  • 对我来说四季的壮观而华丽的展示是一部令人激动的、无穷尽的戏剧,这部戏剧的表演,通过我的手指尖端涌淌来。
    To me the page ant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.
  • 到了时候,保育蚁把茧撕开,然后轻轻地把那些腿脚和身体都很娇嫩的新生蚁从茧中弄来。
    When the time comes, the cocoons are torn open by the ant nurses, and the new ants with their tender legs and bodies are very gently helped out.
  • 你能觉察他们之间有对立情绪。
    You could sense the antagonism between them.
  • 这家版社对敌对的关键很好奇;能干的警察机关,具有真正的询问信息的天才——沃尔多·弗兰克。
    the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism; a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents- Waldo Frank.
  • 但由于同苏联对立,又由于人财先天不足,所以日本的最大的兵数和最后的进攻点都不得不受一定的限制。
    But because of Japan's antagonism with the Soviet Union and her inherent shortage of manpower and finances, there are inevitable limits to the maximum number of men she can throw in and to the furthest extent of her advance.
  • 中国红军以弱小者的姿态现于内战的战场,其迭挫强敌震惊世界的战绩,依赖于兵力集中使用者甚大。
    The Chinese Red Army, which entered the arena of the civil war as a small and weak force, has since repeatedly defeated its powerful antagonist and won victories that have astonished the world, and it has done so by relying largely on the employment of concentrated strength.
  • 它们是两个互相关联又互相对立的阶级,它们是中国旧社会(封建社会)产的双生子。
    They are twins born of China's old (feudal) society, at once linked to each other and antagonistic to each other.
  • 1983年,中国加入了《南极条约》,并从1984年开始进行南极及其周围海域调查,到1997年共进行了14次科学考察,先后建立了长城、中山南极科学考察站,为人类和平利用南极作了积极贡献。
    China signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and began to make surveys of the Antarctic and the surrounding sea areas in 1984. By 1997 the country had completed 14 programs of scientific investigation in this region, setting up the Great Wall and Zhongshan survey stations successively. Thus, China has made positive contributions to the world's peaceful exploitation of the Antarctic.
  • 1983年,中国加入了《南极条约》,并从1984年开始进行南极及其周围海域调查,到1997年共进行了14次科学考察,先后建立了长城、中山南极科学考察站,为人类和平利用南极作了积极贡献。
    China signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and began to make surveys of the Antarctic and the surrounding sea areas in 1984. By 1997 the country had completed 14 programs of scientific investigation in this region, using the Great Wall and Zhongshan survey stations as bases. Thus, China has made positive contributions to the world's peaceful exploitation of the Antarctic.
  • 中等体格的企鹅,没于南极洲阿德利沿岸的大殖民地地区。
    medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie coast of Antarctica.
  • 他们拿十万元兴建博物馆。
    They anted up 100, 000 yuan to build a museum.
  • 现在,随着他们的第二张专辑《躯体》的发行,"信念"准备"我们属于压力之下发挥色的那类乐队,这回确有努力赶超自我的压力,"斯塔普说。
    Now,with the release of their second album,Human Clay,Creed is poised to up the ante yet again.“ We're the type of band that functions really well under pressure,and there was definitely a pressure to try to top ourselves this time,” says Stapp.
  • 从时间或世系的角度标记项的一种方式。没有前代的项可视为第一代或第n代,以后派生来的称为n-1,n-2代等。
    A means of referencing items with respect to time and ancestry such that an item without antecedents is designated as the first or n-th generation, and subsequent derivations are designated as n-1, n-2, etc.
  • 来自墨西哥阿兹特克文明的古老品种,毛短而细,眼睛突
    old breed of tiny short-coated dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization.
  • 发令抢响,身着红衣的她如飞跃的羚羊冲了去,而且威风凛凛地一路领先。
    The starting gun sounded, dressed in red, Ji Zheng dashed forward like a saltane antelope and led the entire race.
  • 生以前的时期;生前的护理。
    the prenatal period; antenatal care.
  • 使汽车天线发“嘣”的一声
    Twanged the car antenna.
  • 小头,骨状突一小块球状突物或头状部分,如一根骨头的突起或一个昆虫的触角的顶端
    A small knob or head-shaped part, such as a protuberance of a bone or the tip of an insect's antenna.
  • 蝴蝶多种鳞翅目类昆虫,特征为身体细长,触须突,有四个通常是彩色的宽大的翅
    Any of various insects of the order Lepidoptera, characteristically having slender bodies, knobbed antennae, and four broad, usually colorful wings.
  • 角膜眼球似纤维的外膜的前部透明凸部分,它覆盖虹膜和瞳孔并与巩膜连接
    The transparent, convex, anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera.
  • 克里斯蒂娜6岁时就开始在学校才艺表演活动中亮相,8岁那年在全国性的"星探"中登台表演,10岁时她为"匹兹堡钢铁人"(美国一橄榄球队)演唱国歌,12岁时成为"新米老鼠俱乐部"明星阵容的一员,在奥兰多表演场演
    Christina began performing at age six in school talent shows,and at eight she appeared on the nationally syndicated "Star Search."At the age of ten,she sang the National Anthem for the Pittsburgh Steelers.By twelve,she joined the star cast of " The New Mickey Mouse Club,"appearing on the Orlando-based show.
  • 开裂,裂开到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放来的种子或从花粉囊中散发的花粉
    An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.
  • 我们价1000,000英镑购买这个库房,但另一家公司价高于我们。
    We offer 100,000 for the warehouse, but anther company outbid us.
  • 问题是上星期我了点交通事故——我的车被另一辆车撞上了。
    The thing is I was in a bit of an accident last week _got bashed by anther car.
  • 这部选集显示对抒情诗人有所偏爱.
    The anthology reveals a prejudice in favour of lyric poets.
  • 编纂选集,出版选集
    To compile or publish an anthology.
  • 据了解,如果作者不求回报,约5000元便能版1500本250页左右的丛书。
    I understand that printing 1,500 copies of a 250-page anthology requires only about $5,000, if the writer is not expecting a profit.
  • 南大创立后,于1960年3月30日举办为期一个星期的“大学周”,其中并于4月2日庆祝首届毕业典礼而举行集会,并版《云南园吟唱集》,以资纪念。这首诗就是为此而写。
    The poem was written for the publication ''Yunnan Garden Anthology of Poems'' in connection with the University Week which began on 30th March 1960, as part of the celebration of the First convocation of Nantah held on 2nd April 1960.
  • *世界卫生组织--卫生组织从2001年炭疽病爆发中为公共保健系统总结了重要的教训,并就如何对炭疽病毒感染怀疑作反应向各国发了指导意见。
    * World Health Organization – WHO has identified key lessons for public health systems from the 2001 anthrax outbreaks and has issued guidance for States on how to respond to suspected anthrax infections.
  • 比如,我在报告中提到了炭疽问题、vx武器以及大射程导弹问题,我曾经指:“这些问题应该引起伊拉克方面的足够重视,而不是将其搁置。”
    I referred, as examples, to the issues of anthrax, the nerve agent VX and long-range missiles, and said that such issues "deserve to be taken seriously by Iraq rather than being brushed aside...".
  • 低层次的审美鉴赏仅仅于对人类学和社会学的兴趣,而高层次的审美鉴赏,也许才对艺术创造的加深井存在于同一水平上,当然这个“水平”是多方面的。
    While at its lowest level aesthetic appreciation is merely of anthropological or sociological interest, at its highest level, perhaps, it duplicates artistic creation and exists on the same plane. But certainly that plane is multi-dimensional.
  • 要减少损失,可动大批电子战机和轰炸机摧毁敌人的雷达和防空武器。
    These losses could be reduced by sending along swarms of electronic- warfare aircraft and bombers to destroy the enemy radars and antiaircraft weapons.