  •  第五十七条国务院专利行政部门对专利公告、专利文件中现的错误,一经发现,应当及时更正,并对所作更正予以公告。
    Rule 57 The Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall correct promptly the mistakes in the patent announcements and documents issued by it once they are discovered, and the corrections shall be announced.
  • 邻国土地突然“搞搞震”几下,我们免不了心绪不宁,得劳驾当局面压惊,连续几天“月朦朦鸟朦朦”,大家就看电视听广播,留意空气污染指数,差点足不户,人家国内风吹草动,咱们的海岸卫队便有得忙,其脆弱性和敏感度是可想而知的。
    When an earthquake hit our neighbour recently, we felt the shock of tremors and looked to our government for assurance that things were OK. A few days of hazy skies darkened by forest fires beyond the borders would keep us almost home-confined, attentive to radio or TV announcements of the air pollution situation. And the mere sign of trouble across the sea would put our Coastal Guard on full alert. Understandably, Singapore is sensitive because it is vulnerable.
  • 报幕员出来了。
    Here comes the announcer.
  • 毕业后,里根成为一名电台体育播音员,1937年的一次试镜使他在好莱坞赢得了一份演合同。
    Upon graduation, he became a radio sports announcer. A screen test in l937 won him a contract in Hollywood.
  • 从他的脸上可以看他有烦恼。
    His annoyance showed itself in his face.
  • 刀子露一幅恼怒的神态。
    Her annoyance, showed itself in her looks.
  • 他的表情中露了不高兴的样子。
    His annoyance showed itself in his looks.
  • 欠考虑或恼人的事情的人。
    a person who does something thoughtless or annoying.
  • 忸怩因不高兴而不愿作承诺的
    Annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment.
  • 岩石从雪中突出来。
    Rocks protruded from the snow.
  • 克利俄女神奖每年授予在广播及电视广告中作成绩的人的小雕像
    A statuette awarded annually for outstanding achievement in radio and television advertising.
  • 该协会每年版其会员名单。
    The society publish its list of member annually.
  • 狮子(座)流星,十一月流星在每年十一月中旬,重复现的流星雨中的一颗流星
    One of the falling stars of the meteor shower recurring annually in mid-November.
  • 她们制作的刺绣工艺品每年可口创汇约250万美元。
    The embroidery articles they make are exported and can earn US$2.5 million annually.
  • 每年从大专学校、中等专业学校毕业来的至少有二十万。
    At least 200,000 people graduate from universities and colleges and secondary vocational schools annually.
  • 她们制作的刺绣工艺品每年可口创汇约250万美元。
    The embroidery articles they make are exported and can earn for the country US$2.5 million annually.
  • 艾美奖美国电视艺术和科学学会每年颁发给在电视节目上有突成就者的小雕像
    A statuette awarded annually by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in television.
  • 彼得每年给其妻200镑年金,此款自其地产之收益。
    Peter gave to his wife an annuity of??200 a year, to be issuing out of his lands.
  • 定期、分期付的年金,每次所付款项大约相等。
    an annuity paid in a series of more or less equal payments at the beginning of equally spaced periods.
  • 定期付的每次款项大约相等的年金。
    an annuity paid in a series of more or less equal payments at the end of equally spaced periods.
  • 彼得每年给其妻200镑年金,此款自其地产之收益。
    Peter gave to his wife an annuity of £200 a year, to be issuing out of his lands.
  • 1982年6月4日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国进口动植物检疫条例》同时废止。
    The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Import and Export Animal and Plant Quarantine promulgated by the State Council on June 4, 1982 shall be annulled simultaneously.
  • 依据香港特区政府经济顾问的分析,随着内地加入世贸组织,香港与内地相关的口由现在至二零一零年累计会增加15%(平均每年增长1.3个百分点),而本地生产总值于同期则会增加5.5%(平均每年0.5个百分点)。
    An analysis by the HKSAR's Government Economist shows that the Mainland's WTO membership will bring about an estimated increase of 15 per cent in Hong Kong's exports involving the Mainland by 2010 (averaging 1.3 per cent per annum); and an increase of 5.5 per cent in GDP during the same period (averaging 0.5 per cent per annum).
  • 房顶至今尚完好,但是这儿教士的收入每年只有二十镑,外带一所有两间屋的屋子,而且眼看恐怕就要决定只给一间了,所以没有一个教士愿意担当牧羊人的责任,特别是传说他的“羊群”宁可饿死他,也不愿从他们自己腰包里多掏一分钱来养活他。
    The roof has been kept whole hitherto; but as the clergyman's stipend is only twenty pounds per annum, and a house with two rooms, threatening speedily to determine into one, no clergyman will undertake the duties of pastor: especially as it is currently reported that his flock would rather let him starve than increase the living by one penny from their own pockets.
  • 阴极射一束电子通过高压正极的真空管。
    a vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen.
  • 凭我个人的经验来看,这束金光是不同寻常的,它应该是一个真正的ufo或者是一艘外星飞船发的光束。
    "From my experience it sounds like something very anomalous, a true UFO or even an extraterrestrial craft.
  • 49年前,加拿大电影人巴里·史蒂文斯通过人工授精在伦敦生。他认为,即使因为取消匿名制度使捐精者减少,也不应该为了让精子库更充足而牺牲人工授精后代的合法权利。
    Canadian filmmaker Barry Stevens, conceived through DI in London 49 years ago, argues that even if sperm donations drop when anonymity disappears, why should DI offspring sacrifice their rights so sperm banks can be full?
  • 但是,生育业已经发警告:结束匿名将使精子、卵子和胚胎供应不足。这对于不孕妇女和患不育症的男子是可怕的前景。
    The fertility industry is already issuing dark warnings that an end to anonymity will create a shortage of sperm, eggs and embryos, a terrifying prospect for the women having trouble conceiving, and the men who have difficulty fathering a child.
  • 突然说出答案
    Jerked out the answer.
  • 答:我们已经提抗议。
    Answer: We have protested.
  • 我作的任何决定都向政府负责。
    I am answerable to the government for any decision I make.
  • 但是到了1997年8月24日,他在尿样检验时再次查含阳性。
    But on August 24th 1997 he was found positive to an ant doping control.