  • 筑巢在细嫩多汁的枝间;
    Whose nest is in a watered shoot;
  • 我们用网捕到了三鱼。
    We netted three fish.
  • 因此当仅使用sortbyname修饰符时,同名的返回目将按时间先后排序,从最老的到最新的。
    This causes sortByName elements to be sorted within name by date, newest to oldest.
  • 因此当仅使用sortbyname修饰符时,同名的返回目将按时间先后排序,从最老的到最新的。
    This causes sortByName elements to be sorted within name by date, oldest to newest.
  • 下周;名单的下一条
    Next week; the next item on the list.
  • 下一条街就是。
    Next to this one.
  • 不,是下一条。
    No, the next one.
  • 使这个协议签署我们还有巨大的困难,每一个款都要费时讨论。
    We had tremendous difficulty getting the agreement signed Every clause was niggle over.
  • 每晚这名警察都在这街道巡逻。
    Night after night the policeman patrols the street.
  • 售货员:10一共53元,睡袍226元。
    Shop they cost 53 yuan for 10 and 226 yuan for the nightgown. Please pay at the cashier.
  • 阿特巴拉河非洲东北部一河流,发源于埃塞俄比亚西北部,流程约805公里(500英里),在苏丹东部注入尼罗河
    A river of northeast Africa rising in northwest Ethiopia and flowing about805 km(500 mi) to the Nile River in eastern Sudan.
  • 这个文件一共十,最重要的是第九,当然其他各也都是非常重要的。
    The decision is in ten parts, all of which are important, but the ninth is the most important.
  • 船中哪一先进港都很难说。
    It was nip and tuck as to which boat would reach port first.
  • 损失了六性命的叛卖行为
    N: a double-cross that cost six lives
  • 我们沿着那喧闹的街道走。
    We go along the noisy street.
  • 在法庭档案中通过输入一原告撤回诉讼而停止烦扰。
    drop persecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records.
  • 按fob款大量购买货物,买方应指派运载船只到装船港口装运所订购的货物。
    Under FOB terms in a bulk purchase, the buyers shall nominate a carrying vessel to call at the port of shipment and lift the contracted goods.
  • 做个优秀教师必不可少的件是要有耐心.
    Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher.
  • 不侵犯政策;不侵犯
    A nonaggression policy; nonaggression treaties.
  • 二十个不结盟国家敦促签订禁止太空武器的
    A group of20 nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons.
  •  第四十三广播电台、电视台非营业性播放已经出版的录音制品,可以不经著作权人、表演者、录音制作者许可,不向其支付报酬。
    Article 43 A radio station or television station may broadcast, for noncommercial purposes, a published sound recording without seeking permission from, or paying remuneration to, the copyright owner, performer and producer of the sound recording.
  • 固氮菌发现于土壤和水中的一种固氮菌属的状的、非致病的固氮细菌
    Any of various rod-shaped, nonpathogenic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genus Azotobacter, found in soil and water.
  • 看到有两往右走的路,我们不知如何是好。
    We were nonplused to see two roads leading off to the right.
  • 防止(核武器)扩散
    A nonproliferation treaty.
  • 中餐常有米饭或面条.
    Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles.
  • 面馆现在没有面了。
    The noodle shop is now out of noodles.
  • 我想你们可以点面
    I think you can have noodle.
  • 吃午饭时给他们喝了一种味道很好的鸡肉面汤。
    At lunch they were served a delicious chicken noodle soup.
  • 新儿的母亲说着,轻轻的夹起几面线,向唇边吹了两下,喂着新儿。
    As Xin-er's mother spoke, she picked a few strands of noodle, drew them to her lips to blow a couple of times and began to feed him.
  • 和油炸面一起吃的杂碎。
    chop suey served with fried noodles.
  • 这面条煮得太烂了。
    The noodles are done to death.
  • 你还想再吃点面吗?
    Would you like some more noodles?