  • 除非奇迹出现,要不我在1月份便无家可归,没有食物,也没有工作。
    Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.
  • 黄川称,已在中国找到政府合作伙伴,在北京开设办事处,开始进军中国市场。
    Huang said his company has already found a Chinese government agency as its partner. It is opening an office in Beijing for a foray into the China market.
  • 如果偿还额与借出额相等,那他的处境还同原先一样,并没有因为推迟节省的食物用于自身的利益或享乐,而得到任何好处。他力求自己的节制能得到某种补偿。
    if he receives merely that, he is only in the same situation as at first, and has derived no advantage from delaying to apply his savings to his own benefit or pleasure. He will look for some equivalent for this forbearance: he will expect his advance of food to come back to him with an increase, called in the language of business, a profit;
  • 这必有力地促进少数民族地区的经济、社会发展和少数民族平等权利的充分实现。
    This will forcefully promote economic and social development in these regions, and the full realization of the equal rights of ethnic minorities.
  • 我们相信,要举办的第三届“国际周”必有力地发挥北京作为全国高新技术产业国际交流与成果转化集散中心的优势,带动全国高新技术产业的发展。
    We believe the upcoming third high tech week will, for sure, forcefully give play to Beijing's advantages as the international exchange center and achievements transformation collecting and distributing center of the whole country, play a driving role and take the lead in the development of China's high-tech industries.
  • 他是个有力的演说者,能轻易地意念传达给听众。
    He is a forcible speaker who can easily get his idea across to the audience.
  • 用通过施压金属熔化铸成的模子而铸造成形。
    formed by forcing molten metal into a die.
  • (指玻璃)施压空气注入熔化的球体内而形成。
    (of glass) formed by forcing air into a molten ball.
  • 涡轮风扇喷气发动机一种涡轮喷气发动机带有一个风扇,通过空气直接压入热的涡轮排气管而补充总推力
    A turbojet engine in which a fan supplements the total thrust by forcing air directly into the hot turbine exhaust.
  • 人造丝,人造纤维一种人造纺织纤维,原制纤维胶体强行穿过喷丝头,使生产出来的细丝得到加固
    Any of several synthetic textile fibers produced by forcing a cellulose solution through fine spinnerets and solidifying the resulting filaments.
  • 请喝咖啡,福特军。
    Have some coffee, please, general ford.
  • 劳工问题必成为下届会议的热门话题。
    The labour question must come to the fore next session.
  • 船长下令红旗升上前桅。
    The captain of the ship ordered the red flag hoisted at the fore.
  • 总统最近的一次讲话预示着形势有所变化。
    The recent statement of the president forecast a change in the situation.
  • 日本政府周二表示,遭到罢黜的秘鲁前总统藤森具有日本国籍,而这个身分让他得以继续留在日本这块祖先的土地上,同时也可能让他不必回秘鲁接受调查人员的侦讯。
    Japan said on Tuesday that Peru's disgraced ex-president Alberto Fujimori has Japanese nationality, a status that allows him to stay in the land of his forefathers and probably avoid facing investigators in Peru.
  • 共产党决不赞助任何掠夺战争。共产党对于一切正义的非掠夺的谋解放的战争,则挺身出而赞助,并站在斗争的最前线。
    Communists will in no circumstances support any predatory war: They will, however, bravely step forward to support every just and non-predatory war for liberation, and they will stand in the forefront of the struggle.
  • 一、入世后,随着传媒业的逐渐开放和对外文化交流增多,西方的思想、价值观念更为中国人所熟知,西方的竞争精神和自由理念逐渐为中国人特别是处于开放前沿的知识分子、企业界人士和青年学生所推崇。
    Firstly, as China's media industry opens up and with greater cultural interactions with the West, Chinese will become more familiar with Western ideas and values. Western emphasis on competition and freedom will be extolled, particularly by Chinese intellectuals, entrepreneurs and young students, who are at the forefront of change.
  • 实验室误差最小化需要一个质量控制程序,如那些已经在法医实验室主动就位的程序。
    Minimizing laboratory errors requires a quality control program such as the ones which already are in place on a voluntary basis in the forensic laboratories.
  • 幸运的是,在dna个案中,因为误差导致误判还没有被发现,虽然不可避免的在来的某一天会出现。
    Fortunately, an error resulting in a miscarriage of justice has yet to be demonstrated in forensic DNA casework, although it is perhaps inevitable that it will occur someday.
  • 预言者指明或预示即发生的事的人;先驱
    One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; a forerunner.
  • 预言家预见了该地有严重饥荒。
    The prophet foresaw a severe famine in the land.
  • 谁也无法预见到来会发生什么事。
    No one can foresee what will happen in the future.
  • 我们可以预见这次战争的结果,不是资本主义的获救,而是它的走向崩溃。
    This war, we can foresee, will not save capitalism, but will hasten its collapse.
  • 科学家们预言克隆猪产生的器官不被人体所排斥。
    Scientists foresee the cloning of pigs that will produce organs that will not be rejected by humans.
  • 我们可以预见到在21世纪,亚裔科学家在世界的科技发展中扮演着更举足轻重的角色。
    We can foresee that in the 21st century, Asian scientists will play a pivotal role in the development of science and technology.
  • 我们可以预见到在21世纪,亚裔科学家在世界的科技发展中扮演着更举足轻重的角色。
    We can foresee that in the 21st century, Asian scientists will play a pivotal role in the world development of science and technology.
  • 当老板把任务指派给我时,他一定想不到我会动脑筋考虑吃饭这样的琐事,我的意思是,男性通常精力集中在手头的任务上。
    When my boss gave me the assignment, I'm sure he didn't foresee me exercising my brain cells over something as trivial as food. I mean, if it were a man, his mind would have been focused, strictly, on the task at hand.
  • 今天,党中央这样关注科学和教育事业,这样着力于培养选拔人才,我们可以预见,一个人才辈出、群星灿烂的新时代必很快到来。
    Today the Central Committee is paying close attention to science and education and laying heavy stress on the training and selection of talented people. We can foresee that a new era will soon open, in which talented people will come to the fore in great numbers like a galaxy of brilliant stars.
  • 在可预见的来,这些问题同样并无好转可能。
    These are problems that cannot be resolved in the foreseeable future.
  • 在可见的来,我预期中小学新入职的教师应全部具有大学学位和师资训练。
    In the foreseeable future, I expect all new teachers for primary and secondary schools to have university degrees and professional training in education.
  • 在可预见的来不能终止的战争,已经至少波及了该国140个行政区中的115个。战争没有前钱,就像海洋中的浪潮在全国时起时落。
    War with no foreseeable end has affected at least 115 of the country's 140 or so districts. It has no front line but ebbs and flows through the countryside like an ocean's tide.
  • 在可见的来,中、小学新入职教师应全部具有大学学位和师资训练,以及尽快实现所有小学全日制及取消中学浮动班;
    In the foreseeable future, new teachers for primary and secondary schools should all have a university degree and teacher's training. We will extend full-day schooling to all primary schools and abolish floating classes in secondary schools as soon as possible.