  • 他们一旦发现你是谍,你就会受到监视。
    When they discover you're a spy, you're a marked man.
  • 为了识别不同的公共规范(或者在特定合作者共享的私有规范),规范本身的信息需要是可发现的。
    To accommodate the need to distinctly identify public specifications (or even private specifications shared only with select partners), information about the specifications themselves needs to be discoverable.
  • 有道德的人与君子之的差别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所察觉,后者也会后悔的。
    The difference between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regrets a discreditable act even when it has work.
  • 有道德的人与君子之的差别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所觉察,后者也会后悔。
    The difference between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regrets a discreditable act even when it has worked.
  • 有道德的人与君子之的差别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所察觉,后者也会后悔的。
    The different between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regret a discreditable act even when it have work.
  • 诉论中诉状与证据之的差异
    A discrepancy between two statements or documents in a proceeding.
  • 所说的和所做的之的差异
    A discrepancy between what was promised and what was done.
  • 一种经计算、观察或测量而得到的值或状态同真实的、指定的或理论上正确的值或状态之的差别。
    A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition.
  • 离散时系统的傅里叶分析
    Fourier analysis in discrete time system
  • 离散时非周期序列的傅里叶变换
    Fourier transform of nonperiodic discrete-time sequences
  • 离散时系统的时域分析
    time-domain analysis of the discrete time system
  • 由于每个离散通道是单向的,并且定时令牌方案避免各设备同时交谈,因此不会出现以太网中的碰撞情况。
    Because every discrete path is unidirectional and the Timed Token scheme keeps devices from talking at the same time, collisions don't occur as they do in Ethernet.
  • 断开或接通直流电路或者在具有某些特点的离散值之对载波进行调制而形成信号的过程和方法。如电报传输中使用的就是键控法。
    The forming of signals, such as those employed in telegraph transmission, by the interruption of a direct current or modulation of a carrier between discrete values of some characteristics.
  • 开会时将由班长自行决定。
    The hours of the meetings will be fixed at the monitor's discretion.
  • 国家所创造的财富一旦可使其国民衣食住无忧之后,就能使国家获得福祉与富足,就能使其有可自由支配的时,就能为文化的发展提供基础,有时保护环境,讨论安全和政治以及全球息息相关的事情:生活质量。
    And this creation of wealth once the nation has accommodated for food,clothing and shelter in access for its people populous.Then the creation of wealth allows its well? being and material well? being.It allows for a discretionary time.It allows for the development of culture and for time spent on environmental protections,on security,on politics and on the things we tie into the world---quality of life.
  • 识别看出或指出事物的差别;识别
    To perceive or show the difference in or between; discriminate.
  •  在美国政府继续采取对中国歧视性出口管制政策的同时,其它工业发达国家政府相继取消歧视性政策,而且向中国提供资本品进口的政府金融支持,从而促进了对中国的出口。
    While the US Government maintains such discriminatory export control policies towards China, other industrialized countries have, one by one, cancelled their discriminatory policies and have even provided China with governmental financial support for its import of capital goods.
  • --各国应在经济领域加强互利合作,相互开放,消除经贸交往中的不平等现象和歧视政策,逐步缩小国家之的发展差距,谋求共同繁荣。
    -- In the economic field, all countries should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, open up to each other, eliminate inequalities and discriminatory policies in economic and trade relations, gradually reduce the development gaps between countries and seek common prosperity.
  • 他们讨论如何促进两国的合作。
    They discus how to promote cooperation between the two countries.
  • 他们开始了长时的讨论。
    They entered into a long discussion.
  • 这房间空吗?
    Is this room disengaged?
  • 这间房子是空着的。
    This room is disengaged.
  • 白金汉英王宠臣和政治家。其军事和政治策略导致他和议会之的长期摩擦,后被一名心情恶劣的海军军官暗杀
    English courtier and statesman whose military and political policies caused continual friction with Parliament. He was assassinated by a disgruntled naval officer.
  • 工厂用虚假的财务报告书企图掩盖其经营失败。
    The factory tries to disguise its failure in false statements.
  • 转眼火箭弹就追上了目标并像手榴弹一样炸开,弹片向四面八方飞出达30米,因此不管目标如何躲闪都无济于事。
    The chase is a short one. The projectile explodes like a hand grenade, spreading shrapnel 30 meters in every direction. Even a last- second dodge would have been useless.
  • 必须在死和羞辱之作一抉择。
    The choice lies between death and dishonor.
  • 他不得不在死亡和屈辱之做出选择。
    He had to choose between death and dishonor.
  • 我终于能够解除这么长时以来心中怀有的恐惧了。
    At last I am able to dismiss the fear I have harbor for so long.
  • 下午和晚上游迪斯尼需十八元,夜需十四元,而在迪斯尼上整天则需十八元。
    18 dollars for Disneyland-afternoon and evening, 14 dollars for Disneyland by-night and 18 dollars for all-day Disneyland.
  • 们只来得及去斯尼乐园和宇宙影城,因为我们只有一天半的时
    I'm afraid we have time only for Disneyland and the Universal Studios, as we only have one and half days.
  • 在该院工作期,她因不安心工作,不听从工作安排,多次受到领导批评。
    During her time there she was criticized a great deal by her leaders for not setting her mind to her work and for disobedience regarding her work arrangement.
  • 那个不听话的小子被赶出房
    The disobedient boy was ordered out of the room.