Chinese English Sentence:
  • “叛军讧发生在最糟的时候,”社会党一位领袖桑乔说。“尼加拉瓜桑地诺政府眼见叛军崩溃,他们也眼见美国无意援助叛军。他们觉得他们控制了大局,因此没有理由在任何事情上让步。”
    "The infighting among the contras is happening at the worst possible moment," said Luis Sanchez Sancho, a leader of the Socialist Party. "The Sandinistas see the contras falling apart, and they see the United States not disposed to help them. They feel that they now control the situation, which means there's no reason to compromise on anything."
  • 但李登辉不此之图,甫上任就搞斗,从李焕、郝柏村、赵少康、王建煊、林洋港,以迄宋楚瑜、刘松藩和钟荣吉等人纷纷求去,使党分裂、政局不安,社会力在分化是不断消耗。
    But he was not. Instead, he was bent on infighting. Assoon as he came to power, he began pushing his comrades around, starting with Lee Huan, Hau Pei-tusn, Jaw Shau-kong,Wang Chien-shien and Lin Yang-kang, and finishing with JamesSoong, Liu Sung-pan and David J C Chung.As a result, these KMT veterans had to quit the party one after another. This caused splits within the KMT, destabilised the political scene on the island, and wore away the energy of Taiwanese society.
  • 打入的干部应多,尤要注意派精干人选透入其部去发展组织。
    We should send many cadres into enemy-occupied areas, in particular, we should send the best ones to infiltrate and set up organizations there.
  • 对打入人员的训练是很重要的,训练时间要短,容要简单,任务要明确而不复杂。
    Training for personnel who will infiltrate enemy-occupied areas is most important, but the training period should be short, the content simple, and the assigned task clear and uncomplicated.
  • 我们一般不善于从广大的敌占区或伪军伪组织部去物色打入人才,不善于争取敌占区的知识分子、开明进步人士去实现打入工作,不善于争取伪军伪组织部的两面派成为革命两面派,变为我们的打入干部,不了解只有他们才与敌占区或伪军伪组织具有密切的联系,只有他们才具备打入工作的现实条件。
    Generally speaking, we do not know how to choose people from the vast enemy-occupied areas or from among the puppet troops and organizations to work for us, or to win over the intellectuals and progressives there so that they can infiltrate the enemy. We haven't done well at reforming double-dealers in the puppet troops and organizations into ones working for the revolution as our own cadres, because we did not realize that only such people have the necessary close ties in enemy-occupied areas and puppet troops and organizations and that only they can readily infiltrate the enemy.
  • 因此必须确定,革命两面政策是深入到敌人(主要是敌占区和伪军伪组织)部的进攻政策,它所包括的范围是很广泛的,包括着革命两面派的建立,两面派的争取,一切可能力量的利用,而其主要目标则是革命两面派的建立与发展,以便依靠他们去团结与组织一切可能的力量,进行对敌斗争,保护人民利益,在敌占区和敌伪组织部积蓄力量,以待时机,配合反攻或反正。
    Therefore, we must make it clear that the dual revolutionary policy is an offensive policy designed to infiltrate the enemy (mainly the enemy-occupied areas and the puppet troops and organizations). This policy involves many aspects of work, such as the fostering of revolutionary double-dealers, the winning over of ordinary double-dealers and the utilization of all forces possible, with the chief aim being to foster and expand our group of revolutionary double-dealers so that we can rely on them to unite and organize all possible forces to struggle against the enemy, safeguard the people's interests, build up our strength in enemy-occupied areas and within the enemy and puppet organizations, and wait for the opportunity to support our counter-attacks or win over the enemy.
  • 兵团作为新疆稳定、边防巩固的重要力量,坚持劳武结合,与军队、武警、人民群众共同在边境地区建立了“军、警(武警)、兵(兵团)、民”四位一体的联防体系,近五十年来在打击和抵御境外分裂势力的破坏和渗透活动,保卫祖国边疆的稳定和安全等方面,发挥了不可替代的特殊作用。
    As an important force for stability in Xinjiang and for consolidating frontier defense, the XPCC adheres to the principle of attaching equal importance to production and militia duties. It has set up in frontier areas a “four-in-one” system of joint defense that links the PLA, the Armed Police, the XPCC and the ordinary people, playing an irreplaceable special role in the past five decades in smashing and resisting internal and external separatists’ attempts at sabotage and infiltration, and in maintaining the stability and safety of the borders of the motherland.
  • 加强国家安全工作,警惕国际国敌对势力的渗透、颠覆和分裂活动。
    We must strengthen state security, keeping vigilance against infiltrative, subversive and separatist activities by hostile forces at home and abroad.
  • 科医生或外科医生的劳动,在被生产者利用时,应看作是社会经济作出的牺牲,用以保护固定在生产性社会成员的生命和体力脑力中的那部分生产资源,使其不因死亡和生病而消失。
    The labour of a physician or surgeon, when made use of by persons engaged in industry, must be regarded in the economy of society as a sacrifice incurred, to preserve from perishing by death or infirmity that portion of the productive resources of society which is fixed in the lives and bodily or mental powers of its productive members.
  • 一种为了减轻深度的炎症而局部的用于治疗轻度炎症的服药。
    a medicine applied locally to produce superficial inflammation in order to reduce deeper inflammation.
  • 对抗刺激剂用导致局部发炎来减轻体较深部位或附近组织的发炎的药剂
    An agent that induces local inflammation to relieve inflammation in underlying or adjacent tissues.
  • acular和torodal是一种只在肌肉部起作用的非固醇抗炎药的商标名。
    Acular and Torodal are trade names for this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is administered only intramuscularly.
  • 经常发生在婴儿肠的急性炎症。
    an acute inflammatory disease occurring in the intestines of premature infants; necrosis of intestinal tissue may follow.
  • 皮肤或膜表面发炎或化脓。
    an inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue.
  • 芽生菌病由芽生菌引起的一种真菌传染病,其特点为皮肤、粘膜或部器官多样的发炎损害
    A fungal infection caused by a blastomycete and characterized by multiple inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs.
  • 各种等级的教授都给学生高分以避免学生给他们不好的评价,因为现在学生的意见在决定教授终身职位和提升时是要被考虑在的。
    Professors at every level inflate to escape negative evaluations by students, whose opinions now figure in tenure and promotion decisions.
  • 引进科技,重用机器,目的不外是要提高工作效率,将服务容条理化,但是在条理化的过程中,会否过于简单化,以致服务容变得机械化。
    Besides, we may have so over-simplified certain procedures that some services have become rigid and inflexible.
  • 在1年或者5年的时间,伊拉克伤害所有自由国家的能力将有数倍的提高。
    In one year, or five years, the power of Iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied many times over.
  • 两个工业同样发展的国家如果互相冲突,则彼此在一星期可以使对方受到的损害,或者经过整个世代还难以恢复。
    Two nations equally well developed in industry could mutually inflict on one another more injury in one week than they would be able to make good in a whole generation.
  • 它就是在落后的国家中,在半殖民地的大国中,在长时期,人民武装队伍为了战胜武装的敌人、创造自己的阵地所必须依靠的因而也是最好的斗争形式。
    It is the indispensable and therefore the best form of struggle for the people's armed forces to employ over a long period in a backward country, a large semi-colonial country, in order to inflict defeats on the armed enemy and build up their own bases.
  • 水的内流;信息流入
    An inflow of water; an inflow of information.
  • 首先,国家对於进入地市场的资金,提出了要有更多高科技技术含量的要求。
    First of all, our country demands a higher technological content from the inflow of capitals.
  • 埃克哈特,约翰尼斯1260?-1327?德国神学家,被认为是德国神秘主义的创始人。他的著作影响很大,容主要是关于个人灵魂与神的统一
    German theologian regarded as the founder of mysticism in Germany. His influential works concern the union of the individual soul with God.
  • 大批儿童涌入本港的情况始于一九九七年一月,因有谣言流传谓永久性居民在地所生子女,可于一九九七年六月三十日后自动在香港特别行政区享有居留权。
    The influx started in January 1997 after rumours that Mainland children born to a permanent resident parent would have automatic right of stay in the HKSAR after June 30, 1997.
  • 一九四八至四九年间,中国爆发战,自国民党政府开始遭共产党挫败之时起,许多人从大陆涌入本港,人数之多,破了历来的纪录。
    In1948-49, as the forces of the Chinese Nationalist Government began to face defeat in civil war at the hands of the communists, Hong Kong received an influx unparalleled in its history.
  • 大量外商投资的进入,对增加国投资需求、推动经济体制改革、进一步扩大对外开放、促进国民经济持续快速健康发展,都起到了重要作用。
    The influx of foreign capital has played an important role in stimulating domestic investment demand, encouraging China to carry on the reform of economic system and open wider to the rest of the world, and promoting the sustained, rapid and healthy development of China's national economy.
  • 一方面考虑到法律上的问题,考虑到人道方面的问题,一方面也要考虑到香港社会承受的能力,在这几方面的大原则之下我们现在经已展开研究,希望在很短的时间和国有关单位会坐下来谈,最后研究出一个比较详细的方案。
    When we consider this issue, we have to take three factors into account:1) The legal implications.2) The humanitarian aspects of the matter.3) Hong Kong's ability to cope with such an influx in terms of education, housing, social welfare and medical facilities.With these principles in mind, we hope that we can sit down shortly with the relevant authorities in the mainland to formulate more detailed ways to tackle the problem.
  • 充满信息的;容充实的
    Full of news; informative.
  • 标题或文件中描述文件容最重要、最有用的词。
    A significant and informative word in a title or document that describes the content of that document.
  • 人民所具备的特质和技能并无改变,区的基建设施也丝毫无损。
    Those qualities, skills and infrastructure remain in the region.
  • 第一,扩大国需求,增加资金投入,加快基础设施建设。
    First, expanding domestic demand, increasing capital input and expediting infrastructure construction.
  • 此外,政府已承诺在五年投资二千三百五十亿元进行基建,增加就业机会。
    In addition, we have earmarked $235 billion on infrastructure projects within five years.