  • 一本正经的态度,是肉体为了掩饰精神上的缺陷而作出的一手招。
    Solemnity is a trick of the body to hide the faults of the mind.
  • 一本正经的态度,是肉体为了掩饰精神上的缺陷而做出的一手招。
    Solemnity is a trick of the body to hide the fault of the mind.
  • 星期六上午我父亲郑重其事地给每个孩子发零钱.
    On Saturday morning my father solemnly dispensed pocket money to each of the children.
  • 一枝黄许多主要产于北美的一枝黄属植物,簇生成头状序的小黄,在夏末和秋季开
    Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genus Solidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall.
  • 热带美国的一个附生兰属,有单独的厚叶,艳丽的白色至绿色夜间开放的独生朵或总状序。
    any of various tropical American orchids with usually solitary fleshy leaves and showy white to green nocturnally fragrant blossoms solitary or in racemes of up to 7.
  • 热带美洲的一种普遍的克鲁西亚木,具有单生的白色或玫瑰色
    a common tropical American clusia having solitary white or rose flowers.
  • 并开始不断在各种青少年琵琶比赛中获奖,同时也参加过许多与各种文艺团体合作的演出活动,被喻为是“在鲜和掌声中长大的”。
    Liu Fang began studying the pipa at the age of six and gave her first public performance as a pipa soloist when she was nine.
  • 即使在极盛时期,所罗门王也没有像这些中的任何一朵那样装饰自己。
    Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
  • 你得想法减少点费。
    You have to pull in your spending somehow.
  • 他在园里某个地方。
    He's somewhere in the garden.
  • 那要花去大概50美元。
    It'll cost somewhere round about $50.
  • 因为,如今开发一种全新的、技术先进的小汽车要费几十亿美金。
    Today, the development of a totally new, and technically sophisticated, car costs several billion dollars.
  • 随便翻开一本家居杂志,看看他们是如何用营造出精致而不俗的外观。
    Open up any home magazine to see how flowers are used to achieve a sophisticated look.
  • 专攻腔声乐的女高音。
    a soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music.
  • 腔女高音歌手歌手,尤指擅长腔的女高音
    A singer, especially a soprano, specializing in such trills and runs.
  • 高粱,蜀黍一种高粱,有坚硬、直立、多分支的簇(两色蜀黍蜀黍属),其茎被用来做扫帚
    A variety of sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) having a stiff, erect, much-branched flower cluster, the stalks of which are used to make brooms.
  • 了整整一个下午整理邮票。
    She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps.
  • 他玩弄各种花招。
    He gets up to all sorts of tricks.
  • “我似乎记得上周你了20英镑买了一个手提包。”“是啊,起码我有个东西在这儿呀。”
    "I seem to remember you spending twenty pounds on a handbag last week." "Well, at least, I've sot something to show for it."
  • 美国东南部多年生蓝紫菀。
    perennial of southeastern United States having usually blue flowers.
  • 一种攀援性、非观赏性兰,其蒴果有伸长的荚、产出香果兰豆;产于佛罗里达州和热带美洲的一种广泛栽培的植物。
    climbing non-ornamental orchid bearing a podlike fruit yielding vanilla beans; widely cultivated from Florida southward throughout tropical America.
  • 最后假设一下,如果有人对某城进行为期三天的参观访问,他只是尽本份似的~口气走马观地看完了5座教堂、4个博物馆和一排卖纪念品的商店,倘若你心情不好,你可能会问,这样一位疲乏不堪的游客从与商人的碰面中能获得什么好处,可以增进什么了解呢?
    Finally, if you are in a bad mood, you may wonder what good, what understanding could come from the meeting of an exhausted tourist with the merchants of a city that he is visiting in three days, running dutifully through five churches, four museums, and a row of souvenir shops.
  • 有意栽不发,无心插柳柳成荫。
    In the garden more grow than the gardener sow.
  • 如果我们现在播下种子,到时候会开的。
    If we sow the seed now, in due course we will have the flower.
  • 粗瓷碗雕不出细来。
    You (or One) cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
  • 三分之二的船员上了岸,他们大量钱,饮酒作乐。
    Two thirds of the crew went on shore leave. They spent too much money, painted the sown red.
  • 适应市场需求变化,全年粮食种植面积10399万公顷,棉种植面积418万公顷,分别比上年减少209万公顷和63万公顷;
    To meet t changing market, the sown areas of grain was 103.99 million hectares, a decrease of 2.09 million hectares as compared with that in the previous year, and the sown areas of cotton was 4.18 million hectares, a decrease of 630,000 hectares.
  • 它散布了许多种子在十一个省内,发芽、长叶、开、结果,将来是会有收获的。
    In the eleven provinces it has sown many seeds which will sprout, leaf, blossom, and bear fruit, and will yield a harvest in the future.
  • 碳链的分子均有多个二价或三价键的不饱和脂肪酸,主要存在于鱼、谷物、大豆油和红油中。
    an unsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain has more than one double or triple valence bond per molecule; found chiefly in fish and corn and soybean oil and safflower oil.
  • 星期天我们要把园平整一下。
    Well spade up our garde on Sunday.
  • 热带亚洲一个草本属,类似于芋属但以大而不结果的肉穗序而与之相区别。
    tropical Asiatic herbs similar to Colocasia but distinguished by a large sterile spadix.
  • 生于美国东南部的一种水生植物,具有蓝绿色的叶子和一个带有黄色小的、球棒形的佛焰序。
    aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and and a club-like spadix covered with tiny yellow flowers.