the future of Hong Kong and the Central People's Government's support of the policies implemented for the smooth handover of Hong Kong. - 作为属性,知识,技能拥有。
have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill. - 展示属性,财产,知识或者技能。
show an attribute, property, knowledge, or skill. - 失去性能力或性特征。
deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes. - 使…丧失性能力或性征
To deprive of sexual capacity or sexual attributes. - 人格,性向某人品质、性格、能力的描述
A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities. - 美感。即受美的本能,是人类的共性之一。
An aesthetic sense, an instinct for beauty, is one of the universal attributes of human beings. - 为了这个,我们将依次说明下列的问题:能动性在战争中,战争和政治,抗战的政治动员,战争的目的,防御中的进攻,持久中的速决,内线中的外线,主动性,灵活性,计划性,运动战,游击战,阵地战,歼灭战,消耗战,乘敌之隙的可能性,抗日战争的决战问题,兵民是胜利之本。
We shall therefore successively discuss the following problems: man's dynamic role in war, war and politics, political mobilization for the War of Resistance, the object of war, offence within defence, quick decisions within a protracted war, exterior lines within interior lines, initiative, flexibility, planning, mobile warfare, guerrilla warfare, positional warfare, war of annihilation, war of attrition, the possibilities of exploiting the enemy's mistakes, the question of decisive engagements in the anti-Japanese war, and the army and the people as the foundation of victory. - 他的耳朵对伦敦郊区的语音仍然一听就能辨别。
His ear is still attune to the sound of the London suburb. - 希望能再见面。
Let's hope it's au revoir. - 杰夫:家庭用的健身器种类还真不少:健身车、跑步机;爬梯器、滑雪器、划船器、全能体能训练器等。
Jeff: There are quite a lot of fitness equipment of family use: fit- ness cycle, running machine, climbing stairs machine, skiing machine, rowing boat machine and aU-around physical ability training machine. - 如果纽西兰的奥克兰大学能设一个翻译系的话,那我们新加坡这个多元文化、多元语言的大都会总不能落在人后吧。
If the University of Auckland in New Zealand can have a Department of Translation Studies, surely Singapore, with our claims of being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual cosmopolitan city, do not want to be left behind, do we? - 因此,我再跟您说一遍,先生,这本书现在归您了,并且我再一次请求您接受它,不要像我从拍卖估价人手里买到它那样从我手里买回去,我还希望这本书能有助于我们之间结成更深厚长久的友谊。”
I repeat, the book is yours, and I beg you once more to accept it. This way it won' t come to you as it came to me, from an auctioneer, and it will be between us the pledge of a more durable acquaintance and closer bonds.' - 对于那些丧尽天良的坏蛋,对于那些敢于向八路军新四军阵地后面打枪的人,对于那些敢于闹平江惨案、确山惨案的人,对于那些敢于破坏边区的人,对于那些敢于攻打进步军队、进步团体、进步人员的人,我们是决不能容忍的,是必定要还击的,是决不能让步的。
Those conscienceless scoundrels who had the audacity to stab the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies in the back, to perpetrate the massacres at Pingkiang and Chuehshan, to disrupt the Border Region and to attack progressive armies and organizations and progressive individuals -- these scoundrels must not be tolerated but must be dealt counterblows;any concession to them is out of the question. - 听度计,听力计对正常可听单音频的听觉能力测定仪
An instrument for measuring hearing activity for pure tones of normally audible frequencies. - 次声的产生或使用频率低于人耳能听见的声音的波或振动的
Generating or using waves or vibrations with frequencies below that of audible sound. - 一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。
A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile. - 猛烈敲击急速而又能被人听见的一次或多次敲击,如敲门
To strike a sharp, audible blow or series of blows, as on a door. - 她能像磁石般吸引剧院观众。
She can magnetize a theatre audience. - 能够产生高频音的扩音器。
a loudspeaker that reproduces higher audio frequency sounds. - 能够产生低频音的扩音器。
a loudspeaker that reproduces lower audio frequency sounds. - 消音功能会消除你这一方的所有音频传送,不仅仅是麦克风。
Mute silence all audio transmission from your end, not just the microphone. - 能够读取压缩光盘连接到音频系统上的驱动装置。
a drive that reads a compact disc and that is connected to an audio system. - 电视会议能实现世界任何地方分开地点之间音频和视频传输。
Video conferencing enables audio and video transmission between separate locations from anywhere in the world. - 道尔贝降噪系统一种能从录音或声音信号中消除噪音的电子装置的商标名
A trademark used for an electronic device that eliminates noise from recorded sound and audio signals. - 该操作可能是播放一个音频文件,询问另一个问题,或是请求另一个voicexml页。
The action might be to play an audio file, ask another question, or request another VoiceXML page. - (ii)如果表演或展示是通过视听来接收,任何表演或展示的视觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过4件的视听设备,其中,在任何一个房间最多只能放1件视听设备,并且这样的视听设备的屏幕对角线尺寸不得超过55英寸,任何表演或展示的听觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过6个的扩音器,其中,在一个房间或相邻的户外空间最多只能放4个扩音器;
(II) if the performance or display is by audiovisual means, any visual portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 4 audiovisual devices, of which not more than 1 audiovisual device is located in any 1 room, and no such audiovisual device has a diagonal screen size greater than 55 inches, and any audio portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 6 loudspeakers, of which not more than 4 loudspeakers are located in any 1 room or adjoining outdoor space;