  • 看到那情景使我毛骨悚
    My flesh crawled at the sight.
  • 他听到这个消息勃大怒。
    He flew into a rage at the news.
  • 听到这消息他勃大怒。
    He flew into a temper when he heard the news.
  • 窗子突然开了。
    The window flew open.
  • ,对这种灵活性要付出代价的。
    There's a price to that flexibility, of course.
  • 而,这颗明星只闪烁了几个年头,在这期间他的同事、评论家和观众眼睁睁地看着这位有才华的舞蹈演员在他们的面前毁掉自己。
    But that light had been flickering for years, as colleagues, Critics and audiences watched a talented dancer destroy himself before their eyes.
  • 我们飞往雅典,后再乘公共汽车去饭店。
    We flied to athens, and then take a bus to the hotel.
  • 我们飞往雅典,后再乘公共汽车去饭店。
    We flied to Athens, and then took a bus to the hotel.
  • 查塔胡奇河发源于美国佐治亚州北部的河流,流程约702公里(436英里),流向大致为西南向,后向南在佐治亚州和佛罗里达州的边界流入弗林特河
    A river rising in northern Georgia and flowing about702 km(436 mi) generally southwest then south to the Flint River on the Georgia-Florida border.
  • 急抛,急速挥动突地抛或掷
    To toss or flip suddenly.
  • 简欠了房东很多房租,她突出走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。
    Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she did a moonlight flit and got a new job up north somewhere.
  • 而,对于下述语句:floatf4=1e-47f;
    However, with float f4 = 1e-47f;
  • 铁虽重,但它能浮在水银上。
    Heavy as iron be, it will float in mercury.
  • 铁虽重,但它能浮在水银上。
    Heavy as iron is, it will float in mercury.
  • 把绳子套在柱子上,后系紧,不船会飘走的。
    Tie the rope round the pole and then make it fast or the boat will float away.
  • 羽毛会在空中四处飘动,尤其是在多风的天气。如果遇上阵雨,就会因为淋上雨水变湿就沉,后就会垂直落回到地上。
    A feather floats about on the air, especially on a windy day. If there is a shower of rain, the feather will get wet and heavy with water, and then it will sink straight to the ground.
  • 它不仅为中国中部地区经济发展提供电能,而且,从此解决洪水泛滥的自灾难。
    The project will not only supply electricity to the central part of China for economic development, but also eliminate the natural threat posed by flooding.
  • 突然地面塌陷了。
    Suddenly the floor gave way.
  • 那犯人忽跪下来求饶。
    The criminal flopped down on his knees and begged for mercy.
  • 他边说边把手指向那个花畦。说完,他的手就无力地垂落下来,显,他又陷入了自己的沉思。而此时,我则像一名称职的记者应该做的那样,走进那座房子,去找个人,为我提供一张那个刚会蹒跚而行的小女孩的近期照片。
    He stretched his hand toward the flower?bed, then let it flop to his side. He lapsed back into his thoughts, and I, like a good reporter, went into the house to find someone who could provide a recent photo of the toddler.
  • 而,替换可能会很困难,因为一个公司为制造新产品而推出的每100个方案中只有2%证明是有利可图的,其他绝大多数(95%)经市场测试后会被筛掉,而少数(3%)尽管开始似乎不错,但其实根本不行。
    Yet replacement can be difficult because for every one hundred ideas a company has for new products, only 2 percent will ever prove profitable. Most of the others (95 percent) are screened out after market testing, while a few (3 percent) will flop despite all initial signs to the contrary.
  • 两个蒙面人突从树后边冒了出来。
    Two masked men sprang out flora behind a tree.
  • 作者有意在中间部分离开主线,但在尾声又突折回,给读者以惊喜。
    The writer intentionally divagated flora the plot in the middle, but returned at the end to give the reader a surprise.
  • 后,拨通了花店的电话。
    Then, went to get the tele phone, to call the florist shop.
  • 因此,尽管在目前的经济形势下公司30%的业务受到影响,另外70%仍生机勃勃。
    So while 30% of our company gets hit in an economy like this, 70% is still flourishing.
  • 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天资源。
    Our motherland flows with natural resources.
  • 顺其自然
    Go with the flow.
  • 野花在天的未开垦的状态下生长的开花植物
    A flowering plant that grows in a natural, uncultivated state.
  • 突然流出血来.
    Blood suddenly started flowing out.
  • 他有着自流畅地摆荡动作。
    He has free flowing swinging movements.
  • 他有着自流畅地摆荡动作。
    He has free-flowing swinging movements.
  • 我国拥有丰富的自资源。
    Our country flows with natural resources.