  • 世纪英国诗歌选集
    selections from 18th-century English poetry 18
  • 如果你买房时花了22000镑,卖时只卖20000镑,那么你就赔钱了。
    If you buy a house for22000 and sell it for20000 you are selling at a loss.
  • 雄们给我们树立了崇高的榜样。
    The heroes set us a noble example.
  • 我的英语不太流利。
    My English is rather shaky.
  • "她在信中说,她将于明年到国来。"
    "In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year."
  • 一九七一年国把镑、先令、便士改为新的十进位币制。
    In1971 Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pence to the new decimal money system.
  • 五先令先前在国使用且面值为五先令的银币
    A silver coin formerly used in Great Britain and worth five shillings.
  • 便士一种面值同一先令的!/12或一磅的!/240的国旧硬币
    A coin formerly used in Great Britain, worth!/12 of a shilling or!/240 of a pound.
  • 1971年前,二十先令等于一镑。
    Twenty shillings were equal to one pound before 1971.
  • 她把衬衫截短了一寸。
    She shortened the shirt by an inch.
  • 这大约10英镑.
    It should cost roughly 10.
  • 他们纷纷向那雄致敬。
    They showered honors upon the hero.
  • 甘地,穆罕达斯・卡拉姆昌德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀
    Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
  • 这个故事里的语被简写了,可更容易理解。
    The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier to understand.
  • 我的弟弟身高六尺。
    My brother is a six-footer.
  • 12点活字打印机铅字大小的单位,相当于12点或大约!/6
    A printer's unit of type size, equal to12 points or about!/6 of an inch.
  • 这个学生学语很笨。
    This student is slow in learning English.
  • 特尔公司甚至长途跋涉为它的芯片生产厂广招工人。
    And Intel travels far and wide to snatch up workers for its chip-making plants;
  • 她把握一切机会练习语口语。
    She snatch at every chance to practice her oral English.
  • 现在,每当我遇到令人心烦的或艰难漫长的道路时,我就会在脑中将它分段,将它分为4里的小段路。
    Now when the road is snarled or long and hard,I break it into pieces in my soul.I divide it into four-mile stretches.
  • 50镑的奖金可不是个小数.
    A prize of 50 is not to be sneezed at.
  • 有人向我提供一份工作,这样一年我可多得1,000镑,在目前这是不可错过的。
    I have an offer of a job that pays another thousand pounds a year, and that's not to be sneezed at these days.
  • 蚊子能从40里之外嗅出合其口味的就餐目标。
    Mosquitoes can sniff out an attractive human dinner target from as far as 40 miles.
  • 这些打字机是50镑一台的便宜货。
    These typewriters are a snip at 50.
  • 一颗狙击手的子弹打烂了他头顶上方两寸地方的墙头。
    A sniper's bullet tear up a wall two inch above his head.
  • 离"犹他海岸"(其真名为拉维维尔海滩)5里的内陆小镇圣母教堂,因为"进攻日"那天美国伞兵部队在此着陆,并且在教堂塔楼里与德国狙击手展开了勇战斗,从此一举成名。
    Five miles inland from “ Utah Beach” ,whose real name is Ravernville- plage,Sainte- Mere- Eglise soared to instant fame when on D- Day American paratroopers landed here and fought a daring battle against German snipers inside the church tower.
  • 不幸的是,我的一些受文教育的朋友却因此而变得自以为是,虽然还不至于达到极端的程度。
    Sadly, because of this, many of my peers who are English-educated have become snobs, although not outright ones. Being English-educated has almost become a status.
  • 如今"snobbery"在语中已不象50年前那么普遍使用。
    Snobbery is not so common in English today as it was said fifty years ago.
  • 创办了《西藏研究》、《西藏佛教》、《西藏社会发展研究》、《西藏艺术研究》、《雪域文化》、《中国藏学》、《中国西藏》等近30种藏、汉、文刊物。
    They have also launched nearly 30 journals in the Tibetan, Chinese or English languages, including Tibet Research, Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Social Development Study, Tibetan Art Study, Snowy Land Culture, China's Tibetan Studies, and China's Tibet.
  • 创办了《西藏研究》、《西藏佛教》、《西藏社会发展研究》、《西藏艺术研究》、《雪域文化》、《中国藏学》、《中国西藏》等近30种藏、汉、文刊物。
    They have also launched nearly 30 journals in the Tibetan, Chinese or English languages, including "Tibet Research", "Tibetan Buddhism", "Tibetan Social Development Study", "Tibetan Art Study", "Snowy Land Culture", "China's Tibetan Studies", " China's Tibet" and so on .
  • 几年前,一家玩具厂制造出了一种叫作“超级酒鬼”的水枪,其射出的水柱力量之强可达50尺。
    Some years ago a toy company manufactured a wa-ter gun called the Super Soaker which shoots a power-ful stream of water for 50 feet.
  • 格兰中部一工业城市,位于莱斯特郡绍尔河畔;该城建立在罗马人居住地的遗址之上。
    an industrial city on the River Soar in Leicestershire in central England; built on the site of a Roman settlement.